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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I'm sorry there hasn't been the interest you'd anticipated. I hope that changes this week. I went over about 30min. before our open house to get some stuff done on our pool. A realtor showed up to look at the house and before I left an older couple arrived with a realtor. I'm not sure why a 60+yr old couple would want a house with 5 bedrooms, an in-law suite, a pool, and 1.4 acres... but maybe they were out looking for the kids. I was a bit weepy going back home. I so want another family for this house and I'm still having trouble shaking the feeling that this was all a big mistake on my part.
  2. Thank you for thinking of us. Either greeting is fine and appreciated. Christ is Risen!
  3. Tomorrow is Eastern Orthodox Pascha. We begin celebrations tonight and go into the early morning hours. Tomorrow, I'm hosting a small Pascha Pot luck and I'm not going to be up for cooking an elaborate dish. However, I do want to have a nice beef dish to feed people. For the past 6 years I've made Stifado much like this recipe but a couple of my kids don't really like it so I'm looking for an easy but yummy recipe using beef.... (and if it includes bacon - all the better :D)
  4. Our house went on the market last night and we have a showing today. Here's hoping things go quickly.
  5. Totally agree with the bolded statement and one of the main reasons I stayed out of the hospital for my births.... I'm sorry the birth of your baby was surrounded by such frustration, but still - congratulations!! At least that is behind you now and you can enjoy your new little nursling.
  6. just seeing this. :grouphug: I can't imagine how hard this must be.
  7. I nursed through one pregnancy and tandem nursed for the first month or so. The next one I just nursed a few months into the pregnancy. I don't know that I have any pointers though - except it can be done. My son was 10mo. old so I did begin to introduce simple foods. That was because I get hyperemisis with my pregnancies so I knew he wasn't getting as much from me as he would have had I not been pregnant. The only other thing I can comment on is that nursing while in labor is not fun. :001_smile:
  8. oh no! I hope another offer comes soon. I spend so much time over at the other house getting it ready - CLEANING that the house I'm living in is looking rather sad. It's hard to keep two houses going.
  9. I had hyperemisis with all of mine and for the entire pregnancy with my oldest. It is very okay to have your homeschooler do book work and, if you're up for it, you can read to them. It will be okay.
  10. Lately I seem to be enjoying audio books more than the read ones. I'm not sure why that is. Of course, having a great narrator helps. I'm in the middle of "The Book Thief" audio with Alan Corduner narrating. He's one of my favorite British character actors anyway and is doing a superb job with the book.
  11. I read The Hammer of God about 10 years ago. It was a great book and I think of it often.
  12. :iagree: praying he is found safe and sound (and soon!).
  13. That is just crazy. I don't understand how someone can get that sucked in. And who'd want to relive their high school days? blech. I deleted my account about 18months ago too and dont' miss it much. I agree with the others who said this board is much more interesting and informative than FB.
  14. What a bad break for you. Prayers that they find the original owners. I agree... getting a house ready with a lot of people living in it will be very hard. I hope this comes together for you very soon.
  15. Wow- that is incredible...congratulations. I'm glad the inspection went well and I hope your moving on the price of the old house will spark extra interest.
  16. Have you thought about going back to the doctors and checking to see if she is depressed? Depression can be expressed in a multitude of ways, one of which is anger. Also, if she's dealing with learning issues or behavioral issues (like ADD) the mounting frustration during the day may very well be taken out on the family -where she feels it's safe to lash out. KWIM?? That said (and realizing that your dd is adopted and probably has issues surrounding that) it sounds like a normal teenage girl. Teenagers are extremely egocentric...and I have one that is particularly difficult to live with too. I honestly think that part of it is nature's way of preparing us moms for the day they leave the nest. I can tell you I'm going to be WAY less weepy when she goes off to college than I was with my boys. She's already been away to college and come back home. I think part of her crabbiness is my daughter's frustration with her school options. Okay, I'm not trying to tell you to put up with it because it's normal... she certainly needs to learn to behave properly and to treat others with respect. Probably one thing I might try doing is taking her out to lunch or dinner - just the two of you. Tell her that you've noticed she's very angry a lot lately and lashing out. Ask her if there's something that is really frustrating her outside of the home? Try to walk along side of her to get to the bottom of whatever the issue may be. And, I would explain to her calmly that her bahavior is unacceptable in the house, etc. etc.
  17. I've never understood that mindset, myself. It's only a word. But, anyway - don't want to hijack your lovely thread and begin a debate. I'm very happy for you that you've found a church home to celebrate Christ's glorious Resurrection. :grouphug:
  18. I'm new to the boards... but just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss. May your sister rest in peace.
  19. In my state the contract is written pretty loosely. We could have backed out of the contract (and lost our good-faith money too) for any reason we stated. At least that is what our realtor told us at the time.
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