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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Our house is 20yrs old. The previous owner had cats - although my dd with asthma doesn't seem to be reacting. I had the new carpets prof. cleaned before we moved in in Jan. However, Angie's List is offering a good discount on air duct cleaning and I'm wondering if I should take advantage of it. I've heard mixed opinions about the effectiveness of air duct cleaning. What says the hive?
  2. I agree with you. The example he is giving is that he will do what it takes to provide a home and food for his children. It's not always an either/or situation. Does what someone love doing mean they must give up a secure job right away... is it an all or nothing option? Does it have to be forever??? Can't it just be for a season while the person properly prepares for such things? I just finished reading a book along these lines. The author was doing a job - although I dont' think he said he hated it, but he didn't like it. He was in debt (50K) and ended up living with wife and 4 kids in his parents basement in order realize his dream of being a writer. Seriously???!! I just couldn't respect the author because, to me, it looked terribly selfish. It's one thing if he were on his own - or just he and his wife - but 4 kids... in his parents basement AND 50K in debt and he wasn't going to do all he could to provide for his family???? The book was a lot of him sitting around belly-button gazing wondering how much faith he had in God or taking this "leap of faith"? UGH, that just irritated me more. :glare: I think he could have had a boring day job and then taken other times to write. Plenty of authors do it that way. Anyway, he did end up making a living (after a while), but it's not like he's Steven King or JK Rowlings.
  3. The movie was good, but I loved the book and the others after it. Thanks for the link - that is SO cool.
  4. I hear ya. I had to do a similar thing for my old MM a few years ago.
  5. Have you tried online or at Ebay? One idea is to see sellers on eBay who sell your mill as a business and see if they also can get parts. I am not familiar with that mill but perhaps Marilyn Moll (Urbanhomemaker) sells parts. She's sells lots of bread making supplies.
  6. I've had a Magic Mill III and a Whisper Mill. both were quite good, but I liked the Whisper Mill more. It wasn't exactly a "whisper" but still, much quieter. I don't know if they still make either of these models. I need to do some research because I'm planning to sell the WM (already sold the MM).
  7. I just remembered that you're just south of me (or at least you were). If you don't mind a bit of a drive up to Mont. Co. here's the link to the model home store where we bought our King mattress http://www.modelhomeclearance.com/index.cfm?intro=done
  8. We bought a mattress for one daughter at Ikea. She is a teenager and I wouldn't be comfortable with that mattress. I probably won't ever buy a mattress from Ikea again. We bought 3 XL Twin (seriously consider getting this if you have teens or almost teens) through Sleepys. We've been happy with those. My dd said it was very comfortable. They were all very tired of sleeping on a bed that was too short and 2 of them had been at college where they had Xlongs. I've occasionally slept in the college boys room when hubby's snoring is too bad and the bed was comfortable. http://www.sleepys.com/en/Sealy-Posturepedic-Mohican-Firm_41793/?bct=ordersummary&summaryOnly=true It was on sale when we bought it. When we moved we upgraded to a King for ourselves and bought a memory foam top mattress. I LOVE that my husband's constant tossing and turning doesn't disturb me anymore (is there any way to get this to work on his snoring ??;)). It is pretty comfortable. But, it does have a well on each side of the bed where we sleep and a hill between us. We bought from a local Model Home re-sale store that sold mattresses too (unused). We were told these were mattresses that are normally sold to hotels and I don't remember the brand- but it was much cheaper than going to a traditional store. HTH
  9. I remember that my husband gave them both a lesson, but I don't know if he stuck around to witness the whole affair.
  10. Thanks. I'm going to start working on it tomorrow. If I have no luck in a year I might call up the pros. And, thanks everyone for the tips and advice. Boy! I'm glad I don't live in scorpion or black-widow territory.
  11. I'm so glad you said this or I may have been tempted to go by our pool store (old house had a pool) and bought it there. Anyway, I really appreciate yours and Kwickimom's advice. Our basement is finished but it is on the dark side of the house...but being the basement the main area doesn't get vacuumed as often as it should (dd has a bedroom down there that she keeps clean). Now that it's May, I wonder if its too late to do the spring spray. I guess it can't hurt.
  12. our new house has a lot of spiders, especially in the basement, but I've found them in the main floor too. I'd like to know how to effectively keep them out of the house. The old house used to have a yearly infestation of mice - those I know how to deal with, but I'm clueless about spiders. :confused::confused: help!
  13. :grouphug: I think there's something in the genes that just changes and they do become very obnoxious. Perhaps it's nature's way of helping mom to let go a little. But, it's still HARD. :grouphug: :grouphug: This time around it is my 21yr old daughter. Fortunately, she has a summer job... so it should be easier... but this spring was really difficult.
  14. I forgot about Project Runway. We liked that show too, although this last season was a disappointment. We liked watching the creative minds working and not all the drama. Ugh. I'm not sure we'll keep going.
  15. In some ways it is and we like that show too. Also we enjoy: Auction Hunters Auction Kings Deadliest Catch I used to enjoy Hoarders but it just got so depressing. I don't watch it anymore. But, it is a great motivator when you're decluttering :D
  16. The movie broke down the cost during the segment with the truck driver. Prices of course vary by location. I remember the per month for organic was about $240 and the regular veggies in the grocery were cheaper - have no idea how much cheaper. But, that was when he was on the juice fast and eating nothing else. Kale and carrots are not that expensive. I've noticed that apples are pretty pricey in my area these days.
  17. When I juiced faithfully I did so for breakfast. At first I was STARVING but eventually I would be satisfied until lunch (or after). The thing is, the other meals were just like normal - lots of bread, processed foods, carbs, ice cream. I still lost about 10 lbs, but my health wasn't much improved. LCing made opened my eyes to some of my long-term health issues that were directely related to eating. That's why I'd like to marry the two philosophies together and see how it helps me. I never liked kale (or cucumbers) in my juice either - yuck.
  18. I'm not sure I'm following the whole pagan/secular/ public school idea either. :confused: Honestly, if my kids were in public school I'd rather them not teach religion. As a Christian I'm glad there's no longer prayer in schools... because whose prayers would we pray? I'd rather teach that to my children myself. And I think the idea that picking out a problem school or two (or three) and anecdotal evidence easily proves that ALL schools across the US are evil and trying to indoctrinate our children against Christianity is a bit of a stretch. I'm not saying it doesn't happen... but what about the wacky homeschool families (ie Pearls)? What kind of indoctrination is going on there??!! I know plenty of homeschooled families where kids have completely fallen off the cliff. Does that mean that ALL homeschooling is bad or that all homeschool parents are religious nuts? I think not.
  19. resurrecting this old thread and wondering how everyone is doing in the past 3-4 weeks? I used to own an Omega 1000 juiced faithfully. Then I got out of the habit got preggy with #6 and gained a lot of weight. After he was born I started doing low carb and lost all the weight and my health improved. However, now that I'm Eastern Orthodox the fasting suggestions are not compatible with LCing. And we fast a lot! LOL. Hubby and I watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" last night. While I agree with much of what they say about whole foods, I just can't put eggs, cheese and protein into the same camp as sugars and processed flours. We weren't too impressed with Dr. Furhman (sp??). But, the life stories were very inspiring and, since I've done juicing before, it's not so scary. I know about the withdraw period, etc. etc. The problem is, as with any lifestyle change, is keeping it going for the long term. I'm probably going to do something that looks more like the Primal Diet, although I'll juice (I don't know if juicing is aloud in the official Primal diet). I really prefer juicing to eating *a lot* of veggies anyway. Except for the first week I always found juicing quite satisfying. Even then I don't want to become militant about it. If one of my kids wants to make me a tasty dessert I'm not going to thumb my nose at it and say I can't eat it. Now I have to start looking at new juicers. I gave mine away after not using it for nearly 8 years.. :glare:
  20. I completely agree! There's never a good time for moms to get sick, but right before a move is probably up there as really bad timing. I hope you're feeling better soon.
  21. I answered "communion with God" as the main reason but the others apply too - especially when considering which parish I joined. Although, the "feel better about myself" is a bit clunky to my ears. I would probably say something like "I meet God face to face in the Eucharist and it is for the forgiveness of sins and healing of soul and body."
  22. Thanks for the update. prayers continuing.
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