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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Then it's hard for those of us who are busy to know when there's an update. Amy, I've been thinking of you today. I hope you and baby are doing well. :grouphug:
  2. I *love* these and I love the book case. Must figure out how to find one.
  3. I did too. Congratulations MusicMama. Now you know why you were getting all those rolls and kicks the other day.
  4. Yes, it would bother me and I definitely wouldn't feel welcome.
  5. oh my gosh! I haven't laughed and cried this hard in a long time.
  6. Yeah, I'm sure she's real upset. ;) I'm surprised it was locked too. I guess it was taking up too much space. Is it typical that the mods don't state why a thread is being locked? On other forums I belong to a mod will usually come in and state the reason why and then lock the thread. Oh well... I guess I'm still figuring things out here.
  7. After my last Kenmore canister died a few years ago I thought I'd try a bagless upright vacuum. Boy did I ever regret that decision.
  8. just seeing this as well.. and praying all is well.
  9. When you say you used a different name, is it a simpler form of your own name? I thought FB didn't allow aliases.
  10. Yes, I forgot about the toothpaste. I use Rembrandt canker relief toothpaste. I have to order it from Drugstore.com
  11. I have a Panasonic MC-CG902 Canister from Amazon and I've been very happy with it. It reminds me of my old Kenmore I had years ago that lasted a long time. The only thing is it may be a bit heavy for you and it may be hard to vacuum the stairs. I bought a hand-held for the stairs.
  12. I've had canker sores all my life. They are usually all over my mouth and in the last 10yrs or so they've started going down my throat. I know they're terrible and, depending where it's located, the pain can go into my ears or down my neck. Taking ibuprofen can help dull the pain a little. I discovered when I went LC that it's food allergies (chocolate and possibly wheat for me). You may want to keep track of what you've been eating and see if anything might be a trigger.
  13. I agree. I had a friend who was a bit like that, but not nearly as extreme as your "friend". If I were really cynical I'd say she never had marital problems in the first place but that something else might be going on during her appts. But, I'm not that cynical. ;) I'm sorry :grouphug: It sounds like you really tried to be a good friend and she took advantage of your willingness to help.
  14. no. I miss homeschooling the littles. I don't really miss the "teaching them to read" stage. That's because a couple of mine really struggled with it. But, I do miss sitting together on the couch and reading together.
  15. Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry for your loss, Lea. It sounds so sudden and it just happened. Give yourself time. :grouphug:
  16. wow, I have a friend who lives on the North Island (near the coast though). I'll have to contact her.
  17. oh wow... just wow. I hope she's found safe. praying.
  18. wow...now there's two words I'd never expect to see together. :D Never heard of them.
  19. I'm so sorry. But, I do understand. I'm a conflict avoider too. :001_smile:
  20. Yup, moving is probably best..;) But seriously, you don't think there's another couple or two who question these things? Perhaps they won't come to the same conclusion, but at least if they've walked that walk and they might be more understanding of different beliefs. I know the friends that I've kept from those days are more this way. They spent time questioning or never really saw things so black and white anyway. Most of them were like "hey, whatever floats your boat." I've even had a few of them come to church with me just to see what I was talking about. Perhaps you live in a different part of the country where it's not so easy to find diverse theology?
  21. My husband and I met at an Evangelical type church. We were both quite committed to it together and very active together for many years. I converted to Eastern Orthodox Christianity about 7yrs ago. - taking nearly 6 years to do so (it never happens overnight does it?). Anyway, my husband has stayed evangelical, although he attended a more traditional, liturgical Lutheran church. We let the older kids decide where they wanted to go and 5 of them choose to join Eastern Orthodox church (our oldest is a priest's wife now - talk about My Big Fat Greek Wedding coming to life!! - LOL). I think it works because our basic values haven't changed. We both agreed that the kids had to be in church on Sundays, they needed to learn about God's love, the Bible, and develop spiritual disciplines. It's important to both of us. I've tried to be very careful not to step on my dh's toes when it comes to him teaching the kids spiritual things. For example: He still reads his Bible each night and "talks about Jesus" to our youngest. I try to support what was important to him at his church when I can and he's done the same for me. One of the harder parts was some of my more conservative Evangelical friends. I think they felt I should submit to my husband's spiritual authority and go to church where he went - no matter what my personal convictions. Well, our marriage just doesn't work that way. My husband would never force his opinion/convictions on me. And I wouldn't do that to him either. But, I think it did put some pressure on my dh and probably made him feel like less than a spiritual leader in the family because of my change. It's not perfect and it wasn't like we haven't had bumps along the way either. There were a few times when it was difficult - especially in the beginning. We had to kind of make our own road map. I was fortunate to have a good priest who would remind me to be loving and that it was better to stay silent and be a living witness (rather than trying to argue every time we disagreed, KWIM?). But, things have changed again in the last 6 months. My husband has been coming regularly to church with us. It's been nice. I know he still struggles with some of the beliefs and he really needs to sit down with my priest and hash some of it out... but in his timing. Who knows what will happen in the end.
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