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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I'm so sorry. yes, it is so nice to see your dd's birth grandparents were so considerate. Lots of hugs and prayers during this turbulent time.
  2. We did one of the major curriculum provider's health text book.
  3. wow. I'm just floored. So sorry he had to go through that. I can't believe how callous they were. So glad your son was okay, despite the leaders efforts to ignore his issues. Definitely send a letter... and make it as public as you can, especially after that girl died this summer!
  4. I found my bees got aggressive when it was super hot or when the natural food supply was short. I tended to stay away from my hive during those times rather than getting them all uptight. I always use baking soda on my bee stings, works like a charm. Hope you feel better soon.
  5. what a sweetie. Congratulations again.
  6. What a great idea! I have a couple of old sheets and I definitely repurpose. Happy- I hope you get a chance to do some stained glass... and please share with us your projects when you can.
  7. Hmmm... with all these random episodes showing up in people's histories: Is is possible that some kind of account hacking is going on? Kind of like when someone in your neighborhood uses your home internet account illegally.
  8. I prefer Amazon being down to WTM boards.
  9. I have a few Cutco knives that I use for food prep. and cheese cutting. For steak knives I've also been very happy with Chicago Cutlery. I've gotten the ones with the wooden handles (hated them) and the ones with the black handles (love those). From the look of it I think mine are Metropolitans. I need to get another set because they keep disappearing with the college kids. :)
  10. Are you a crafter or artist? Do you quilt, knit, paint, soap, do paper craft, or re-purpose furniture? All kinds of artistic and craft type outlets are welcome! This is not necessarily showing completed items... maybe you bought a pattern, yarn, or fabric. Did you go yard-saleing this week and found a bookshelf you want to paint? Show any of those (if you have a photo - that's even extra great). Maybe you finally pulled out your sewing machine and dusted it off... include that. Any little bit towards your goal throughout the week is great!! Also, if you have a website or tutorial that inspires you, please share it with us. Perhaps one of us will pick up a new hobby. ;) Let's inspire each other! _________________________ Hi All, I was away at a monastery this weekend for a chance to get away from it all and re-charge. My son's wedding is Saturday... I don't know how much creative stuff I'll be doing this week, but I'll try a little. I finished my bamboo scarf over the weekend. I had taken it off the loom before leaving and did twist for the fringe. I'll try to post photos later.
  11. It looks like I can only go back about a week or two for the actual dates something was watched. I've called Netflix before with a question and they are surprisingly customer friendly. Perhaps a live person can check it for you.
  12. I make a version of this from time to time but it's not paleo. I use splenda and then pour cream over it when it's done (because it is a bit dry). It's still yummy. I may have to try the version with maple syrup. Sounds yummy too.
  13. glad you are safe! I'm a earthquake geek and I've noticed an uptick of activity in the Pac..Rim area for the last few weeks... then in quieted down to "normal" (whatever that really is) last week. I hope the worst is behind you, but glad the city is playing it safe.
  14. how exciting! Congratulations.
  15. 2nd the cast iron. I have a 10" (or maybe it's 12" ??), and it works great. I fry up chicken in it all the time as well as stir fry, rice/roni,frying bacon, etc. etc. It has tall lip so I can put the biggest lid for my pots on it when I need something covered. I've been using cast iron for 25yrs and love it. If I start to have problems with sticking (which is rare) then I just re-season the pan.
  16. Check this website: http://www.interweave.com/weaving/resources/classes.asp scroll down to Georgia and you'll see there are several other class options besides the guild. Perhaps one will be closer to you. Of course! You have a large stash but still there's nothing to suit dh. ; cool!! I've not done much with my inspiration book. I think I'm challenged in this area. :laugh:
  17. It could also be a gall bladder. I had a friend who had morning sickness throughout her preg. (as she normally did) but it didn't go away after birth. They discovered it was actually her gall bladder. If it doesn't go away in a week or so you should maybe consider checking.
  18. I don't know where you live, but there are classes available in many parts of the US. Also, if you join a weaving guild you can rent a loom for next to nothing! (our guild rents looms for $30-50 a month). That way you can try before you buy, since it is an expensive investment.
  19. okay, I have two things... One is I discovered we're living in Peyton Place. I found out that my neighbor had an affair with the wife of the neighbor next to him. Both marriages split up. But the husbands both stayed in their houses. My neighbor has a "new model" - not the other neighbors wife. The kids of his next neighbor tanked and there's been drug issues for some time.... until that neighbor died last winter of cancer. Now that house is for sale. The other is the amount of Au Pairs in my neighborhood. I was very disappointed about that. When we visited it was like "look at all these young SAHM mothers with their kids." Yeah, um... no. This is definitely not a chicken owning, homebirthing, soap making neighborhood. I really don't feel like I fit in. However, there is one homeschool family that lives up the street! They never let their kids out to play :(
  20. I can't remember when I first heard about it. DH is a software engineer, so it must have been in the 80's. We got internet access in '93. That's the year we moved and I'm pretty sure we didn't have the internet at our other house - of course, my memory is sketchy.
  21. I'm a little more than 1/2 way through one bamboo shawl. Boy! That yarn is slippery. Here's a photo... it's in natural so it's not quite that white looking. I really want to get this done before tomorrow. I'm heading up to PA for a little trip and it's supposed to be chilly.
  22. How exciting... welcome back. praying for a calm trip.
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