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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. It sounds like the co-pilot had more than just depression issues: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3015504/I-m-planning-heinous-act-remembered-forever-Killer-pilot-s-ex-girlfriend-says-shared-chilling-prophecy-Alps-crash-woke-nightmares-shouting-going-down.html Sounds like he had some very serious mental health problems. Hearing about him throwing away his doctor's orders to not fly makes me wonder what the medical privacy laws are like in Germany. This raises a whole host of questions about employer's right to know vs. patient privacy vs the flying public's right to know (or anyone other type of transportation)
  2. Someone here may find this blog article helpful about ingredients: http://www.botanicalearth.com/handmadesoap1.html
  3. No problem, it happens to all of us.... at least it has the benefit of upping your post count.
  4. I was thinking the same thing. OP: It's sounds like you're pretty isolated. I hope you find your niche.
  5. I guess I was thinking you said that this year the signs are even more offensive than in years past. Yes, he did just apologize within the last week or so. I would definitely call the campus... inquiring minds want to know why they're okay with that??!!
  6. I wonder if it has anything to do with a former President, Bob Jones III, apologizing for Anti-g*y remarks he made years ago: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/bob-jones-president-apologizes-1980-anti-gay-remarks-29842703 I just seems that something like that would bring the Westboro types out of the woodwork.
  7. It's tough... If he said absolutely I do not want chickens at the house... then no, I would not disrespect him in this manner. But, if he said, I don't want them, but you can go ahead and do it. Just don't plan on having me help in anyway.. then yes, I would knowing those parameters. This actually happened with the dog we just got. In your OP you kind of say both things. You say he is completely against it.. But then you say "He has said that he will not prevent me from getting them, but he wants absolutely nothing to do with them" So, I think I would find out from your dh which it is. Is he completely against it absolutely, or is it that he doesn't want to do it himself, but if you do then that's fine. Now, homeschooling is a little different than chickens. I think I would have taken more of a pause if my dh had said either, just because the nature of being a homeschooling family. You at least need/want some level of support.,.even if dad isn't actually doing any of the schooling.
  8. Enchanted April Ushpizin Secret of Roan Innish Truly, Madly, Deeply Sense & Sensibility (Emma Thompson one) Secrets and Lies Intouchables Cloud Atlas Out of Africa Temple Grandin Get Low Mountains of the Moon Adventures of Baron Muchausen Millions Jean deFlorette & Manon of the Spring The Lives of Others Primer Memento okay, that's probably more than enough
  9. I've watched a few too. They're okay... the mysteries are mild and most of the acting is pretty substandard... but I *love* the costumes.
  10. me too. Thanks for the heads up WordNerd
  11. your statement reminded me of this recent story about Jay Leno: http://www.salon.com/2015/03/20/jay_leno_rails_on_political_correctness_college_kids_today_have_no_idea_what_racism_is/
  12. soap links: http://www.soap-making-essentials.com/ http://www.soapmakingforum.com/ where to buy stuff: http://www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com/ SAP Calculator when you start to do you own recipes: https://www.thesage.com/calcs/LyeCalc.html and http://www.brambleberry.com/pages/Lye-Calculator.aspx That's just a few. I love the first one...so much inspiration and she has some very easy newbie recipes. The forum is nice, but when I was there last, a bit clunky to navigate. I haven't been in a while, so it might be better now. I think I may even have the same screen name there too - can't remember. I use both SAP calcs... because one gives a nice range of lye/water content which is helpful if you make an oopsies. But, I just prefer the first one more because I started using it first. Brambleberry also sells soaping supplies and I think they have tutorials... Enjoy!! Can't wait to see what other soapers share.
  13. Hey that makes 3 soapers here! We should start our own group :laugh:
  14. This is what I thought too... I'm relatively new here compared to many people and I always understood that CC mean Christian Content...not Christian only. I haven't paid close enough attention to notice whether people have confused the meaning.
  15. I also wish I had a little more drive. But, the first two things that came to mind were I wish I had the knack or the nursing school classes. Things like drawing blood or taking pulse... I'd love to be a hospice nurse, but I don't think I'd make it through some of those courses. The other thing is I wish I could write. Like Night Elf, when I read a well written book it makes me wish I had that talent too.
  16. I don't think expensive automatically equals better. These are large companies and I would assume that they could be using harsh detergents in their soaps. I make my own soap, but if I didn't I would buy handmade via Etsy or my local WF market which sells handmade cold processed soaps that would be far better for your skin. I think they run about $4-5 per bar these days. Also, the fact that the fragrance is strong would give me pause. Yes, it's nice to have smelly soaps but, in my experience as a soap maker, strong scents are not necessarily good. I put in scents, but in the soap making process it becomes muted... I can't smell my scents on my skin after showering. The scents are another harsh element being added to the recipe - so a lot of it means even more harshness. Hope that makes sense.
  17. i agree... I wish it were different... I wish this place was more private. I do know of other places with parts of their forums that are private - so it does seem possible at some level. But, I know it's not going to change here so I act accordingly. I've learned to sit on my hands... I actually wish I did it more often here too.
  18. yup.. if I want to be private here I use PM. It limits who I can discuss things with, but that's okay considering the alternative.
  19. I'm a step in kind of person, but that's not always the right thing to do...so I honestly don't know what I'd do. I'm so very sorry that the inevitable happened. :grouphug: :grouphug: i don't know what NM means...but I'm very sorry she feels her options are limited to PP. I don't want to say anymore as I don't want you to get embroiled in a debate at such a fragile time in your family's life. :grouphug: :grouphug:
  20. Internet forums fill in the gap for me. I have some good IRL friends but we live far apart and our lives are busy. Like Quill said, we can't always get together in group. Plus, I find that people IRL are not as ready to be honest or to politely disagree with others. I like honesty (when it's relatively polite please ) When I think about this not being a safe place my thought is that we don't know who is listening in. Not everyone posts who visits...and this place is searchable via Google, etc. There were those instances a few years ago when 2 regulars here had been stalked here by people unrelated to WTM. Their posts were copied and then shown or shared with even more people (someone had it happen with family members or something). Anyway. that made me stand up and pay attention to what I say and share here. I'm often amazed at the amount of private information people are willing to share on WTM....it seems risky to me, IMHO. While I don't always like being challenged when I write/say something... I really *do* like being challenged when I write/say something. It makes me think, it makes me ponder, and I hope it makes me a better communicator in the long run. Yeah, I'd *love* to be the smartest person in the room and everyone will just bow at my smartness ;) But that's not going to happen and I think that's really a good thing. I love that there's such a diverse level of opinion here... it makes me think critically. Sometimes I really do wish we could have political discussions here. There are times when I'm wrestling with a topic and I would love to bounce it around here because I *know* I can get a variety of thoughtful and diverse opinions from people here. This is a place I know I can trust you guys to be honest. If that makes sense.
  21. I voted "other" because I don't have one but I've always wanted one. I've looked online and checked out local auctions. Still haven't bought one yet. I have several old clocks in the house... I love clocks.
  22. This is a very good point... it's why I recommended the OP contact her HOA and have them send out a reminder notice. The other is to call the pound... I assume you can do it anonymously??? But, I wholeheartedly agree. It's sad it has to be this way, but I've heard stories here and elsewhere about miserable neighbor experiences. It's not worth it anymore.
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