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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Congrats... Yes, join us over at the college social group.
  2. my first thought is abuse of some kind... not sleeping like that seems to be a sign of trauma. Her parents should consider taking her to a counselor (female) with whom she can open up to.
  3. oh my goodness MotherGoose! Just seeing this. So glad you were at the hospital and glad you're beginning to recover. Prayers for a speedy and full recovery.
  4. welcome back. I'm not sure I was around much 8 yrs ago.
  5. my son needs a laptop for high school because of his accommodations. One of his textbooks is online and it can "read" to him. In addition, all upper level kids at his school are required to have some kind of online access because almost all his school work (homework) is shared online - way, way better than having to rely on kids to write it down. Teachers all post homework to google docs or some other shared document platform. He's been working on a group project via google docs too. And, he takes all in-class notes with his laptop. He works on homework online - that way the teachers can see what he's done and how long he's worked on it. He has very few papers that he brings home to work on. Prior to this child, we gave each of our older kids a laptop as part of their high school graduation. The intention was that they took it to college with them. Almost all of them lasted 5 yrs (barely). My next oldest child told me a year or so ago that she really could have used having a laptop to take to high school. She said it would have saved her a lot of wasted time if she could have had access at school. Hindsight is 20/20. We always bought a PC not an Apple.
  6. I think the dress is perfectly appropriate. So sorry for the loss of your brother.
  7. I feel cheated... they didn't PM me. :crying:
  8. I think it's weird for any grandparent to do that at any age - unless perhaps if grandparent lives with the family for some reason. But, otherwise, I don't even see the need for doing that. When my kids were very little (less than 2) I would sometimes bathe with them for convenience. It would never even cross my mind to bathe with my grandchildren - ever. The escalating is very troubling. You have my sympathies.
  9. I seem to work best under a tight deadline. Sometimes I wish I could change that, but alas.
  10. Do you have any before and after photos? I'm looking to do this at our new house and I would love to see how it works comparing the different looks.
  11. I did, but I also married young. My dh had been previously engaged.
  12. oh wow, we just saw him in concert about 2 months ago. He didn't seem well at that time, but I wasn't expecting this. Wow. May he rest in peace.
  13. hugs (esp. about the possibility of being the only one left) :grouphug: I think taking an Improv class sounds so cool!! What fun. But I don't want to be a Debbie Downer on your thread... So I look forward to what others have written and perhaps get some inspiration. :lurk5:
  14. '60s for me '50s for my dh I know, right? I have 2 children who were born in the 80s.
  15. Let's not forget that some of these photo exchanges were done in the presence of his young son. Despicable. I assume this sentence will also mean he has to register as a sex-offender. Thank God..
  16. CaliforniaDreaming... I know you've been struggling with this for some time. I appreciate the spirit in which you've asked this question, but I am hesitant to answer as I don't want this thread to become contentious and I don't want to appear to be bashing Catholics. Hugs.
  17. that is so fantastic!!! Congrats to your dd
  18. sending you unicorns and rainbows... and prayers and hugs. :grouphug:
  19. I do have a friend who is a seamstress and really into vintage clothing. I wonder if she might be interested in it. I'll have to ask her. Thanks for that idea. That gives me some leads.
  20. I wore my mom's wedding dress when I got married and I still have it. I found it yesterday lying in a heap at the bottom of the dress bag. It's very wrinkled, yellowed, and has a few tears in it too. None of my girls has expressed an interest in wearing it, which is fine. But, it's a 60yrs old dress. I just can't keep it, but I can't image anyone would want it in that condition. I don't think it's silk - maybe taffeta? What did they use on wedding dresses in the 50s? I'm not particularly sentimental about it and my mom has died. What would you do?
  21. I'm rather overwhelmed trying to keep too many plates up in the air. I'd welcome the end of the world today, just so I can get a break :laugh:
  22. I only just heard about this because of FB... there's some funny memes starting up. But I don't know anyone IRL who talks about it. Is it a 2nd Coming of Jesus prediction or is it a crazy prepper saying this stuff? I ask because what I keep seeing is that it will be some kind of disaster. So I'm wondering if someone else has gotten on the "End of the World is Here" bandwagon.
  23. I agree $700 is a steal to paint a house. Those colors are going to look great.
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