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Everything posted by Peela

  1. Green smoothies. 1 banana, a handful of frozen berries (optional), a handful of kale, and water or part water part juice.
  2. I think I am much more girlie than when I was younger but I am not "fashionable" girlie- more au naturale. I like to wear dresses even around the house in summer- they tend to be bohemian though. My hair naturally falls into place so its not a problem- I never use styling products or blow dry. I dont paint my nails, or use hairspray or anything like that. But I do enjoy my femininity- as well as my bare feet and jeans. I am much more likely to put on some jewellery with my jeans and a tshirt, or wear a pretty dress, and throw on some lipstick on my way out the door, than I would have in my teens or twenties. I think I have grown into my womanliness as I have become older. I do try and look good- it just makes me feel better and i know my kids and dh appreciate it. Having a teenage daughter who is stunning and who grew up a tomboy but blossomed into very gorgeous girliness in her teens, has helped. It doesn't seem to take much time to throw on a pair of earrings, to wear nice jeans instead of track pants, to find a couple of dresses in the op shops, etc A couple of years ago I picked up a colour book which helps you work out what season colours you are- I am a Spring predominantly. Once I knew that, I threw out a whole lot of clothes whose colours didn't suit me, and bought some which did, and now my wardrobe feels much better. A tshirt of the right colour can look fantastic. I love fresh, clear colours, mostly fairly light, and love to wear different colours according to my moods. Also dd and I researched clothing styles and our bodytype, since we have a similar bodytype. Then I am much more discriminating about what clothes I buy- I have not much of a defined waist so I always used to wear baggy clothes to cover it up, wheras clothes that fit against my body are much more flattering. I find it fun- if its not fun, its not worth doing.
  3. I have enjoyed some of these things by enjoying them with my kids over the years. ANd sometimes I enjoy them without kids too- even dh and I do along sometimes and act like big kids- but generally, no, they don't attract me. My kids are absolutely crazy about them though- fortunately with their social network and public transport they can now fulfill their desires without me.
  4. Dust free? I am not sure thats even a possibility, so no. Regularly dusted? Strangely, yes. I actually have more time for housework with the kids gone all day, so dusting is happening.
  5. I can really, really relate- I have had to sit with my son for much of his childhood- even now at 15 he comes home from school and asks for my help with his homework. On a good day...I am fine. But I really know the feeling of getting so irritated I have to move away. Even just a couple of days ago I almost yelled at him "you need to ask your teacher this stuff because I don't want to learn it all just so I can help you" in regards to his algebra. I guess I do a few things- one, breathe and try not to take it out on the kid, who is just being a kid. Another- I have become very patient after years of homeschooling and having to go through this issue- so I have trained myself in patience. I also move away when I feel my temper boiling up. But overall, if I am feeling like that it usually means I am irritable anyway and this is just triggering me- and I need to get more sleep, eat better, take more walks etc
  6. My dh had an old girlfriend the name of our dd- once the child has the name, you forget the past, in my experience. But I wanted to say that when my dd was in utero she had this particular energy of a very strong being and we thought, sexistly, that she must be male and our nickname for her was Titus. She was born female, is a very strong being....and we did not call her Titus :) Her name is Genevieve which means womankind. I like Titus Jeremiah
  7. Really, the benefits from the reserveratrol in the red grape skin are very limited in those quantities, and you would be far better off eating more fruit and vegetables (including red grapes), drinking water and getting exercise. The benefits of drinking red wine are overstated, IMO, and really only used to justify drinking the alcohol. However, I don't want to be a party pooper. I like wine sometimes. Here in Australia (a land of alcoholics IMO) it is recommended that people take at least 2 days a week off from drinking alcohol. 1 drink a day for women, plus 2 days a week alcohol free.
  8. I have learned to read after my afternoon nap to get any amount of reading done- an hour then is good. Trying to read before bed is pretty useless. I also wear glasses nowadays and find that a pair that are slightly more than I need (larger magnification) helps me with reading at night time. Any strain whatsoever makes me sleepy. The obvious answer though is that you are actually tired. Possibly deeply exhausted. And reading just relaxes you enough for it to surface.
  9. That brings tears to my eyes Willow, thanks for sharing.
  10. I have spun myself but recently sold my wheel for lack of use and tkaing up space. However my mother is an excellent and proliferate spinner and weaver- I would pack it up and send it to her, and probably receive the gift of a handmade garment in return later in the year.
  11. Willow, you know many people have been wondering about you here on these boards, and were even more concerned when we didn't hear from you. Glad you are ok.
  12. No, not really. I mean, I don't think its going to do a lot of harm, but I also don't think its ideal and I believe it would be healthier not to drink a glass a day, than to drink a glass a day, all things considered (including apparent health benefits of tannins etc). I know the general government regulations say its ok, but I don't think it's true. Alcohol is acutally a poison and not something your body needs, ever.
  13. Because revenge is a barbaric concept. Because life is sacred, even the life of someone who doesn't realise how sacred it is. Because 2 wrongs don't make a right, ever, ever, ever.
  14. I guess we do this. I will buy expensive items like a winter coat and good shoes, but we are 2nd hand people and dd has a huge wardrobe of 2nd hand clothes. If she has a ball coming up, she will scour the op shops or swap meet till she finds the right gown and jewellery, and she always looks stunning. So yes she buys 90% of her own clothes. I tend to buy ds's because he doesn't like shopping- I will also find them 2nd hand. But both also spend their money on bus fares, take away food, social events such as concerts, we go halves for camps- they basically are expected to take care of their day to day needs for money for themselves. Their dad gives them $20 a week pocket money which is curtailed if chores are not done- as in, he will give fines at his whim. He tends to forget though and they usually get it all :) They both have had part time jobs while homeschooling but now that they are in school/college their ability to earn money has diminished- so I am pitching in more for things- but it is still up to them to manage their own money wisely. Dd does NOT need more clothes. Both wanted to eat out a lot more now that they are out in the world every day- and they soon realised they couldnt afford to do that- so I give them money for one take away meal a week from the shopping money, and the other days they have learned to eat sandwiches from home :). I have always paid for classes but when they decided they wanted to do a 2nd gymnastic class each week- both of them- I told them I would only pay for one, so dd always does 2 but ds will or wont according to how wealthy or not he is feeling. Its an evolving situation really. Probably since they were around 12 or 13 they have been getting very independent with money. I dont control how they spend it. I don't insist they save- but I have read them books such as The Man from Babylon, as well as old books on creating wealth. I did sit down with them and help them work out their income from various sources and how much of it they needed to save for a particular camp, if they wanted to go. They both gave up the idea of going- too expensive, too restritive of their current lifestyle :). Ds15 is saving up for a car and dd16 is going to Paris in a few weeks and has saved up for spending money (she has her car already). We tend to have an abundance mentality as a family. When we want something, we make it happen and the kids have learned that also. Along the way they have learned to save, how to drive a bargain and haggle, and what things are worth, because of our family interest in 2nd hand things. I feel these things have been fairly natural for them to learn...I haven't had to teach them much. Their dad is very good with money and I have learned to be also, so I guess we are good role models too. We spend freely but not beyond our means. ETA: dd16's income was around $100 a week last year- now it is more like $60. Ds's is more sporadic and at teh mment he has no income other than the $20 pocket money. He could earn more but values his free time now that he is at school and doenst want to give up his Sundays to work. Its all in the learning.
  15. I have handpainted a tshirt for my husband for Christmas and/or birthday for probably almost 20 years. SOme are threadbare now but he loves them. This birthday I didn't feel like doing a 2nd tshirt since his bday is in January, soon after Christmas. I racked my brains and bought him a bonsai. It cost me heaps for a plant, but he absolutely loves it. He has green fingers and loves to nurture things and it has been a hit. He waters and talks to it every single day.
  16. Our bill was more than twice yours. Its the airconditioning for us. Hopefully as autumn sets in we wont need aircon or heating for a while. Dh loves the aircon.
  17. :iagree: Its hard. Having a 16yo daughter...man, thats difficult. No, you cant go to that party. Yes, you can go to that one but no drinking- oh, ok, you found out you are allergic to alcohol because you collapsed so you cant touch it? That kind of makes me feel better about you and the binge drinking of your friends but ...when did that happen? Why are you looking like a prostitute today darling, on your way to college? Are you going to do your chores anymore- we haven't seen you for days now but the chickens still need to eat. OK son, thats interesting that you think that half the kids at your school do drugs- at least smoke dope- how do you feel about that? What do the teachers do when the toilet stinks of dope? Thanks for trusting me enough to tell me that you got so drunk some time in the last year that you never, ever want to touch alcohol ever again and the smell of it makes you want to puke but....which camp was that on again? It's an emotional roller coaster for parents. But overall... we are so in love with them and proud of them. They are amazing. We actually feel they are both going really, really well. In spite of everything.
  18. I agree with vitex and progesterone cream. I was desperate about 3 years ago and progesterone cream helped sooooo much for about 2 years. Now I am finding it a bit harder again although i am taking vitex- somehow around ovulation time I go a bit psycho and its hard. As for dh...he just knows and he does handle it very well. Often he wont dare suggest my outburst is pms until I mention that perhaps, maybe, it is :) Then he gushes with relief and agrees with me. He doesnt make meals or anything. He tends to go to his room and watch TV. It is more likely that he and I will fight around that time- its good for me to take space too. I really like the idea of The Red Tent. A women's space for women to have a few days off from all household tasks. Kids up to a certain age can join them- after that they are with dad for those few days. Food is brought to us. We sleep, chat and gossip in female fashion. Regenerate. And then back into the community and family again afterwards. I think a lot of PMS is because we are supposed to just plough through- we aren't supposed to need extra sleep, a break from cooking and cleaning, a day to ourselves- there is no clear boundary that allows us to acknowledge our womanly processes and honour them. So we get all these symptoms that force us to acknowledge our unique, cyclic bodies. I think the answer to a lot of PMS is to acknowledge that its happening, to take time to get extra sleep and buy take away :) I notice I really prefer to withdraw into my room, meditate and read more at that time of the month. Things annoy me more so I am better off just taking it easy...its definitely not a good time to make big decisions- I would have left my poor dh many times if I had acted on pms feelings. But it is good to notice what issues seem to come up at that time and deal with them gently at another time beause I think its a time when what what we tend to suppress and deny tends to come to the surface.
  19. I dont know...I hardly ever did it. I remember biting them off when they were little babies. They are not nasty nail biters but they must have done it just enough that its not an issue I have ever had to deal with till they were old enough to do it themselves :) Dd has lovely nails. I think ds bites his a little.
  20. I have seen so many lovely ones- plans and also ready built. The plans are harder than even dh , who is very handy, wants to do, and way over my head. And the ready made ones are sooo expensive. We have a rabbit cage connected to a big structure we found on the edge of the road. 7 chooks although I am finding one a home soon as it is being bullied and isnt going to last long. Dh and I were out there today looking at how to improve the chook pen. Its not easy to get into although where they lay eggs is accessible. Basically we made one from bits and pieces we found, plugged up the holes with chicken mesh, and it works well enough. I would love a really good one but don't want to spend money on a ready made one and don't have the skills to make the fancy ones I see.
  21. Mine are Jeremiah, Jarrah, Jordy, Georgina, My kids are called Genevieve and Jared so there is a J/G theme here)...but I also love nature names like River, Summer and Sky.
  22. Oh wow Amber, after all you have been through. I know a wee one who had heart surgery a while back- she is one gorgeous, beaming little bundle of joy now.
  23. Its amazing that here is where I often first hear of such things. Enormous.
  24. You do what you need to do and accept the consequences and know you are doing your best. I didn't even realise how burned out I actually was from homeschooling until I stopped this year. I think many people feel a sense of failure if they cant continue to homeschool, if they burn out or its all too much. But you can't actually fail at life. You are in a difficult season. Do what you need to do to get through as wholly as possible. You set the tone of the home- if you are not in a good space at least a fair amount of the time- if there is not a fair amount of joy- that is what your kids are living in all the time. Sometimes a break might be what everyone needs.
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