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Everything posted by Peela

  1. I think it wont be too much longer before she can care for it herself. My dd's blonde, fine ringlets were a lot of work for both of us but around age 10 or 11 we read Curly Girl together and ever since then she has maintained her own hair routine. Can you hang in there a bit longer? I wouldnt force the issue- because I think hair is so tied in with self identity and many of us resent our mothers for controlling our hair when we were kids- but if you can convince her and she agrees, of course, no problem.
  2. I am not sure if this qualifies but its my favourite breakfast at the moment and doesn't take much time to make if you have a blender. Sometimes I soak the first 3 ingredients overnight, but often I don't bother. CADA (coconut, almonds, dates, apples) per person 1 handful of almonds 1 handful of dates (I use less than that but kids would probably like the full amount)) 1 handful of coconut 1 apple cored and quartered I also add goji berries but that is optional Just put in the blender and blend till it resembles the consistency of granola- a few seconds. You can add more fruit like bananas if you like, or even milk I suppose, once it is in the bowl. Healthy, filling, and keeps me going till lunchtime.
  3. Waters broke on the Saturday afternoon after husband gave me a massage for back ache. It was 3.5 weeks before due date so we panicked a bit- it was unexpected! It took till Sunday evening for the contractions to start. I danced etc to get them going- we were concerned that the hospital would want to give me a c-section and I really wanted a natural birth. Monday morning we drove to the hospital- all hopes of being at the Birthing Centre dashed because I was a few days too early. Labour stopped and started all day. By evening they were ready to give me a c-section but the baby, my one who never rushes anything, was showing no signs of foetal distress so my lion of a husband stepped in and refused a c-section but knew we didn't have long before they would insist. She was born at 1am on the Tuesday.
  4. Coconut milk is high in saturated fats. Saturated fats are usually associated with animal fat and cholesterol and bad things :). But coconut fat is a plant fat, not an animal fat. However if you keep doing your research you will find a massive amount of information about the health benefits of coconuts- they are sort of one of the latest superfoods, promoted to contain all sorts of benefits and basically no unbenefits :) Who knows. Its always suspicious when foods are taken out of context and made into superfoods. They are just foods. All natural foods have benefits. But the same can be said of foods that are treated as bad. Coconut is a plant food. How bad can it be? The newer research suggests that the higher blood lipids caused by high coconut intake are not associated with any health problems- there is something about coconut fat that makes it healthy. It is processed differently in the body. People even use it to lose weight. I cant confirm whether that really works though. And since it is unlikely you are going to take a high amount of coconut milk- I presume you want to make a thai curry or something- I really wouldn't worry. Enjoy.
  5. I do my morning meditation before computer time. I have my first cup of tea with computer though :) Now that I have more time- some days I spend more time on the computer, some days less, but everything that needs to be done is being done. I used to make myself get off to do things (such as homeschooling). A good day was when I did a lot of stuff before getting on the computer. But the truth is I am hopelessly addicted. As are all my family. Yet we seem to be fine without it when we are not around them. It does seem to take some self discipline. WHen I am not feeling so great, I tend to escape into the computer too.
  6. Flylady's motto for 2011 is something like Do it for 7 in 2011! In other words- if 15 minutes is too much, take 7 minutes to do something (or 2 minutes!). I can easily pick up all the clothes on the floor and put them away in 7 minutes. I can unpack the dishwasher in 7 minutes. I can vacuum a room or 3 in 7 minutes. Routines are good for kids, especially small kids- but when they are little its so easy to feel overwhelmed and to give yourself a hard time for what you are not doing. You don't need 15 minutes. Just do something though- that is Flylady's message. Don't wait till you have the right amount of time- just do something, and be glad you did something. A lot of little somethings add up to a lot. Flylady also taught me to prioritise so I wasnt wasting time doing the less important things and not getting to the important things. FOr me, doing the kitchen is a priority. Keeping my bedroom a sanctuary is important. And wiping the bathroom sink regularly seems to keep that room in good condition. A daily load of washing keeps things moving there. Thats not much- vacuuming etc are all extras to me.
  7. Susan, what you have done and are doing for homeschooling is so valuable for both Christians and non Christians alike, because of the way you perceive both sides. I really love your clarity around it all. I so appreciate it and I am here, having used your books, and am part of the community you helped to create, having sent my amazing kids off into the world well educated- because of you. You have made a tremendous difference in my life and my kids' lives (even if my grammar is not completely remediated!). Thankyou from the bottom of my heart
  8. Susan always has a grace and clarity I really enjoy. Great blog post. I hope you are feeling better soon, Susan.
  9. Yes, its enough to make some of us a bit cynical about the supposed altruistic motives. To say the least! As for news- we have the internet. I watched popular news while the Japanese quake was headlines (which it no longer seems to be), and appreciated the coverage but was also annoyed that they seem to fill in space a lot by saying innane things and interviewed all sorts of people just for their virtually worthless opinion. But overall, I go to the internet for news, and check various sources. You have to dig a little but we do have an amazing sort of underground network of information on this planet right now (to me it seems lie the light and dark always balance themselves somehow).
  10. This is an issue that has been debated by many over the centuries- and the question of free will versus predestination has also been debated by many from other religions too. I have examined and only know that i am deeply conditioned by my culture and environment and so is everyone else so free will is not so free as most people think, a lot of the time- but instead conditioned. But...your basic question represents why many of us cannot believe in Christianity in the common sense of the word, of needing to believe in a God who chooses to "save" only the ones who believe in him. It just doesn't hold water at all.
  11. Lol Melanie for bringing that up here. But my understanding is the same- that the new coming of "Christ" is forseen in other religions too and in Buddhism he is called the Meitreya- the Friend- and many interpretations say it isn't one individual but instead the awakening of humanity- so, in other words, Christ within all individuals. That is my understanding- also that it is happening right now. It is an issue subject to many, many interpretations, however and i never expected any ordinary interpretation of the Bible to support such a view :)
  12. This thread was resurrected today from a year ago by Sevven, a visitor :) Maybe innocently :)
  13. We had a leather couch 16 years ago and a cat scratched it to pieces- well, he actually used it to scratch and sharpen his claws or whatever it is that cats do. We replaced it and we have had our present leather couch and chairs for more than 10 years and they are in good condition. We are onto our 2nd cat with it- the cat we have now we got as an adult- hasn't scratched it. The previous cat didn't either. So I would say it depends on the cat, and kittens and puppies are probably the worst. Leather is nice though and if the animals are trainable and not too young, it might be fine.
  14. It is best that people who don't want pets, don't have pets, don't have pets, and people who do want pets, do have pets. Pets are work. The rewards are worth it to those of us who love to have animals around us a lot. But they are work. But if your kids really want a pet I would consider making some sort of compromise in the long run just so they can have the experience, but maybe choose a rabbit or a rat or a snake rather than a cat or a dog.
  15. I dont think I ever snugged up to my dad ever- not as a kid, or as a teen. Dd16 still has an affectionate relationship with her dad, as I do with both teens- plenty of hugs- but dh doesn't watch TV with us - he has his own TV in his own room- so its not something that comes up. Dd16 in fact has her own chair in our living area with her art supplies next to it- she draws and paints while watching TV. I knit. Ds15 eats or plays on his computer. Dh- in another room- plays spider patience on his computer while watching TV. So...I guess the answer is no but its not like anyone is avoiding anyone (lol, it sort of sounds like we are, doesn't it?) and we all hug frequently at other times.
  16. It is just normal. Being married is no guarantee of agreeing with each other- in fact I think we are often attracted to the one person who will press all of our buttons and make us grow the most- and I think that is the way its meant to be. If you can trust that the other also has at heart the desire for the best outcome, it makes it easier to listen to them than if you feel they are just out to be difficult. I think the answer might be to listen more, and speak your opinions less, in general. I think we all tend to shut down our listening capacity too soon in order to push forward our own view. Listening is an art form that is essential and under utilised. I think it is also important to expect the spouse to be true to themselves - I know many times both dh and I have gone against each others wishes, ultimately because we needed to be true to ourselves- and every time so far, the other one of us has come around to respect and honour their choice and the marriage has survived. There are times to compromise and there are times to really stand up and do what you need to do to be able to live with yourself- but understand and accept the consequences.
  17. Well, moonrise is always beautiful of course, but it didnt really look any different to us! Tomorrow night might be different- tonight is just before the full moon so the sun hadn't quite set yet. Tomorrow should be after sunset so will look clearer. Having said that, now that the moon is higher in the sky and it is dark...it looks like you could just reach out and touch it. It is very clear. It doesn't seem any bigger to me, but it does somehow seem closer and clearer and very bright.
  18. :grouphug: I am sensing a sort of disconnect between the two of you and it might be you as much as her. It sounds like maybe you have thin skin right now, but I know what you mean about it not being so much the words as the attitude behind them. Is she unhappy with you about something significant to her life? It sort of sounds like an underlying resentment that is coming out in a spiky way and it may not be personal, just circumstantial, but somehow it is being directed towards you. Can you ask her if something is bothering her or might be making her unahappy, without taking her answer so personally so that you stop her sharing what might be on her heart? I am just going on my own experience with my kids here, which isn't a huge experience to draw on- but i know when my son gets mean or spiky and/or our relationship deteriorates, it is often because he is deeply upset about something AND he doesn't feel I am listening or really understand- I am in parent role and he needs me to step out of my authority role and being right, and just listen. At first I usually feel he is being so unreasonable but when I listen, I see that from his perspective, its real. It's even more pronounced between him and his dad- and when I think about it, it happens between dh and I too. But if I can be really receptive and ask what is going on and keep listening even when it might be touching something in me that is reacting- I can see things from their perspective and it really makes a difference to have it out in the open. I guess that is how I try and deal with things around here...keep the communication channels really open and just keep going, even if it gets emotional and explosive, just keep going till the issues are up and out. I certainly wouldn't give up on your sweet 10yo daughter- she is way too young to get snipy and hormonal in the way a teenager can- I would say something else is going on. As for the parent/friend thing- I really think if you can't be a friend to your kids, you can't be much of a parent, either. Of course, you cant expect a kid to be a friend back all the time- they are not here to fill us up and fill our neediness- but there should be a healthy flow of love both ways.
  19. Dh and I are just about to walk down to the river to watch it rise :)
  20. I think it would depend which part of the school it backed onto. If it was the far side of the school oval, that could be fine. I dont think the noise of school kids playing would bother me too much. the sirens might- but schools can be large, trees can be good buffers- I wouldn't jump to conclusions till I had seen it. It could have other things going for it that balance the negatives of being next to a school.
  21. Great thread- especially as I am looking for ideas for how to make a little more cash. I cook a vegetarian lunch with dessert and drinks twice a week for clients of my husband- they are in the house anyway so they come upstairs for a meal. I get about 12-15 people, they pay $12 a head. Its great to be able to work from home. I would like to be able to do more cooking work- now that I am gluten free I might go in that direction too. I have good kitchen equipment- it's just finding the market. My artistic dd16 has done face painting and still does that on and off when her friend who runs a face painting business calls her. She has also been paid to write a poem in calligraphy for a homeschooling mum. She could easily sell her art, and her photography is excellent too, and she is learning web design now- I am happy for her that she is multi talented because I think it is so great for a woman, once she has kids, to be able to earn some money from home while still being there for her kids. Its great for self esteem and also helps bring in some income.
  22. Lol. Interesting analogy! Not sure it would go down so well in our culture, but hey, whatever works!
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