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Everything posted by Peela

  1. I wouldn't make a fuss if my teen wanted to wear it, but its not a flavour I would go for myself. There are some clever homeschooling tshirts out there- that one is not really one that appeals to me.
  2. I pretty much wear the same shoes with everything- some comfortable slip on Earth Shoes in summer, and some birkenstok clogs in winter (or sometimes some runners if I am going to be walking a lot, or on my morning walks). I wear some leather boots if I am going on the motor bike with dh. I wear cotton or woollen socks- I knit socks too and have several pairs of bright knitted socks. I tend to wear my socks a colour to match what I am wearing- I have many different coloured socks. I am very much into comfort when it comes to shoes, but I don't think they look bad either.
  3. I have always kept my naturopathic license up to date because even though I haven't been in practice for 8 years, I would like to keep my options open. ALso the benefit is that I can buy professional products at wholesale prices, so I guess that is different from your situation. But still...yes, I would keep your license current in these changing times.
  4. I understand the love of books but I am not sure why people are so obsessed with keeping so many. The emotional attachment to a physical book is not necessarily realistic or useful once the book is read, assimilated and put on a shelf not to be touched for the next 10 years. Just because you had a good experience reading the book, doesnt mean the physical book is of much value anymore to your future self, if that makes sense. I found most of our books, such as reference books, weren't actually used, anyway. I have kept a few classics for grandchildren- like about 10. Maybe i will get rid of those too on another cleanout day and trust i will be able to find them as needed when it's time. Many of my books are health books- I have got rid of any that I have literally not re-read or even read, in the last 10 years. The ones I have referred to over time, I have kept. So that went from 3 bookshelves down to one. For kids books- remember the library. And your 5yo will be a different person to your older kids. And...books are cheap really. You can always buy more from op shops as your 5yo grows. Better, IMO, than carting around boxes and boxes of books "just in case". I guess it depends how much you love that feeling of travelling lightly. Of having less "stuff" in your life. I love it enough to let go of a lot of things, like books, that might otherwise have taken up a lot of space in our home. I love the empty space, the sense of spaciousness, and the sense of abundance that really, if I miss something that I got rid of, I can actually get it again. 99% of the time, I never again think of anything I have got rid of and so never miss it. The few times I have regretted getting rid of something, the feeling only lasts a few moments and then I rarely even miss it enough to buy it again.
  5. Its not the food or the diet, its the habits. Check out the nosdiet.com Change your habits, use whatever food you feel best on. I love to play with diets and food and having just been diagnosed with hypothyroid I am wondering if I am going to have to give up my close to vegan diet of the last few months for some more protein and less carbs. Not sure yet. BUt i am not worried about the weight thing because of the nosdiet.com program- no sweets, no snacks, no seconds, except on Saturday and Sundays (and other special days like a wedding etc) . It is such a simple approach and I think it takes away the obsessiveness with diet and food and starvation, for a reallycommon sense approach of forming healthier lifestyle habits for life. 3 solid healthy meals a day. Special treats on weekends. So you wont put the weight back on either when you cant stand no carbs any more and binge on a chocolate muffin- its already built into the diet that you can break the diet. I love it. As for the healthiest diet- I think the problem with that is that in the last 50 years people have eaten so unhealthily that their bodies need to heal, their guts need to heal, they need a break from their allergies and sensitivities, their blood sugar issues, their poor nutriition but high calorie diets- so while there are many good and ideal diets out there, many peopel need to go through a healing stage before they can adopt them. My favourite approach is Michael Pollan's common sense book, Food Rules.Thats the one I recommend to people- along with the Nosdietcom if they need to get their overeating under control.
  6. I have cut way back on my dairy intake, even the raw dairy I was eating, as a result of reading The China Study. i think many people have connected the high meat, sugar and dairy diets in the west as being a significant cause of osteoporosis. Also, the high calcium intake, believe it or not. Have a look at what people eat in countries that have much lower rates of osteoporosis- many of them are much closer to vegan. I would keep doing your research.
  7. I have read SWB say that college kids are better off having an extra year or 2 of maturity under their belts. She teaches there and I imagine sees a lot of kids who are ill equipped both academically and emotionally for college. But every situation and kid is unique. In order not to put our dd16 into highschool, she has gone to college here and is the youngest in her year. But she is mature and it is a very practical, hands on course (Mass Communications- lots of camera work, interview work and online media work) and she had the skills necessary and is thriving there. But i would never send my son there at the same age.
  8. I havent used homeopathy as my primary healing method ( I like herbs) but I did use arnica during and after birth with very good results- the nurses were astounded how quickly I healed. I have also used arnica when the kids have been injured with things like sprains, with apparently good results. I would be working on the leaky gut primarily with kids with such severe allergies, though. Along with homeopathy if that is what is calling to you. But I agree with Brasilmom not to go to anyone who says they will definitely cure your kids- you need a grounded, realistic practitioner who will simply do their best.
  9. My son went through a stage around that age where he really emotionally distanced himself and wouldn't touch or hug- he had always been very affectionate with me. It really hurt my feelings and I felt a sense of loss with him. But it actually did pass and he is now my sweet affectionate son again, but much more in himself, no longer a boy, definitely a young man centred in himself, with his own opinions and view of life. So it was some sort of transition he went through. He comes and sits on my lap now and he is much taller than me! But during all that homeschooling did become hard and then pretty much impossible as he needed a bigger pond to swim in and teachers other than mum- he is at school and thriving there now, bouncing off other kids and many different teachers. That has worked for us and has helped our relationship, too. THe hormones really do change behaviour and i think they need such a balance of tenderness and understanding, and firmness, at that age. Dad stepping in more is helpful if dad is also sensitive.
  10. My dd16 wears more provocative stuff than your dd (she loves her push up bras and low cut tops and short shorts- it's summer here) and I don't give a hoot who judges me for it! But I don't live in a conservative community and anyone who knows my dd IRL pretty much loves her- she is an amazing being in so many ways. I do talk to her about her clothes sometimes, and make comments, and so does her dad, but so far we haven't controlled her around it at all. She has her own style and she usually looks great, but it might not pass conservative standards. If you live in a community where such things are a big deal, and people are judgemental, I guess attention will be drawn there, and the young men in that community might find it challenging. What is forbidden is going to be attractive. But if you live in a community where the human body is not seen as shameful and the whole thing is a non issue, really, the young men do just fine too- really. There is no guilt for looking and they all joke around about it. Ds15 is not suffering for his female friends and his girlfriend looking gorgeous and showing some skin- hardly. It really is a cultural issue not an inherent one. I am sure the young men in African tribes cope quite well with the near nudity and bare breasts of other tribe members.
  11. Not enough to do much about it. But I do have colour themes and sets of things- but we are such 2nd hand people that no way does everything match, but somehow it all does belong together in its own crazy way.
  12. Is the baby breastfed at all? In which case, the mother's diet needs to be looked at (and as Joanne said, dairy eliminated first off and then other common allergens as needed) and the baby's introduction to solids monitored extremely closely. One food at a time, starting with very safe foods. If the baby is fed formula there are formulas for babies with allergies, I am sure. But utmost care needs to be taken with the diet. I think its so important for mothers to educate themselves nowadays about these things and not just think that a trip to the doctor and a medicine or simple change will be enough. It's a long road for many people and once you start on the medication route (which only suppresses symptoms), you might well be creating further problems down the road, while wasting precious time that could be spent finding out the causes and eliminating them, and healing the gut. Otherwise you can be looking at lifelong issues and bouncing from one specialist to another, one medication to another. The information is out there now but you do have to look for it and chances are, it wont be coming from your doctor, or even an allergist.
  13. No, we never do those sorts of experiments. We always stuck to growing beans in different environments, and watching animals in their natural habitats.
  14. It's not reallly my experience that the homeschooled groups I have been part of are not well socialised. The kids can misbehave but respond reasonably to being redirected. We attended many different classes and the overwhelming feedback from the teachers- many of whom were ex teachers employed to teach homeschoolers, but were not themselves homeschool parents- was that the homeschooled kids were very well behaved and also eager to learn. It sounds just like poor parenting to me.
  15. Exactly :) The doctor I went to knew to get an antibody test- the previous thyroid tests were just TSH tests. There is a strong correlation between gluten in the diet, and hashimotos. From what I have read so far, it seems that the gluten molecule is very similar in structure to the thyroid molecules and its possible that with a leaky gut (very common) the body attacks the gluten molecules which escape into the bloodstream, then thinks the thyroid is also an enemy. That's just a theory. But people are healing from hashimotos with a gluten free diet and fortunately my doctor has that information and immediately told me to go glutenfree (which actually makes it easier for me to do it properly than if I just read it in a book!). Yes, I have been reading that auto immune tendencies can shift from one area to another. :grouphug: Yes it all seems related. I suspect my dd might have a predisposition to this too. Yes. Get a thyroid antibody test. The normal thyroid tests don't necessarily show up anything. Then do your research if your doctor isn't already onto the new information about thyroid issues. It IS possible to heal a thyroid gland in many if not most cases, according to what I am reading. If the thyroid is being attacked by the immune system, that is primarily an immune system issue and it can be dealt with. It is not primarily a thyroid issue- giving synthroid etc is only dealing with a symptom down the track, not the cause. As for Vitamin D- yes, that is a huge issue too. My doctor said mine was fine but when I look at the levels they are above the Australian minimal standard but 20% below what the U.S. Vitamin D Council recommends for its minimal levels. So I am supplementing that too as it is very related to thyroid issues. Thanks for your feedback everyone- the research continues.
  16. Hi Negin- I really dont know. After Jean's episode with taking tea tree, I would be careful- but many people do take essential oils internally- sometimes in much greater quantities than you are suggesting- oftne by putting the drops into gel caps first. I would suggest that if he feels burning/digestive upset from it, to stop it or back right off- I am sure he owuld know within a few days. Start with one drop and slwoly increase over time if there are no problems. I am a member with Young Essential Oils though and get a member's newsletters and many do take the oils internally for various things. Is he taking herbs like pau darco? For me personally I probably would go that way, but I like herbs. OK oregano is a herb too, but I think I would be concerned for my system with something that concentrated- but I might be just sensitive to my own system.
  17. Sure, you could do the power cord thing if he really, really doesn't care. But couldn't you talk to him about it and see if you can get him to empathise and realise why its so disturbing to you that he shower late? Have you tried that- or did you maybe just tell him not to over and over? I have a kid who hates to be told, and will resist if it becomes a power struggle, but if you explain it and he gets it- it makes sense to him- he won't do it. Can you maybe turn the shower on and bring him into your room so he can hear how loud it is? He may just think you are being overly trippy and not realise how loud it is for you.
  18. I had some bloodwork done last week and got the results today. I have auto immune thyroid disease- hashimotos- although from my research so far it is more immune system issue than a thyroid issue per say. I suspected it years ago but now the test shows it clearly. Both my parents have it and it seems like its pretty common for women in their 40s. I also have very low ferritin and haemoglobin. Which is "normal" for me- but this doctor wants me to get it higher rather than shrugging it off. My doctor is happy to work with me, and although she wanted to give me an iron injection, she was ok that I said no and gave me some suggestions for supplements instead. Basically i just need to be consistent with them- I am terribly inconsistent with supplements. And she has told me to go completely gluten and soy free for 8 weeks and then she will test me again. As well as go on a thyroid protocol of my choice (she knows I will research that and do that myself). Well, at least i have something to work with and it probably does explain the periods of intense aches and pains as well. Anyone else have this? Are you using diet/natural protocols to keep it under control? What is working for you?
  19. I would start by adding more fresh foods rather than changing all your whites to wholemeal. We eat healthy here but when we eat rice, its white basmati (which by the way is very healthy because of the way it is prepared), and it's white organic pasta. Ds eats white bread- I buy the stuff without preservatives for him but its all he will eat. I like brown rice and brown pasta but noone else does. But we eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and the "white stuff" (which is all the stuff you said you love) is not the centre of our diet. You can make a fresh vegetable/tomato sauce for your pasta, a stir fry for your rice. You can make smoothies with bananas and ...berries. You can cut up apples to eat with your cheese. Instead of taking away the foods you love, and feeling deprived...start looking for foods you might like to try- add in foods. Eventually the less healthy options will be displaced. You can make a vegetable soup...and add some cream to give it a creamy texture. Baby steps.
  20. You see, I even find that question ridiculous because if I answer it I am buying into a certain mentality that suggests I should justify my position on economic grounds. There ARE other ways to make electricity- wind, solar, water, as well as fossil fuels that are imported- heck, they have technoology that can run cars on water. If they are not economically viable at this point, or in Japan, at least they are not in immediate and imperative danger of causing incredibly massive destruction on a both human and all other life form level- but it seems a risk that people are willing to make....on purely economic grounds. That is why it is insane. It always comes down to the short term economic advantage. Its all about the money. Well, you cant eat money, and electricity doesn't matter much when you have a nuclear situation.
  21. I was finding this fairly easy but this last week my cycle has gone crazy and i have craved chocolate- and virtually anything else full of fat and sugar- like no other time. I am not normally one to crave sugar. Turns out my cycle is only 18 days long this time, so something is whacky with my hormones. It is taking much more discipline than usual to not snack, so I am feeling for others who find it hard. I am off to make an early dinner full of whatever I feel like eating (mm, i have the ingredients for nachos here) and maybe a raw chocolate nutmilk smoothie on the side. But even with this challenge, it is so nice to be able to go and eat a meal of what I want and not worry about it too much- just wait till meal time to eat it. It feels so freeing.
  22. Just agreeing with everyone else. :chillpill::chillpill::chillpill: Have fun. You cant get this time back. You can homeschool and enjoy them- you can do both. You are just not seeing clearly. It doesn't have to be so hard. What brings you joy? Do it. What brings your kids joy? Do it with them. Homeschool is wholistic- its not just about doing school- that's just the head part. Its about living and enjoying your kids and creating a beautiful energy for them to live in. Its about the heart and the hands too. About creating and loving as well as thinking. School would be ok too but you might find a shift in your thinking makes all the difference.
  23. Yes it is getting progressively worse and large amounts of radiation are in the atmosphere at levels that "potentially can affect health". The Japanese prime minister has told the media that people should stay inside and stay calm if they can't get away- and thousands cannot get away due to no petrol, or huge cues for petrol. And the radiation has reached Tokyo, but not in health damaging amounts yet. Though I can't imagine any amount above and beyond normal could be good. This could get so much worse and yes, it could reach the U.S. via the trade winds according to reports I have been watching. Whether or not something could happen like Chernobyl, something IS happening right now that is not good and is getting worse.
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