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Everything posted by Koerarmoca

  1. jeeeze... i only looked at it 100 times 8x4 is 32, divided by 2 is 16 + 80 = 96
  2. really loathing algebra today..

  3. No matter what every.single.day. we end up with one problem that we can not solve. So I took Alg 1 in 7th grade and it came so easy to me. Which was many moons ago but its bugging me that everyday something trips me up. Out of 16 problems dd got 15 correct and I also did them all (for my own practice) we both missed the same one 80+(8x4) Divided by 2 = 96 I have worked this a few ways and still can't get to 96... someone please show me how! or prove the answer key is wrong I am not confident enough to call a key wrong lol.
  4. Meh...Sort of seems like they are selling out for the almighty dollar. I don't have a huge (just a small) issue with it though they are still offering their same materials, and kids will be educated. I personally have not looked at much of their curriculum because it is expensive maybe contracts with PS will lower prices for HS'ers. doubt it lol
  5. if it was in the budget I would have Sunshine in pre-school in a heart beat. Not that she is unruly in the slightest but she gets more screen time than I'd like because she needs to leave the room often so we can focus on school with the older 3.
  6. perhaps the pup is feeling a little confined maybe you could get one of those baby play yard type things you could fold up during the day and slide under your bed then she could stretch her legs a bit at night.
  7. 50 items per card, I think there are some restrictions on dvd's as in i know you can only have 2 TV shows at a time but not sure on other dvd's. Its the same for childrens cards too. We have 6 cards so we can have a ton at a time. I love that they allow you to print 75 pages free from the computers weekly too (on all 6 cards) It's been a life saver for schooling on the cheap!
  8. I love MEP. We switched from singapore and very happy with the results.
  9. b and d still trips up dd7. She was reading so well today I got teary. It has been a battle for her. My two eldest reading came so easy to them.
  10. We just moved from Steubenville in mid Feb. Things got real ugly for awhile, and it was all anyone could talk about. So very glad we left. My eldest dd was so mad we didn't let her go to Big Red. I narrowly missed being on the jury due to our move. Just an awful case all around! and just an FYI the state line between Steubenville OH and Weirton WV is about 3 min. and another 9 min to PA. its not that unheard of to travel between there is nothing in either place to do. Crime and drugs are insane partly why we left.
  11. Another vote for Purple cows. I have had mine for a few years now it came with a bunch of sheets I have been extremely happy with it!
  12. when cooking frozen chicken nuggets yesterday, it warned me "use a pot holder contents will be hot" as if one would remove a cookie sheet from a 425 degree oven in any other way.
  13. 8th grade unless more is needed. My current 9th grader is going through the book 100 words every highschool freshman should know. We do 5 words a week and take another 5 words from science or any reading she is doing that she didn't know the meaning. I don't feel she needs much formal spelling at her level she is pretty good at it and, at this point its more about vocabulary.
  14. 100-3(6-5+1)3 (the 3 is an exponent) our answer does not match what the sites answer is Can someone do this (show your work please lol) so we can figure out where we are going wrong to not get the same answer. It is going to make me crazy lol
  15. 4 year old goes down at 7:30 but usually is not fully asleep till 9 7& 11 year olds go down at 8:30 and usually fall to sleep between 9-9:30 14 year old goes to bed at 9 and is allowed to listen to music w/ headphones, read her kindle etc until 10pm Generally everyone is up by 7-8 the 14 year old is harder to get up but I remind her that its her choice to stay up that late. She needs to get up when I tell her too.
  16. Before our move we were the only non-catholics in our group. It was a great group though and I miss it. I have not found a new group yet.
  17. I just recently met sil & bil and some of the other il's. I have still not met my MIL after almost 15 years of being with my husband. Prior to our move I had only met FIL and I could of done with out that.
  18. Thanks for the heads up! Our library allows 75 pages of free printing per week and we have 6 cards so I can print tons for free.
  19. I'm still a grammar idiot :blushing: I am reading Harvey's, and doing FLL with dd3 I also do Evan Moor daily practice with my older two. Dh is an amazing writer and he helps me a lot in this area. He does all the correcting of writings and practice sheets. He also does a bit of the teaching. I feel I have improved a bit. It's just something I have always hated but I want my kiddos to excel where I have failed.
  20. I have 2 pairs of jeans, 3 pairs of lounge pants, and a few pairs of yoga capris. Up until this past year I wore only skirts so I don't have a huge stock. I had a bit more before moving but we had to downsize a lot.
  21. "unless your bleeding or on fire I don't need to know about it" (regarding my 4 year old niece and her constant tattle tailing) That is my standard statement for tattle tailing. Drives me up a wall!!
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