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Everything posted by Koerarmoca

  1. Dd 4 will be 5 in Nov. She knows the basics, shapes, colors, can count to 20, knows all her upper/lower case letters by sight and sound, can do simple math with manipulatives, and can read some cvc words. BUT (you had to know their was a but right?) Handwriting is going nowhere! She can write letters, and her name but never in order lets call her JANE well she will write NAJE and fight with me tooth and nail about how correct she is. She never wants to write and I don't push to hard because we fight and fight and good golly I just don't have the time to debate with a well spoken, opinionated 4 year old. I am not interested in purchasing some fancy handwriting program and have done pretty much every gel bag, shaving cream, letter shape, busy bag, pintrest activity out there. She enjoys them but pull out the handwriting tablet and pencil I'm surly getting into a fight or getting a drawing.. She is very bright she picks up things super fast (she eavesdrops on lessons..heck, she can recite the preamble of the constitution) Is this a maturity thing? A stubborn thing? A LD? Where do we go from here?
  2. Mostly I fear large groups. It seems that anywhere a large group is makes a potential target. I think I'm most fearful of going back to college. This is a little different but I was young when I had my first child and became a co-sleeper before I even knew what a co sleeper really was. She was born right after Sabrina Eisenburg(sp?) was kidnapped from her crib. (Happened not far from us either) and I was so worried she would be kidnapped from her crib. (I co slept with the rest of my kids too but not for the same reason)
  3. I'm sleepy just reading that. I'd cut something somewhere!
  4. I'm finding this to be very true...and it's killing me lol.
  5. In NE Colorado it's been snowing buckets all day. I'm new to the state and the weather here is just nuts!
  6. I understand you 100% for me I just don't care. Their has been times where my husband has worked odd hours or worked 2-3 Jobs. I am happy knowing he was home having fun with the kids rather than having to clean/cook. (Which he has no issues with cooking, or cleaning up after cooking) I was speaking more in terms of "mom being gone for two weeks" I would then assume he would of taken a night or two off from cooking during the two weeks, and that the house would be less than clean. (I also would re-clean/organizie after him because I'm a bit of a control freak and it wouldn't be "my way") I don't know why that not cooking/helping is the "norm"
  7. I also meant to add, I know my husband could 100% hold down the fort with out me. He might do a pizza or fast food night to give himself a break. I might come home to a less than clean house but I will know that they had fun!
  8. My husband was a chef. After 20 years on his feet in hot kitchens he is working a desk job for the first time in his life. Now he likes to cook at home. When it was his "job" he hated "working at home" as he put it. I am a women who expects very little from him. He walks the dog, changes the light bulbs, gets the items I need out of my reach, runs errands, takes out the trash, assists a little with schooling, cooks dinner atleast 1-2 times per week, and his socks always make it into the hamper. I don't mind one bit taking care of the home. That is my job and chosen role. Even when I did work part time last year I didn't mind, he works hard and I want him to come home to a clean home and dinner on the table. He might not always get it but I will always strive to make it happen.
  9. Oh my, that is dreadful!! Praying a better solution arises quickly! I would be one hot mess of a mama if I got that little sleep!
  10. We do year round (sort of) We school lighter in the summer and do things we don't during the regular school year we call it "summer express" We usually take 2-3 weeks off in the spring to camp (we do a little school always reading at least) We also take off what ever the PS does for Christmas and Spring break (but still always reading) We also take breaks as needed. We way meet our requirements for "hours attended" I break the year into 3 terms so effectively we accomplish 1.5 years of schooling in 365 days.
  11. Some folks don't have the money for expensive courses. I try not to judge. Each child/family has their own reasons for what they choose to best suit their children. I wouldn't bother with other thoughts and opinions do what's best for you.
  12. I have some key lim pie ice cream in the fridge and its really good with cool whip on top. I'm not a big fan of adult parties or chunky cheese parties. I'm a back yard family BBQ kinda girl. Right now I'm wearing come cozy hand knit wool socks that a friend of mine who lives overseas made for me (shipping took forever but so worth the wait)
  13. It's so windy here right now, the windows are shaking. Snow is on it's way assuming the rain will start anytime now!
  14. Today dd14 went to the mall with her cousins and some friends. We met up with them about 2 hours later and we couldn't find part of the group dh went in to check Spencer's and My nephew told me no way was she in there that when everyone went into Spences before dd14 wouldn't go in because her parents have told her "it's not a kids store" So she waited outside the store for everyone to come back out. I am so proud of her for that, I wouldn't of even questioned her having gone in because I didn't remind her of my feelings about the store prior to her going to the mall (quite frankly forgot the mall even had one) Many other teens would of just gone in because "mom and dad aren't here" but I'm so glad to know that the values we teach are making it out into the world with her.
  15. I'm in North Eastern CO. It's crazy windy and I'm not adjusting to this weather after only living here about 2 months. I think they are calling for snow Monday-Wednesday...boo
  16. I forgot jars. I have been buying Classico pasta sauce which comes in mason jars and saving them I think I have 6-8 of them tucked away now.
  17. Say you moved across country and are pretty much starting over so far you have Plates, bowls & cups Forks, butter knives, spoons Can opener Two sauce pans A wok/large skillet 1 mixing bowl You are on an extremely limited budget and need to cook 2-3 meals per day for a large family. I know I'm going to need atleast a crock pot, toaster, blender, cookie sheets & some casserole dishes What else can you think of that will be needed? (Eventually I'm going to need to do this room by room but the kitchen is top priority)
  18. Dd4 & dd7 take 6 inch rulers with them everywhere and measure things. I got some strange looks at an egg hunt when they had to first pull out their rulers and measure their eggs lol. Dd11 once when asked by a stranger in the store in the middle of the day why she wasn't at school she replied with "why aren't you at work?" I think she was about 7 or 8 at the time. When playing Legos with their cousins they are always building Empires or something historical. The cousins are completely clueless to all of it.
  19. I would send a basket of muffins & a card. I don't like flowers soon after a death, only because the flowers will die too. I wouldn't go over though, it would be uncomfortable for both of you.
  20. If I could break away from cereal I would. However with 7 kids in 5 different public schools all leaving at different times it impossible to fix breakfast. They grew up on it and its a habit I have not been able to break. Once in awhile I can get 1/2 of them on oatmeal. My 4 however do like pancakes, muffins or a smoothie.
  21. I'm terrible at this lol. But we also went from 4 to 11 kids in the blink of an eye lol. I am learning so far I just add rice or noodles to almost ever meal to bulk it up. I also regularly stalk "managers special" for bread and meat and then freeze them till we need it.
  22. Wish I had known about the vortex when we had one in a hip to toe cast last year! Totally ask!
  23. I couldn't comment to formula as I have never used it and didn't feel like looking up if it has sugar or not. I know my breast milk likely contained a ton of sugar because I eat a lot of candy lol
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