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Everything posted by Koerarmoca

  1. I don't sing in the shower if anyone is home. When I do it's the national anthem lol. Pot luck... I'm in the mood for Asian salad with crispy won ton strips, sugar snap peas, dried cranberries, and seasme dressing. (Ironically I bought all this today for lunch tomorrow but I'm thinking it will be dinner tonight lol) Yesterday was great hubby was off, 7 of 11 children where not home they where on visitations. It was super nice to just be our family of 6 for a day. Today hubs and I had sometime out alone that almost never happens!
  2. Not with 4 little ones of my own. If it was a situation where I had older kids I would consider it if I really needed the money.
  3. I'd cut off the teeth part and rinse it really good. Meat is to expensive these days to not try to salvage it.
  4. I can't eat anything artificially grape flavored. I did in childhood but something changed and I gag even smelling the kids eat a grape candy. Black olives have the same effect on me.
  5. I find my self saying "I'm off the clock" around 8:00p. I send the youngest to bed at 7:30 the rest follow soon after and now that dh is getting up at 4:30a for work most days I wake up with him even if I don't roll out of bed till 6:30 or 7 I'm pretty done after dinner/clean up/bath time. We are on spring break this week and I'm twice as tired. We are also a two family household right now so 8 kids on the weekdays and 11 on weekends and being the primary care giver is way busier than deal with just my 4.
  6. I like s'more granola bars. I thought it was taken to far with the dessert flavored gum.
  7. Hugs. We had a phase similar (it was not everyday though) when dd11 was 9/10 years old she just finally sucked it up and delt with school. We still butt heads somewhat but it's 1,000 times better than what it was.
  8. I have sleep issues and chronic illness as well. It is very rare that I get naps but I am usually extremely ready to nap by about 2:30-3pm everyday which is about the time dh gets home from work. Every once in a while I will lay down around 1:30 and ask the kids to wake me before dad gets home. I don't always sleep but enjoy just resting my body and closing my eyes for a bit. I do take melatonin to help with sleep at night but it doesn't always work.
  9. Very very rarely do I wear makeup. Maybe once or twice a year if that. And when I do it's usually powder & lip gloss. They only exception is in summer time I seem to get oily I might wear powder to tone down the glow a bit.
  10. I have a wide age span between my kids. The youngest going down between 7:30-8 and oldest down by 9:30-10 I like everyone up by 8am. Usually dd4 gets up earliest around 6:30-7 but she just crawls in bed with me til I get up. Dh leaves for work at 5:30 so we try to get kids to bed early enough that we can get to bed. Most nights the oldest 2 are up later than us but they know to read and leave us alone lol.
  11. Very real, very very very. Over diagnosed yes! I suffer from it and it makes motherhood very hard at times. My nephew also has it (and is bipolar) though I see more bipolar than ADHD in him.
  12. We just moved to North East CO. I don't know the area well but can say it is beautiful!
  13. Thanks for the suggestions everyone making a list and presenting ideas too him.
  14. I had the same thought I will have to ask him on that. Free time does happen frequently based on the time of day and time of month. They are open 24/7 and not everyone makes banking calls at say 6 am MST.
  15. I suggested chess, I can't remember what he said lol..putting it back on the list!
  16. That's a good idea, I'd love to get some Legos out of the house! Made me think of dominos too!
  17. That look like a good possibility I'm not familiar with that game, I will ask him about cards though Not allowed, a girl in his class asked. You can knit in code was the response. He is working with very high security bank information.
  18. I'd have to ask him if he'd be into that. So far he hasn't really met too many folks outside of training class. One guy has a complete army men set and another had a matchbox car set lol...can't see dh doing any of that either.
  19. Dh's new job is VERY high security. He needs something he can do in his cube when he is not taking calls. He has no Internet access, is not allowed any electronic devices not even hand held games like video poker. Of course no, kindles, iPods, phones etc. No reading material unless every page is laminated. No paper or pens/pencils. He has a very small cube so it can't be a 1,000 piece puzzle or anything like that. Basically nothing that he could use to write down any data. So far on the list we have rubix cube. That might entertain him for about 10 minutes lol. PLEASE HELP! he will be out of training in less than 2 weeks and I need to find somethings to buy/order for him. Links would be great!!
  20. I'm suddenly VERY experienced with tantrums. We are currently a 4 parent, 11 child household (well 8 full time kids, 3 are weekenders only) my 7 year old nephew has more tantrums a day then I can count. (He is on medication and diagnosed bipolar/ ADHD) either way his parents who are rarely home pretty much give in every.single.time. Me, I'm no push-over while they give in to end the tantrums I hold my ground even if that means he is going to throw things, hit me, scream for 45 minutes. I actually dread when his parents are home because I can't intervene. It is a real disservice to him to let him get away with murder. 99% of the time you just can't give in. I am wondering though if there is some thing causing sudden tantrums of this magnitude at his age.
  21. I look at it like this, we as parents...work to earn the money to buy the food, educate the children, clothe them, clean up after them...etc. Surly we are entitled to a slice of pizza, or some other treat when we want without kids. We have a "parent" self in the fridge even. A majority of our income is spent on the kids our little treats are well earned!
  22. Oh I forgot a good one. When they are driving me nuts with asking me questions over and over I answer them in tv/movie quotes. my favorite being "what's with today, today" from empire records. And when asking for a bite or a sip of what I'm having "Joey doesn't share food" or "My sandwich...MY SANDWICH" from Friends
  23. I was told when I was younger that I had "exercise induced asthma" I get wheezy when jogging and such but never have needed an inhaler for daily use or anything. I got some night time robatussin (sp?) and took 10 mg melatonin hoping that gets me sleeping tonight. I thought it could be pneumonia again (I had it back in October) because my cough is kinda raspy tonight. We just moved a little over 6 weeks ago and our health insurance with dh's new job starts May 1st so I'm trying my best to not rack up medical expenses. Here's to a good nights sleep! (I hope)
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