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Everything posted by Koerarmoca

  1. I would with just my family, we love severe weather. It's the Floridian in me missing hurricanes lol. If it was snow, not a chance.
  2. I love our library. I can reserve the computer lab or the study rooms (they have singles or one with 4 computers, tables or couches) They also let you print 75 pages in b&w or color for free each week (per card and we have lots of cards lol) I also just found out we can barrow laptops for 5 days but they charge $50 per day if you are late with them. That is a little steep.
  3. Everyone is fed, bathed, clothed, educated and alive! laundry is almost done ,9 and under kids are in bed. Kitchen is cleaned up from dinner We prepped school for tomorrow (we are doing school at the library tomorrow we reserved a room) I have a migraine (again) watching mindless tv and eating dark chocolate caramel sea salt ghirardelli in bed while dh is eating dinner (he is on 10-7 shift this week and next) Tomorrow is a new day!
  4. Feels warmer here now in Northeaster almost north middle CO. A lot of the snow has melted and I'm hoping the snow is gone..I already did winter this year before we left the east coast in Feb. lol
  5. People in the store/mall are quite clueless..customer service is pretty good. My younger brother has been an agent for years and its pretty insane how much he knows. Edited for typo
  6. Maybe I am reading the wrong way into this "quiz" is this like an academic team type thing? If so I look at it like this A. It's educational B. she seems dedicated to it C. She is 17 and is capable (or should be capable) of managing her own time I understand she has other work to complete however I don't know what area I would give the highest priority to because I do not know what all "quiz" entails.
  7. Another vote for bac out! I love that stuff. Sports wash is another idea, it removes human odor for hunting. Might work for vomit too. You can usually find it with the hunting stuff at Walmart.
  8. We have a couch, love seat & chair... So seating for 6 and have 11 kids so yeah...our living room could accommodate another love seat or get rid of it all and do a sectional either way it's not big enough to seat everyone. The plus side though is our dinning room is right behind the living room so the kids often will eat popcorn at the table and watch a movie. The dinning room table seats 14 but only the back chairs face the tv (it's off during meal times) All that to say yes everyone can sit and watch TV somewhere together but it rarely happens as 16 year olds and 4 years rarely watch the same things lol.
  9. I would think hydrogen peroxide or a 50/50 mix of water and tea tree oil...or better yet vinegar is what I would use.
  10. I'm listening to the police scanner right now, things sound a little grim :(
  11. I'm listening to the police scanner right now, things sound a little grim :(
  12. Yikes, I have friend in/near Waco. Scary stuff! Prayer to all involved
  13. I have been not feeling so well the past few days and dh is on a shift change so he isn't getting home till around bedtime for the 7 and under crew. It's just been to much chaos in the kitchen I need a break lol.
  14. I also would not go let alone take a child. It's not very healthy to live in fear either but I do fear large crowds. maybe a "virtual trip" take the day to study what happened and watch some old news clips.
  15. clueless here debating pizza or take out lol... what are you making tonight?
  16. Schooling light today, dh's is on a new schedule for the next two weeks and its thrown me for a loop. Made burgers for lunch, shoveled and salted the front walk, older girls are working on an essay. Dd7 is laying down with me watching her favorite movie (Facing the Giants) No clue what I am making for dinner I hate cooking when dh won't be home for dinner but there are 12 others who need to eat. I thought about ordering pizza but I need 4 to feed this crew and I hate to send someone out in the snow just to deliver pizza because I'm feeling lazy. I need to do more laundry of course it never ends I am behind for the day in that respect. So Wednesday is kinda kicking my butt.
  17. The last sentence I uttered was "mom is going to go stick her blanket back in the dryer and cozy up under a warm blanket for a few hours" Medically I'm not doing well. The older girls are working on their exit essays (founding fathers unit) and I have not made dd4 or dd7 do any work that wasn't an electronic game.
  18. That's super high, I spend less than that on 4 kids and one is in high school. I would go back through and cut what you can and shop used!
  19. Yes do tell her to not contact you again. I recently had to do this with FIL. He is his own special brand of crazy and he was Facebook stalking me...ugh! We have also recently had CPS called because of custody issues with 3 of our nieces and we did make sure the house was well stocked and tidy (which it almost always is anyway) CPS recognized it was more of a "we are going back to court soon so I want to get them in trouble somehow before our court date" kind of situation and it never went past a phone interview. Crappy relatives are the pits! Hoping for a smooth resolution!
  20. Tuesday has been productive. School is done (mostly) I need to read with dd7 but she is assisting the 4 year olds on starfall. I also need to do science with dd14 but that may wait till tomorrow. Kitchen is clean Chicken in the crockpot for dinner Cleaned and rearranged the 4 girl room. I could barley get into the closet lol Cleaned my room (mostly) Spent too long shoveling snow (way not good for me) Dd4 is on my laptop I need to do some planning and it just works better than doing it on my iPad And lastly 5 out of a million loads of laundry are done, folded/hung and put away other than my favorite game of "who's sock is this and where is its mate" I have to wait for the PS kids to get home to play that game.
  21. This is a great read. I am impressed at the civility that has taken place when this certainly is/can be a hot topic. I have no opinion really other than thinking to my self "great way to sell books" Not! my faith is always changing as I dig deeper and deeper into the word. Sometimes I feel like I'm in the matrix and have to choose the blue or the red pill but wishing there was a third purple pill that let me have things both ways.
  22. I'm almost always a NO on these threads, and I'm a NO again 12 hours is just to long.
  23. Yeah I wish they had a private 21 and up section in the back that way the "teen" stuff could be just for teens. It would make the store a little more pg-13.
  24. Well I was just informed we are not that "Northeast" lol. Lets call it "north-almost-middle" We just moved here late Feb lol. We are in Greeley
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