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Everything posted by Koerarmoca

  1. I have a awful cold..totally horrid I couldn't breathe at all last night and didn't fall asleep till 5:30am when dh was leaving for work. Then was woken by my crew at 7a. I tried to "put myself down for a nap for being cranky" I got about 45 mins with several interruptions. I then had an appointment and been dealing with drama between my niece and oldest 2 girls all night. I did manage to de clutter our school stuff, sort some laundry and read with moonbeam. So I'm calling it good tomorrow is a new day hopefully I'm well rested, and felling much better in the morning.
  2. We just moved and I'm not sure the laws/rules for hs'ing someone else's kids but I am seriously considering doing it for my niece and nephew they are flunking out of public school, 16 year old nephew cuts class more than he shows up I'd be happy to tie him to a chair and school him before he fully wrecks his future.
  3. I do about 98% of our schooling with out curriculum. The only things I own are SOTW 1 and a few phonics things. So many free resources online that are pretty great even for high school. For example HOLT has math pre Alg, Alg 1, geo and Alg 2 most with workbooks. Kahn has good videos for teaching concepts and so does http://www.shmoop.com. Ck-12 also has many free subjects. That are quite solid IMO. I piece things together based on concepts as I want them to learn them, especially with grammar and math. Free Zaner-blosser spelling lists on spelling city. Kiss grammar + I check out FLL from the library as often as I can (I renew it till I can't renew anymore, return it, check it out again lol I lost our copy in our move) I do have to do a lot of leg work planning wise, lots of library resources, free ebooks, I print a ton of things etc. However, my kids have excelled by leaps and bounds with my methods. Partly because with out TM's I have re-learned a lot to which better equips me to help them.
  4. dd11 has CVS we have several, almost one in every room. Old ice cream buckets are what we use.
  5. Usually it is, I'm I freak but I love sorting, washing and folding...putting it away not so much. I can only do laundry two days a week (currently living with family) and this week I was sick eldest did about 1/16 th of it so tomorrow I'm headed to the laundry mat. I can not stand to get behind I have nearly 3 LARGE hampers full...*thud*
  6. I love saucony jazz...so comfy, I also love rocket dogs though my teen tells me I'm too old for them...hmmpf.
  7. 15 days, I'm inking about signing up for the trial after sprin break
  8. In 8th we did the first 1/2 of Alg1, in 9th (our current year) we continued alg1 and started Geo at the same time. The plan for 10th is Alg2. We should be on track for pre calc in 11th. Dd really didn't need alg1 split like that but due to medical & family issues we didn't keep the pace we usually do, and I wanted to make sure she had a good algebraic foundation before starting Geo.
  9. 365 lol. We are year-rounders too. We are going to be starting the next grade/level up in most subjects in about 3 weeks.
  10. I found this http://teachyourchildtoread.ca/ if you register it takes you to the stairway to reading site it has remidal info and a placement test. And it appears to be free. I stumbled upon it while looking for something else and thought of this thread.
  11. I'm all over the place in just about every subject for all 4 kids lol. It's not helping that I have no wiggle room in the budget. I'm hoping I can nail down a plan soon.
  12. http://thunderboltkids.co.za/ It's free and colorful lol. I thought maybe I could turn it into a summer express course. Has anyone used it? Love it? Hate it?
  13. Yeah....big time ..when dd was in pvt school in the yearbook she was voted "most disorganized" lol Like mother like daughter, though I did a 180 and am a bit of a near freak now.
  14. Yeah I use safari right now but use tapatalk with other forums its easier is all lol
  15. Raisingrefounders.com with library books has been going well thus far. And it's free.
  16. Is this forum on tapatalk or have some other forum app yet? My laptop needs some work done and navigating on here is rough lol. I looked in the App Store and searched tapatalk but didn't find anything :(
  17. I don't miss my PA homeschooling days. I do feel though that if there is a case of abuse that its good for someone to follow up on the family.
  18. I would sneak in a semester of anatomy & physiology somewhere. I know it was my favorite course in science you could combine it with biology even I would think. I don't know if its critical to take for college but I know it helped me some.
  19. I don't know if anyone saw the video of the incident. It was highly disturbing. It would very much skew your "side". As a former resident I can say they WAY idolize the football team. EVERY business has a Big Red banner in the window, The stadium likely cost more than they spent on education last year (its newly bulit). We lived on the "footpath" to the stadium and we would watch the parade so to speak of vulgar mouthed, rude, football players dressed up in their Jerseys walk to the games. Then the after parties usually turned into block parties on "the hill" (aka labell view) Cops would patrol the street but NEVER do a thing about the drinking, drugs or loudness. It was quite awful. A football player even smashed the window to the local store and the store owner wouldn't even report it because "he was a football player" (I was a witness) It may sound like I hate the city but I will say AMAZING homeschool community and a HUGE one too, assuming many have a distaste for the PS.. with reason.
  20. :( maybe put in a call to the local administration for the PS and see if they can offer any suggestions. This can't be the first time a situation like this has come up. Maybe a GED tutor is another option or something like sylvian learning centers. Surly someone will have the heart to help someone trying to improve her life situation.
  21. the 30's have brought me a little chin action too, and a lot of grays. Stinks! I will do home care until I'm too old to do it. Then, I will just go for whiskers, house coats, stacks of newspapers & 30 cats and call it good!
  22. I'm assuming the "reading" portion of the GED is reading comp. Maybe a grade 2 spectrum workbook and go up as she progresses.
  23. Maybe some ESL materials would work? some areas offer free GED classes too, maybe speaking with one of the teachers could help?
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