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Everything posted by Koerarmoca

  1. family of 6 here and we generally spend $200-300 weekly. If I don't have a decent stockpile. Sometimes we get away with just meat and produce and it is around $150
  2. I would never encourage a credit card, I would encourage him to set up an emerg. fund. I would also help pay for the custody hearing think of it as an investment in the best interest of the child.
  3. I bathed them with some Dr Bonners that is all I had on hand, and the flea powdar didn't seem to bother them one bit. I am going to go to the store in a few mins to see what I can find now that dh is home. I dont think I can sleep all day I have felt like my skin is crawling.
  4. I havemy phonics/math board and I have Princess ABC's. They are wall decals so they cause no damage.
  5. :D Bump! I know we have tons in this area just wondering how mny are WTM mama's :D
  6. our set up is pretty open too. I have 3 separated desks in the "school room" but I often have one kid in the school room, 1 on the couch with me reading & 1 in the dinning room at the table. I do sometimes send dd12 to her room with her math so she can concentrate better.
  7. We follow a Friday sunset to Saturday sunset Sabbath. Friday is or preparation day we prepare all the meals for Friday dinner, then Saturday Bfast-lunch-dinner. We do laundry and such, clean the house etc. so no "work" has to be done. Friday I also make 4 loaves of Challah. We just do family things, A bible reading, play games, take a long Saturday afternoon nap. I use the least amount of dishes possible but being summer time I do wash them or at the very least rinse them well. We have not found a local Saturday fellowship but we do sing an do a bible reading on Saturdays. Most important thing is to rest and not create work for others (so no shopping or going out to eat would be appropriate)
  8. My kids are very social with other chldren and adults. But they fight constantly with one another otherwise they are happy/well adjusted. I think som of the figthin comes from so many strong personalities in the home too.
  9. what about a nice dinner followed by a friendly poker game. My dh went to a "clean" bacholor party like that they had a nice dinner at a Japanese steakhouse and they had rented a hotel room and had poker tables set up and did a $5 entry and had a "lastman standing" kind of game it was a lo of fun for all the guys.
  10. 1 out of 6 of us has a bunch of bites around her ankels I thught it was from being ouside on th 4th for a long time. She is more prone to all bites for some reason. I got some flea powdar for the cats that was all they had at our local store. I plan to sprinkle that on them and atleast on their beding. hopefully we can nip this in the bud quickly.
  11. let's say you have 4 kids. Live in socially economically disadvantaged area. Extra curricular are hard to come by and the budget really isn't there for sports and such. You have a decent homeschooling group but people are busy with life and get togethers are few and far between. And you have not found a new church home or fellowship. At what point do you worry about socialization? is socializing with your family enough? ps excuse the typos typing on ipod.
  12. We only have office depot here. I generally do my bts shopping at walmart though. I will have to check out office depot just to see the responce. ;)
  13. ugh.. its fleas :( I just gave them both a bath. Assuming now that we brought in fleas with our "new to us" couch. I am going to have to treat the entire house I assume.
  14. providing I have everything that is in my house I could successfully school K-8 and if a Zombie Apocalypse is going down and there are no jobs to be had anyway I would be ok wth my kids having 8th grade educations.
  15. I don't think it's ring worm it's just crusty junk. She is all black not sure if it would show in pics She. Does plAy fight w / our other kitty. I also see no inflammation or fleas she has never been outside
  16. I like free lol. Do you have a link?
  17. 54.0 Mps no idea what that means but that is what it says. I am also running netflix, a desktop, my laptop and my ipod which surly slows things downs. ETA: ok that is just what my computer said when I went into my controls, it was way slower on those test sites like 13.4 Mps We hve service through Openrange.net. I liked them becase I can set up to pay a year at a time and not deal with monthly bills. It's like $600 something for a year of internet + free long distance. Not bad IMO.
  18. I discovered last night that our Cat (approximately 1.5-2 years old) Has some scabby crusty patches around her neck. I cleaned the spots up with some peroxide. She has always been the type to scratch and groom herself constantly. I pet her often and never noticed these patches before. She is an indoor only cat. Our baby cat (who is a little over 1) doesn't have any spots. what could this be? We just moved to this area and I don't have a local vet yet. I would much rather treat it homeopathically than to go to the vet. We lost our 5mth old kitty at the vet and I think he was at least partially at fault and I am in no hurry to have a huge vet bill again. I don't have much cat experience so any advice is appreciated.
  19. I have one really super close BFF that I met in 10th grade. We see each other about once or twice a year (she lives about 7 hours away) I have a few local Homeschooling mom friends that I have met since we moved here in April but no one I am super close with at this point. When we moved I left behind my home church and I had a nice circle of friends their (very small church) We are culturally different than our neighbors and don't share similar values so its been hard to click with anyone super close. I am a short walk from what I call "the circle" at the end of the street we have like 8 homeschooling families its a different world on that end of the street.
  20. I don't get bogged down with charts and stats and graphs. I am 5'4 and very large framed. Big boned for sure. I wear an 11 shoe and have the hands of an NBA player. I look sickly at 150 but that is "overweight" according to my height. I look great around 175-180 and that would be my personal goal. I wear all elastic wasted skirts so I have no idea what my true size even is. I could stand to loose a few pounds its an uphill battle I can generally lose 20 then I put on 30.. its a battle. Such as life I guess.
  21. I would think if the net was used and all safety precautions are taken it would be safe & fun. I would so do it but my dh is very anti-trampoline :glare:
  22. I dream of upstairs laundry with capacity for 2 washers and dryers. Large kitchen with island that over looks a schoolroom that is a few steps down so I can see everything from my island. I want the school room to have one huge window wall with bookshelves above them with a rolling ladder. and under the windows a reading nook and lower bookshelves for the little kids books. I would also love the upstairs all open so that the lower floors are tall and I can look up and see who is running from room to room... OR I would just build the Duggars house :lol:
  23. We didn't do a formal curriculum for math in K. She was only homeschooled for about 8 weeks (we moved and started HS in a new state) She is great at math though. I could of saved about $70 in math manipulative's she doesn't use them. She can do simple addition and subtraction mentally. I do however want to use a formal curriculum for 1st grade. I plan on Saxon in the upper grades as I have a few levels worth but I didn't like it for younger kids. What would you suggest?
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