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Everything posted by Koerarmoca

  1. I can share my plans for my 4th grader if that helps you at all Bible- Polished corner stones (all my girls in a group doing this) Math- Rod & Staff 4 w/ some Saxon 6/5 English- Rod & Staff 3 Spelling- Zaner Bloser free lists done on spellingcity.com Science- BJU 4 History SOTW 1 w/ her first grade sister & some MOH vol 1 w/ her 8th grade sister (I think I am not sure how I am doing it just yet) She will also keep with playing the violin, and do Track w/ the HS group and maybe Latin through a co-op We are following the AO reading list as well for free reading and books she selects on her own I would read The Well Trained Mind of course, I also like reading CM books.
  2. yes to all this, my youngest 2 can't sit still so they illustrate a lot of what they hear on their mini white boards while I read. for my 2 year old its just scribbles but she will grab her board and her a book and ask me to read so I know she enjoys that special time weather its for the scribbles or just hearing mommies voice.
  3. I am addicited too. kinda glad it don't work well on my ipod or I would be even more hooked lol http://pinterest.com/crawmich6/pins/
  4. She sounds like a nutbag, and the groom needs to run like the wind! I agree that is crazy high. Is the dress made of gold and dimonds? :lol: :iagree:
  5. I have the free app on my ipod and I love it. I love to that I am downloading books to it and dh took it to work with him today.. that is so cool to me LOL.
  6. My older brother is a lefty they used to tie his hand behind his back to try to force him to use his right hand. Truly makes me sick to think about it. I have a lefty and it has posed no problems what so ever semi sloppy handwriting but that is a non-issue IMO. Also she needs a little more elbow room so she isn't bumping into a righty. You can buy a binder and bind books opposite for them and you can even order notebooks with the spiral on the opposite side. I never did any of that though. She just adapted.
  7. I had 2 families growning up so I was either the oldest or the youngest depending on where I was at. Dh was the baby of his family.
  8. this. I would also get some cheap toys that you dont care about for outside play so if they do get messed up its not a big deal.
  9. I have used some free copywork stuff but havnt purchased anything yet.
  10. I voted other because it depends on which family I was with. At my bio Dad's I was the oldest. At my bio mom's I was the youngest. At my bio mom's when their was drama with my older step siblings I was then an only child. not sure if any of it impacted my choice to homeschool other than wanting my daughters to be close because it was always a drama rotation for me growing up.
  11. I can say that I know of 2 homebirth deaths of friends online. 1 was avoidable baby died several hours later because their wasn't a good exam of her done that issues where missed. and The 2nd was unavoidable stillbirth that was no fault of the midwife and most likely happened a few days prior to the birth. Very very sad :( but to those 2 I know about 80 wonderful outcomes too. I am not comfortable enough to share my own birth experiences publicly here but I do hate hospitals and I blame them for something that happened to me, but I risk out for home birth so I didn't have many options. I want to be a homebirther so badly though and if I ever find a willing certified mw I would be so happy.
  12. We are starting July 20th, I wanted to start sooner but we have been having a few mini vacations and such. I have just been taking time to plan things out and let them have some fun. We still do read daily though and sometimes if they ask for school work I let them work out of workbooks I don't plan to use. if you situation I would wait to officially start on the 1st and maybe just do some light stuff till then
  13. I could use some more friends and motivation I am hoping to lose 44 pounds. if you are on their you can add me by username Crawlil6 I love that their is a app for it make it so easy to put my food and exercise in.
  14. I voted YE I feel its closer to 6,000 than 4.5 Billion. I am a Conservative Baptist and also Torah Observant..hard to explain that one :lol:
  15. very tight budget here, I think I have spent around $150 for 3 kids. I live in a huge homeschooling community though so just about every yardsale I hit has HS'ing stuff cheap and our local used bookstore is great. and one of the local thrift stores just gives away books (I make a donation) but I have gotten a lot of great curriculum for dirt cheap. I have bought a few things offline but for the most part I save by shopping locally.
  16. add me to the list of "over it" too. My 2 year old is still up :glare:
  17. :lol: that was the most expesive edition to our room. I got a decent deal but anything X4 kids can be spendy.
  18. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: :001_huh: I'm confused. Do you say these things because you are a non-believer or you are a believer who doesn't believe in teach sin and salvation to your children until a specific age?
  19. I have a 1st, 4th and 8th grader. Now my 8th grader doesn't seem to know much about history at all. She has been public/prvt and homeschooled. She was homeschooled in 1st, 3rd "cyber schooled"and 4th where we did state history. So I never really got into much History with her. My 4th grader also doesn't know much past the "babyish" communities/people type SS. I was looking at doing STOW vol 1 or MOH vol 1 with all of them but a fellow HS'er who I hold in pretty high regard told me that STOW was not enough for an 8th grader. I downloaded a sample of STOW vol 1 to my ipod and I have STOW vol 2 from the library but only flipped around a bit. I have not seen the activity books either. I have not seen MOH at all, still waiting on the library It is important to me that I do all 3 kids together for both time and budget. so wwyd?
  20. Thanks everyone the name pegs is the Accountable kids program. :D
  21. Well, almost. I need some decor and would love to paint but it is ready for School & play :D You can see pics here
  22. Bachelors in Social Work (BSW) never really used it other than for ministry/non profit work that I used to do. My Biz has zero to do with it :lol:
  23. Indeed, I do hope that at the very least the get a AA/AS degree or some type of training. My 4 year degree while helpful in educating them has done nothing more than look pretty in a frame till I took it down and filed it away lol
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