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Everything posted by Koerarmoca

  1. between buying used, using the library and the Catholic thrift store that always has curriculum (all books are FREE there but I still donate something) I have been able to keep our budget under $200 per kid for the year. I also have stocked up on things that where cheap and have a few years worth of other subjects. It helps to know that I don't have to buy math for my middle 2 from 5th-8th grade because I already have it all (that is if saxon works for them) rarely do I buy anything new. It also helps greatly that my community has a TON of homeschoolers its rare that I find a yard sale that isn't full of curriculum :D
  2. Because we follow the bible and my husband is the Head of our home and marriage we must be in the "dyshealth" Seriously? Please don't lump all families that follow the Bible into some dysfunctional bucket I don't subscribe to any particular quiverful or patriarchal movement. But, I do believe that the husband is the spiritual leader of the home, and I do feel that all children are a blessing and if I could still have children I would but secondary infertility does happen :( I am not abused, brainwashed, etc. And I also have happy and well adjusted daughters who gasp do chores and help with siblings. I think it's quite possible too that Jim Bob and Michelle came to a decision together about the internet. They "lead by example" and maybe Jim Bob didn't want internet because he knows what it's like to be a young man faced with temptations. We have filters on our family computer more for safety. I don't worry about my husband on the net all he does is play pogo and poker :lol: :iagree: :iagree: apparently I didn't multi quote everything I wanted to lol. I wanted to address the girls turning pants into skirts. This was for the "dress" uniform not the running into a blazing fire uniform. As much as I have advocated and taught my girls you can do anything in a skirt.. putting out fires is a pants only event :lol:
  3. My first beer was ice house so I drank that for a while. Then I found Corona w/ a lime wedge and loved that. I don't drink at all now but some hot summer days I could go for an ice cold beer...gah! As to why I liked one particular beer over another no particular reason at all.
  4. We have a few more hands in the chore pot so we rotate. Generally speaking our 9 year old (. Fixes breakfast for the early risers (usually her, 5 year old & 2 year old) Clears the table and scraps/rinse plates. Wipes down the bathroom (with homemade cleaning wipes) gathers her laundry and puts it away after washing. She is also my most organized child so she helps with school filing, organizing and inventory of supplies. She also scoops cat litter and helps with car cleaning and outside chores.
  5. I will just add please leave feedback for the newbies.. I have had Mostly great outcomes here and so greatful for a great used resource :D
  6. What would be your choice for phonics? Feel free to link me to free resources too :D
  7. We opt for longer days so we can take Fridays off (dh is off for Fridays and that is my preparation day) between the 3 kids I think we do about 4-5 hours a day but that isn't each child working 4 or 5 solid hours. It just usually takes 4-5 hours for 3 kids to accomplish 2-3 hours of work with breaks, lunch and toddler interruptions mixed in. The only thing I put an actual time limit on is Spelling because we do that on a shared computer so we have to rotate. (we use spellingcity.com)
  8. my first grader will more or less just sit in on it for "story time" and a little geography I have CLE Social Studies I can do with her as well if she shows zero interest in SOTW. I think she will like it tough at least the parts on Egypt she is big into Egyptians for some reason.
  9. They do make modest swimwear I think I recall seeing them swim at one point (could be thinking of something else), though I don't think you can swim competitively in it. The first swim dresses we had we could barley move in them so we had to switch to something more like a dance leotard that is short sleeves/shorts.
  10. I can't imagine having all those kids in extra curricular activities. Say even the eldest 10-12 kids that would be so much running around. If I had that many we would just be our own team(s) and play on our huge property. I to have a love/hate relationship with the duggars. I do have a lot of admiration for them too.
  11. I do hope we like it I plan to start it this year with my girls. I do worry about it not being biblical enough for us but I can add to it and do a lot of "but this is what we believe" which we often do even with Christian materials.
  12. Thanks so much off to check these out.
  13. More often we call them hair ties, sometimes hair thing. My grandma called them gum-bands.
  14. Check yard sales. I got a videoscope for 10 cents because they didn't think it worked. It just needed batteries. while not a microscope its still pretty awesome. It magnifies onto a built in tv screen I like it because no "its my turn" stuff because they all can see it at once.
  15. I am doing this next year with my 1st, 4th & 8th graders. I understand its a bit young for my 4th & 8th graders but its really grabbed their interest in the sample readings and they had no love for history prior to reading the sample chapters. I am wanting to add to it some historical fiction books that would line up with this early time period that would be good for their age/grade. Can anyone recommend some titles for me.
  16. I would love that and I dont even use the program lol. I have an ipod touch and it has a spelling game app but its too hard for my 5 year old and to easy for my 9 year old a total conundrum.
  17. We use accountable kids program. I have a zone breakdown with it though. with simpler tasks for my 5 year old like empty trash bins,set table, feed cats etc.
  18. :bigear: I just won a auction for the first edition on ebay. w/ tests. I figure I will take some of the test questions for review and maybe make up a few questions to go along with it. We do more hands on discussion/experiments than book work but I still like testing to make sure she is grasping the key components of the materials.
  19. This is pretty much us too. After lunch when dd2 naps I do 1 on 1 w/ dd5 while the older 2 do their own things.
  20. Well I call our Library days field trips and those are weekly lol. We otherwise try to go into the city once a month for zoo, museums, events etc. It all depends on the budget that month.
  21. :grouphug: btdt it's hard to learn the hard way :glare: and shame on them for taking advantage.
  22. I have 2 pushed together to make a table, I have a 3rd that I sometimes put across the front. It works well because they have storage under them so they kids can keep personal stuff in them too ETA: they have adjustable legs too but our chairs are tall so I keep them high. My 2 year old uses them with or with out her booster. the desks I got at a yard sale and the chairs I got at a school sale I have had the chairs for about 10 years but the desks are new to us but they are perfect together.
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