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Everything posted by Koerarmoca

  1. We have them here too. I finally went bananas yesterday and made up a mix of Water, Castile soap & TTO, I sprayed the entire inside of the house down walls and all. they really didn't like that at all. I have only seen a few survivors. I also sucked a bunch up with the vacuum. I don't know what they are so crazy this year. And wish our house was sealed better. I can't even make it out to the car with out fanning my arms like a crazy woman. Last year it was stink bugs.. I would take them back at this point at least they kept my cats busy.
  2. Your Mom might want to re-read the old testiment ;) and, of course Jesus was a Jew ;) Not sure on the "not believing being a choice or not" you could compare that to many other things in life. I just don't feel I can answer because I just always knew That God/Jesus was real. It was very real to me after a near death experience in 3rd grade. I don't have many memories of my life prior to that experience.
  3. I need everything. We burn through supplies so fast my girls always are creating things or "playing" school. I really need staples and staple remover. Paper/Notebooks, Pens, pencils, crayons, glue, laminating sheets and 3 ring binders. I really want a comb binder so I keep looking out for deals on them. I bought all my big supplies last year, laminator, 3 hole punch, stapler, electric sharpener, paints, art sets etc. So this year its mostly little things.
  4. it would never work for us. My dh would be too tempted to play video games and play with the kids. He works 3rd shift so he is home for 95% of our waking hours even if he is sleeping if it hits the fan I know I can wake him for help. I love our current set up.
  5. We are starting back gentialy July 20th when we get back from vacation. We will go till aug 29th then take our final vacation of the summer then hit it hard after Labor day
  6. Nothing! (Sabbath here) I did clean the kitchen around 10p Then I watched dh and dd9 play Chess Then I played our new ps3 game (Lost) and Got killed by the smoke monster about 100 times :lol: Tomorrow I am motivated to clean out the fridge and pantry out before we leave on vacation in 4 days. and do a heap of laundry so I am not packing last minute. Monday I am motivated to plan our schooling for July 20th -Aug 29th before our next trip.
  7. apples and pears, may be a good fit. I have been using Zaner Bloser free lists for my girls, and they free worksheet that comes with it. I import the words into Spellingcity.com and they really enjoy using that. Plus it tests and everything for me which I love. With ZB I find the lists to be too easy so I had my K'er doing the 2nd grade list and my 3rd grader doing 5th grade. It only goes up to 8th so I had my 7th grader doing 8th and it worked out well for us. We started schooling late last year so we are start on week 8 on the same grades we did last year. Spelling City had just been wonderful with games, printables, teaching & testing pretty much all done for me.
  8. We are going on our 2nd ever camping trip. Our last trip went well I am just looking for some meal ideas I may of over looked last time. We will need 3 days worth of meals + 1 extra breakfast and lunch. So hit me up with your favorite campfire meals. We will have a mid sized cooler for perishables and a rubbermade tote for non perishables. No electricity or running water unless I go hike out to the restrooms to get some.
  9. :iagree:I agree this is still a pretty formfitting/revealing top. Cute if that is your style though but the flower would have to go :lol:. If you sew you can buy shorts to coordinate with a skirt and just put a few stitches in the sides and you have a modest skirt with built in shorts. A lot of times we just wear capri leggings under dresses/skirts too.
  10. Last year we used The Bible, Classic reading selections and writings on them, Saxon 8/7, Apologia General Science & All American History. We only did a partial year but these things where ok to close the gaps her private school created and to get her on track for 8th this coming year.
  11. We had an upstairs school room a few years ago and it just didn't work for us. I need to be in the main living areas and kitchen most of the day. We have our dinning room converted into a school room now as we have an eat in kitchen so it was wasted space otherwise. We sometimes end up at the kitchen table for art and such but it's too warm in their (we have window units but cant put one in the small kitchen window. Our school room in nice a cold though.
  12. As a Group: SOTW, Feeding my Sheep (how great thou art) Polished Cornerstoned (bible) Music: Violin (4th grader) Clarinet (8th grader) intro to recorder (1st grader) Latin Co-op maybe and Track. 1st Grader Something phonics undecided at this point CLE Social Studies FLL ZB Spelling 2 (Spelling imported into spellingcity by me) A reason for Handwriting Tagging along with science level 1 & 2 readers 4th Grader R&S 3 English R&S 4 Math ZB Spelling 6 (Spelling imported into spellingcity by me) BJU Science 4 A reason for Handwriting Cursive level F Something for Logic undecided Classic Reading Selections 8th Grader Voyages in English 8 Saxon Alg 1 (may switch to TT) ZB Spelling 6 + Challenge words (Spelling imported into spellingcity by me) A reason for Handwriting Cursive level F Apologia Physical Science Classic Reading selections
  13. I got it at a store called ollies I think was $1.99 I was thinking of buying more so I can sell them to others it's been a big hit here
  14. Our Math & Phonics Center Better organization of art supplies & Games (yes these are kept high out of 2yo's reach) The before pics can be seen here[/url]
  15. Taking a bit of a friends "centers" ideas we have some new "zones" in our school room.. I had to take out the bean bag chairs they just stole to much space from us we can bring them down as needed for now they are in the girls rooms. I also got some stuff up on the walls Our princess ABC's Our time telling poster our History/Geography Center (really neat-o book) Our Science Center (with our 10cent videoscope)
  16. When the animals come out that is always a sign that I have been reading a thread for too long and should go clean my house or engage my children in someway or another. :lol:
  17. With out even thinking about it I wore a denim jumper to the end of year HS picnic.. maybe that is why I felt like an outcast. they must of thought "oh she is one of those homeschool moms" :lol: my jumper is way cute though ;) but it doesn't get much wear its more or less I wear it when I think I might get dirty or stained because I don't care much about that outfit :lol: admittedly that made me giggle. I do however hope that no one here would be abused for such a thing and take offence. :grouphug: :iagree: that was totally rude :glare:
  18. :lol: yeah if I want to veiw kids doing school work I will just watch mine..
  19. To address the Homeschooling they do. I assume it's not TV worthy. When they are doing so many other things that would be far more interesting to watch on TV. They seem pretty hands on with things which is a great way to learn. They talk about educational aspects to certain trips they make etc. My understanding is for taping that they arrange to tape for events (ie Josh's engagement/wedding, trips to NYC, etc.) I doubt Michelle or Jim Bob calls up TLC and says "Hey, we are doing a math lesson today want to come over and film it" I think we see very little of their "daily" life and much more of the events/fun stuff.
  20. :iagree: I live in a large homeschooling community, and a mile from a university that is very heavy in Homeschool support and attendees that have been homeschooled. I know many of the professors wives whom Homeschool as well. One family in particular who's father is a professor they use SOS for everything except for Math. Their oldest 3 had no issues getting into college at all. College is not for everyone. I think training in any given field is = to a college education. As in one of the Duggar children training to be a midwife I think is equal to going to school for a degree and likely she will have a job faster. I also don't think any university would turn a Duggar child down given their "fame" I also feel their is nothing wrong with aspiring to be a sahm homeschooling mother if my husband is able to support the household.
  21. IMO so many couples live childless or have small families. I think it balances out. Now if each of the Children produce 20+ grandchildren and those grandchildren each produce 20+ great grandchildren.. Then I might worry about the carbon foot print of the family a whole ;)
  22. We went 12 years with out vacationing. You can tell your kids you know of at least 1 family who doesn't vacation yearly. This year is the frist year we have and we are taking 2 to make up for 12 years of none. Both short trips the first one was out of state the 2nd trip is more local.
  23. 100EZ & FIAR 100EZ was boring, and FIAR was just not my style and my dd got bored with looking at the same book to do a billion lessons with.
  24. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: I agree 100% and find some of the comments to be hurtful...just wow!
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