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Everything posted by Koerarmoca

  1. Only having read the first few comments. I will say sometimes people say things out of anger that they really don't mean. It does not make it ok or make it right by any means. You have to decide if you love him enough to be willing to work through the issue. I would in the mean time not leave her home with him and I would start working on an "plan B" so that you could support yourself and the children with out him. I would have a super hard time with the name calling though. I would also maybe find out from your son what your daughter was doing at the time that made him say this. While I don't know the whole story I highly doubt it was just a she walked in the kitchen and He called her a B situation. My guess is something set him off, and he needs to work through that anger with someone.
  2. This has been a good read. My dh is currently between jobs (he starts his new job next Monday) and we recently moved across country. Between some medical issues I had and the move we are about 4-5 weeks behind where I want to be and just feeling stressed with everything and feeling their is not enough of me to go around. My dh helps with the things I ask of him (usually) I also know he is enjoying some downtime between jobs. He is generally supportive though he would rather see the kids in PS because that is "what normal kids do" mentality.
  3. I have been feeling over extended lately and just wondering how much help you have from your dh/so. And what do they do to help? I need to ask for help from time to time but I'm also pretty controlling (with school) and I don't know where to start. For right now I have dh helping with grammar/spelling because that is my personal weak area.
  4. I hope so, we do living books for a lot of our learning. We use SOTW, I see it more as a story book and we go much deeper with the use of living books. We also do many living books for Science and State history.
  5. we school year round and after a few set backs this year and moving cross country we have some gaps to fill. I do school in the afternoons in summer so they can get some outside time before its too hot out. I try to do more fun things and less heavy on book work. My main goals are penmanship with my preK'er, getting my 7 year old reading better, and lots of math with my 11 year old. My 14 year old is looking into a summer work program so I will adjust to fit her schedule.
  6. started FLL in 2nd half of Kindy. (very slowly only 2-3 times per week)
  7. I found about.com helpful we used some of the printables from here (for colorado) http://homeschooling.about.com/cs/unitssubjgeog/a/susco.htm
  8. Big on poetry (mostly because my children adore it) Bible verses math facts (big time on multiplication) states/capitals those are the big areas I like to cover.
  9. We are doing a 4 year cycle for history and science. We have prek, 2nd, 5th & 9th graders. It has been wonderful! I just make extra/more challenging work for the older two and keep it light for the younger two. (my prek child listens for about 5 minutes then gets distracted but she gets something out of it) My older two usually want to dig in deeper with living books and such. I love having all 4 learning the same subject matter at the same time, it makes things so much easier on me too. My eldest two often read aloud from history or science while I prepare lunch and then we discuss what they read about while we eat.
  10. My 7 year old learned them at 5 while I was teaching them to my then 3rd grader. Kahn Academy has some great videos for teaching them, was a good refresher for me lol.
  11. We just keep trucking taking breaks as needed. 95% of our studies are using library and online resources not tied down to a specific book or curriculum. My kids don't notice much difference since we are always using new things.
  12. We are using this http://homeschoolfreestuff.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/earth-science-curriculum2.pdf as a very loose guide and running wild with living books, notebooking and experiments. With 4 kids of varying ages I can beef it up for the older two and play it down for the younger ones. I have done a few curriculums and this fits us best right now.
  13. many many things! Mostly the fun stuff, like art and elaborate science projects.
  14. Thanks for the suggestions. I believe I have a Shel Silverstein book laying around somewhere I didn't even think of that.
  15. My 7 year old LOVED the first poem in FLL. Im looking for more short poems to use for copywork/memorization. Any that your little ones loved? She loathes writing but loves poems so trying to find a healthy balance for her. Thanks in Advance.
  16. I agree I hate the over population view, plenty if families with no kids or one kid I doubt their 20 leave that much of a carbon foot print. Yup I had preeclampsia 3x and they where all induced early 31,33 & 34 weeks. #4 was my only non preeclampsia pregnancy and she was my first term baby. No way of knowing it but, Michelle could have a perfectly normal 40+ weeks :D
  17. My 12 year old does this all the time I set a timer and work starts when the timer goes off so everyone gets the same amount of break. No one is allowed to do her share unless they want to which is rare.
  18. The last Thursday of every month My crew has a pajama day they have to Earn it via chore bucks. on that day we also have ice cream after breakfast. Otherwise we are dressed head-to-toe. IMO it establishes a healthy routine.
  19. When we first moved in we had a mini fridge it was enough for 1/2 gallon of milk, a dozen eggs, cheese and lunch meat. We didn't have a freezer. It was also still pretty cold here I could set drinks on the back deck and keep them cool. We then went to RAC after a month because I hated not having a fridge. It was such a rip. A $350 fridge would of ended up costing us over a $1,000. after 3 months of that we saved up some money on the side and went and got a new fridge at Lowes during an appliance sale. Having a freezer and a mini fridge would be pretty good. You can get a mini fridge for under $100 during BTS sales they usually drop the prices for college kids to get them for dorm rooms. If you are that opposed to a used one I would go that route. I totally wouldn't rule out a used fridge. my parents where given a fridge way back when I was in 11 it just died last year so it lasted almost 20 years. Yay Kenmore ;)
  20. I have an empty 2 car detached garage that is screaming to be made over into a school room. Shame we are renters I would never invest on something I will see no return on.
  21. eek. Now I am worried about doing this with my 1st grader she is super sensitive.
  22. I use my paypal master card. But I do hate not having a paypal option its so much easier to click paypal then it is to get my wallet out and dig out my CC.
  23. love ours because its just through an archway from our living room, and another doorway into the dinning room kitchen so I can be where I need to be and still have eyes on the kids and able to help.
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