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Everything posted by Koerarmoca

  1. ok I think I am convinced lol. I think I will just buy the PDF I will be using it for 2-3 kids and it seems easier than having to scan/copy things.
  2. I ordered the book finally. And might be getting the Audio Cd's and test booklet that I mistakenly bid on :lol: Thinking it was the books + test. Is the Activity book worth it? Or can I make up my own activities? I am penny pinching and if I can do my own thing I would rather go that route.
  3. :iagree:and yeah, just no way. We rented a Moving truck from FL to PA and found out the lights didn't work but the hazards did. I followed behind dh the whole time I was so nervous. And we hit some wicked fog in VA.. oh never again. Please do consider getting it fixed or staying home.
  4. I am struggling too. I bought a new printer tonight (it was cheaper than new ink :lol:) and tomorrow dh is off so I am hoping to convince him to take the kids out for a few hours tomorrow so its just me and the books. I have figured a few things out but no actual planing has been done. I otherwise plan to try to do one or 2 subjects per child a day till I am done.
  5. Denominational here too. More importantly that the Statement of Faith lines up with what I believe and that they are strictly a bible based church. I don't like what I call "Christian light" as in pastors who skirt around the stuff that can be tough to hear. I need to be convicted and filled spiritually. Not sure if I am properly conveying what I mean. I don't have a way with words :lol:
  6. one of those moments where you wish you could do a backflip in the middle of the livingroom. I just love that you used the word "doppelganger" too. I couldn't pass up a thread with that in the title. :D
  7. Our original plan was to start today but We planned a 2nd vacation this year so we are leaving :auto: next week so we will start around the 20th when we get back. We went 12 years with out a vacation so this year we are taking 2 :lol:
  8. I have a few cotton old navy knee length skirts I wear over capri leggings with a sports bra and a thin Tshirt. I have been wearing skirts only for so long I am not comfortable otherwise.
  9. I picked these up at the local used bookstore today. Can anyone tell me more about them and how they have used them. My 4th and 8th graders are not strong writers and I really want to spend a great deal of time in this area this year.
  10. We are doing a combo of SOTW1 & MOH 1 I think... still unpurchased at this time. My girls have had more "social studies" than actual history in pvt school so I want to start at the beginning of time so to speak.
  11. I am 31 and have needed correction since 1st grade. My oldest 2 are also in glasses. my youngest 2 don't need them yet but I assume its only a matter of time.
  12. Both My older girls reading levels surpass their maturity levels so I have a hard time selecting books for them. I want them both to read 25 books this school year. I am making a list of the books in which I will require them to read and I want to make a list of books that they can also pick and choose from. I bought them both a new book today to get us started. For my 8th grader To kill a Mocking Bird For my 4th grader My Side of the Mountain I am going to choose a Few from AO list but I am really stumped as to what else I want them to read. So what are your 4th & 8th grade girls reading this year?
  13. have been done of SOTW? I bid on a "revised" cd copy and want to get the correct book and activity book to go with it if I should win. I was wondering how many different ones have been done of Vol 1.
  14. looks great we just finished ours up last week. I still want to do more and seeing everyones makes me want to do even more lol
  15. I havn't followed it at all (we dont have cable or digital tv signal here) please do post the outcome.
  16. I really like having one. ours is off the living room (its really a dinning room) but I like being able to have a central location for everything and if I am having a light day where they are just doing busy work I can see them from the couch :lol: we used to do it in the other dinningroom that is off the kitchen but I didn't have as much wall space and mine work better at their own desks
  17. Everyone's rooms are so pretty! I can't see it either. Our room is mostly done I need some stuff for the walls and I would love to paint but we rent and not sure if I want to put much more into 1 room. This is the 2nd dinning room. We have a dinning room off the kitchen as well so we eat in their. The school room is also the toy room. I wish I had more space and a bigger budget but We did this room with about $150 so that's not to bad for 4 kids here is a linky http://andhomeschool.blogspot.com/2011/06/2011-2012-school-room.html I would love more blog followers too so feel free to "follow" me :D
  18. I do, I was lucky with this move. While we have not found a new church home. Their are TONS of homeschoolers here.. like a Crazy amount..Any time dh brings up maybe public schooling I always say " with so many homeschoolers here I have to think the public schools are awful" :lol:
  19. We lived close to them one we where about 1/4 of a mile i could hear the whistle at night but it never woke any of us up. it never bothered me. Another house we lived REALLY close not close enough for the house to shake or anything but close enough that if I was standing outside I would have to wait for it to pass before I could finish a conversation or something. It never really bothered us when we where inside the house. plus the kids LOVED watching the train go by.
  20. Usually we Don't he works 3rd shift so maybe 1 or 2 nights a week we do but he generally comes to bed much later than I go to sleep. We can't share a blanket either we both have our own. And when ever we have a new baby in the house dh sleeps on the couch on his off days for at least the first year-18 mts so I can nurse and spread out with the baby. When the kids are all out of the house we fully plan on having our own rooms with king sized beds so we can "visit" each other when ever we want to.
  21. As a renter who moves a lot the norm is first/last/security security is usually = to 1 months rent. some only charge first + security = to firsts month. That is what it was with our current home.
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