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Everything posted by Koerarmoca

  1. :lol:Thats the plan I purposefully have been packing and not washing laundry all week so I have some to do when I go.
  2. We are moving to OH this weekend :auto: and I won't have internet setup at home for a while. I will pop in from time to time from the local laundry mat (they have free wifi :lol:) I figure dh can't complain too much if I am still doing so form of housework :lol:
  3. I am winging it with dd5, dd9 is doing cursive and pretty good at it. dd12 needs a little work she is a lefty and I think she just wasn't taught well how to write as a lefty (she has been both hs/pvt schooled) I used a reason for handwriting cursive with her when I last schooled her in 5th. I don't plan on adding anything other than basic mama made sheets and printables unless I see a need arise.
  4. With our move I am looking up all the places we saw that I don't know anything about. So is it just an ice cream place? is it fast food? donuts & coffee? I am confused their is a lot of info on wikipedia :lol:
  5. When they have a job & car and are able to pay for it by them selves. Their is far to much tween/teen drama with children of my friends it confirms it for me every time I hear a texting horror story.
  6. Very little, We don't have cable or any reception for regular TV just netflix. We are moving and wont have internet at home for a while so hopefully I will join the local library quickly and have some educational options. On a daily basis we watch maybe 30 mins to an hour and its usually educational. I put on Dora daily for dd2 when she asks but she never sits and watches it more than 2 mins. occasionally we will do a family movie.
  7. lunch today was cheese omelets trying to use up everything in the fridge the bee in my bonnet is the fact that we are moving Sunday and have a lot to do still no cruise for me, have fun.
  8. I do have a 3 hole punch. and I do have foam letter stickers that I bought to do the kids accountable kids boards, forgot aboot them! that sounds awesome what is the store called? I do have 1/4 of a pack of popsicle sticks just found them going through my bow making stuff. aww..will do thanks Jennifer.:D
  9. Anyone in this area? We are moving this weekend. I know their is a Catholic HS group but we are baptist. Looking to go church shopping too if anyone has any recommendations in this area.
  10. No idea, dh puts a bunch of his movies on their for himself. We have been watching liberty kids and myth busters a lot. dd2 loves anything with sea animals so we watch lots of that too. I started watching "My so called life" lol
  11. The notbook paper would be for school work but part of the supply budget. :D I just found a brandnew pack of colored pencils in my silverware drawer... amazing how things end up in strange places when you are packing/moving
  12. for all your school/art/craft supplies for 2 months for 3.5 kids what would you buy? I already have pencils/pens markers chaulk some crayons 1/2 a thing of colored paper 100 or so sheets of white printer paper scissors glue sticks I know I need atleast 3 journals so that is at least $3 (unless I can find them cheaper) I will need notebook paper atleast 1 pack.
  13. Go to your local library website. See if they list the information that you need to get a library card. We are moving next week and the local library doesn't tell you what you need for a card. I have lived all over and have never run into this, they all seem to tell you what you need. I am kinda bummed because I really hate calling places for this type of info :glare:
  14. I ordered a salad once and I asked for ranch dressing. They brought our a tiny little 1/2 cup of ranch and it was a separate charge for $2 I was like doesn't dressing COME with a salad :glare: apparently only if you ask for "house" dressing usually "house" is ranch. they took it off my bill after about a 20 minute convo.. never went back again.
  15. You got me pegged. I guess what I mean to say is that its hard to go from what I am used to to figuring out a new states rules (separating them in my mind kwim?) I have HS'ed in FL, PA and now Ohio. I just wish that all states where the same would be less confusing.
  16. :D anyone know the answer to the above. I called the school board and the person who would know isn't in today.
  17. I am wondering if my girls will need an assessment. They both had PSSA standardized testing that they just finished last week. And my youngest wont be 6 until Aug 8th. I assume OH would want test results to confirm this. Then next year I would have to do the narrative & testing or evaluation? Man I thought PA laws where rough but trying to wrap your mind around new laws after leaving PA is almost as hard lol
  18. Long story short, I didn't think we would be moving so soon. I hadn't planned on HS'ing until this summer. I now will be starting 2nd week of April. I don't have every single thing I need. I have my 5yr old covered other than math (I plan on MEP but don't have the time/ink to print it all out before Sunday) I have language arts somewhat covered for my 9yr old but nothing else. I have History & Math covered for my 7th grader. In a perfect world I would just go on a shopping spree but that is not happening. I won't have the ability to print unless I go to the library. I have free wifi where I am at now but I wont when we move. It's not like I can drag my printer to the coffee shop with me. I printed 2 weeks worth of Math worksheets for my 3rd grader. I had planned on saving money over time and buying stuff slowly till fall. I am trying to print or save as many files as I can before we move on Sunday. What should I focus my time on? any ideas on some quick things I can put together over the next few days until we figure out what we are going to do for internet?
  19. Is standardized testing yearly? or is it like 3rd, 5th & 8th grades (its something like that here)
  20. My girls where calling it Stupidville. They thought that is what I said :lol:. When you say it out loud though it does almost sound like stupidville :lol:
  21. :lol: I knew you would be excited lol. Do your Letters of intent neednotarizedd? we have to do that here. I didn't see a spot for that on the forms. I know to here in PA we have to submit physicals, dental exams and shot records ( I submit vaccination objection forms) Do I have to deal with that in OH too?
  22. Steubenville....or "just barley Ohio" as we are calling it right now :lol: I think I will call and let them know that we are moving and the kids have been in Pvt School but I will be HS'ing for the remaining 7-8 weeks of school. I just don't want a truancy officer at my door or something. If they tell me I need to file I will. Otherwise I am just going to "promote" the girls to the next grade and start on next years work.
  23. Tell me everything I need to know to take them out and start HS'ing. We are treating the 4/4-4/8 as our "spring break" and plan to start schooling the following Monday. I want to make sure I get all the proper paperwork filled and such. Has anyone made a move like this? Where do I start?
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