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Everything posted by Koerarmoca

  1. What would you buy curriculum wise. I like these fun fantasy type threads. Sure they have been done before. Also, sure to some money is no object. Feel free to share multiple grade levels.
  2. dd5 just wrote this. I sat on my cat. She is fat. Now she is flat. My mom is not fat. She is pleznl plm. (she means pleasingly plump) I wat (want) to get a hat. I about died laughing :lol:
  3. I can remember a long long long time My parents took us to a really fancy brunch. It was something like $15 for a kid to eat. This was WAY out of our normal living. We where a "kids eat free Tuesdays at the sizzler" type family. They had the most AMAZING orange juice we all have several glasses. no where did it say refills where not free. We got our bill and I thought my dad was going to die we had $70 in orange juice. I don't remember what happened but I know we never went back again :lol: I recently saw a sign in a drive through (can't recall which fine fast food establishment I was at) it said "you will be charged for additional condiments" I was wondering what that meant meaning you could get 1 BBQ sauce but they would charge you for the 2nd? or maybe they limit you 2 packs of catchup.. so we just kept driving I didn't want to be bothered with it.
  4. Snacking on Cheese and crackers while dinner (Tater tot casserole) is cooking Nap? what's this nap thing you speak of? :lol: Weekend plans.. Saturday- try to make a dent on cleaning out the room that is going to become our school room so we can get new furniture in it. I also have to return some library items. Sunday- Church, then if it continues to be nice out we plan to use our Zoo pass for the first time. We got it at Christmas and it's been to cold to go. Then, if we are not totally pooped we will try to make the evening Church service as well. :D
  5. :grouphug: Maybe consider hiring a tutor or doing Sylvan or something for extra help. I don't think PS is the best answer they may fall even further behind and or get lost in the system. My adopted niece (was born addicted to meth and probable fetal alcohol syndrome) had a really hard time with reading and my sil did a combination of Hs'ing, Sylvan & hooked on phonics She really took off on her reading & math in 3rd grade after a year of tutoring and she is reading a grade level ahead now and is at grade level in math.
  6. We are transitioning into HS'ing from pvt school I want to use the summer to do a few things. with my 5 year old I really want to hit some phonics to have a better transition in to first grade readers and I want to spend a little time doing some fun math stuff with my 9 year old I want to do some math drill type things just to stay sharp, a little summer reading (as If I could even stop her lol) with my 12 year old I am going to try to go through the bulk of saxon 8/7 skipping the things she is already solid on, summer reading (she is not a big fan of reading and i want to encourage this more) I want both of my older girls to start doing daily journal writing. we plan of doing some field trips, nature stuff etc. we have a zoo pass too so we may do some animal studies as well. I may toss some other things in and I want to try to start getting them on a very basic routine to prepare them for schooling at home. I also like the "summer bridge" books we may do some of those as well. I don't want them just sitting around playing games and riding bikes all summer but still want to do a lot of fun things.
  7. Do you have a blog? Yes, link in my signature for my new HS blog I have a few others Why did you start it? started my HS blog to plan, think out loud and share freebies I find What's its theme? HS is the one in my siggy but I have one that is just random family and one that is graphics/photog and I also have a cooking blog Do you update it regularly? I try to touch them all weekly if not more Do you get paid to do it? not for the blog itself but I do advertise my graphics biz somewhat on each blog and I have in turn gotten biz designing blogs or doing graphics work for others Or do you have one but find that you just don't give it the attention it needs? I think they all could use more attention but I don't always have the time. my cooking blog hasn't been touched at all this year I am just to busy to spend much time in my kitchen :glare:
  8. I have lots on manipulative (rods, blocks, color tiles, clock with gears etc) I also have a few games I have printed and laminated for her. I just want to cover the basics. She is really good at patterns, simple addition with manips/finger counting. She understands greater than/ less than. would MEP alone be enough with a few mama made games and add-ons. Maybe a few computer games and she has some leapster math games too. I really don't want to spend $$ here when I still have lots to buy for my 4th and 8th graders.
  9. not at all pinned down here. She is my more accelerated child and its so hard planning for her. She has been in Pvt School for 2 & 3, Homeschooled for 1st and PS for Kindy. Math- Saxon 6/5 the rest is kinda up in the air. I don't know how to shop for her. Saxon was an easy choice because I did the placements tests and I already had it and it fits her well. She loves to read and she has great comprehension. I have the anne of green gables books and I plan on doing some literature units with her. I really have no idea what to do with this child. She has to be driven, she has to be challenged but I don't want to surpass her maturity level in the process. In her current school she is in the gifted program and she is placed with 5th graders for Math & Reading (they wont skip them more than 2 grade levels) otherwise she is with her 3rd grade class. I know I want to introduce some logic and more fine Arts as well. I feel academically its ok to slow her a bit in some areas and beef up the culture if that makes sense.
  10. I recommend "sleep easy solutions" (i forget the Author) it is for sleep problems from birth to age 5. It's milder than Crying it out buy not as mild as the no cry sleep solutions. This was my middle ground comfort zone. My first 2 where decent sleepers but number 3 & 4 gave me a run for my money. I hope you find what works for you.
  11. Lunch today (toddler and I): chicken salad made with left over roasted chicken, I made this and spaced that I didn't make any bread so we ate it on crackers. We had blueberries, carrot sticks & cottage cheese on the side my headcovering is green I didn't plan it but I have nothing else green so I wear it when I wear a jean skirt and a white top. Kids have been wearing green beads (they where uniforms to school and we didn't have any green tights so dh got them beads) No big plans for dinner dh had a long week and he is off tonight and I plan on hanging out with him and maybe ordering some cheap pizza. I hate to order out when I have plenty to cook but with it being is only off night this week I don't want to spend it cooking.
  12. I won't be clicking on that link with littles in the room... but the title alone was a "SAY WHAT" moment. My immediate thought is NO way shape or form is it possibly biblical.
  13. I am so not a math person. Y'all have my head spinning. Sure I did math in highschool higher math’s and that and I squeaked out B's & C's but I never fully mastered anything. I have a dd going into 4th who is Advanced in math and a dd going into 8th who is at level or slightly below.. She is taking Pre Alg now. But I personally don't feel she is going to be ready for Alg 1 next year... I plan to do Saxon 8/7 over the summer skipping the concepts she has a firm grasp on and maybe doing Alg 1 if I feel she is ready...no idea what Alg 1 to do either... I am kind of hating that 8th grade next year has me in panic mode on what to cover in HS and we are not even their yet. couple this with her desire to be either a marine biologist, fashion designer or a K teacher :lol:
  14. I can remember a few years back we where doing price comparing and a stock boy pointed out that we could look at the tag on the shelf to see how much something was per ounce. dd looked at me and said "Mom wouldn't that be like me peaking at the teachers guide" :lol: also bothering people in the store because we are counting the eggs. or the kids counting items as they are scanned in the 10 item or less line in spanish and then loudly saying "MOMMMMM they have catorce, they are quatro over the diez limit" :lol: and my inner giggle is like Woot math and spanish review done lol
  15. :( shame on those adults. I am so sorry your dd was treated poorly. I pray that she is able to continue to heal from this and seeks out the Lord on her own. I wasn't hurt by the church per say but something that happened in the leadership of the church put a huge dent in my faith as a teen. I had to seek for Jesus on my own before I was able to attend a church again.
  16. It is very possible. providing you have a relatively easy pregnancy you could always move a little faster in some areas, do some weekend schooling, or summer schooling so that you can take some time off when the baby arrives. Schooling on sleep deprivation isn't easy but it might be a good time to try some independent work, workboxes or some other less hands on solutions. I found I got a great deal of schooling done while nursing. I would nurse in a wrap style carrier so I could sit and read to the kids. fwiw- I almost never find any reasons to tell someone NOT to have a baby :lol:
  17. :iagree: I am another modest, headcovering, skirt wearing mama. my daughter are too (minus the head covering) We have largely taught them not to judge others on outward appearance. Modesty is a personal family conviction I pick my battles dd12 even wears jeans in some instances (while I fully believe you can do all activities in a skirt ;)) I have even allowed tinted lip gloss recently. :lol:
  18. YIKES.. I didn't know they bit and we have had a BILLION of them this year. I cant stand them.. one jumped on my leg in the shower last night I almost broke a hip trying to flick it off me. for added fun we moved all the school stuff into the living room until I get the playroom/school room done. We had to take down some picture frames in the re-arranging and all the ones that where on exterior walls the backs of the frames had something like 30 stink bugs dd5 took them outside to count them and set them free... I was SOOOOOO grossed out I had no idea that the backs of our frames where stink bug night clubs... ick ick ick.
  19. As a previous opthalmic tech all I can say is that if the doctor notices a problem they would refer you to a visual therapist. If you speak of an issue to the ophthalmologist and its out side of their scope and would be better tested by a visual therapist they will refer you. If you speak of an issue and its with in the scope of what an ophthalmologist can test for/treat they would then either treat it, refer you to a VT or nuero. We say a lot of kids with lazy eye for example. With some kids we could treat it with an eye patch and send them on their way. with others they needed VT based on the severity. A VT doesn't always make a diagnosis(often they see what the Dr doesn't though its ok to skip the DR and go to VT)
  20. I do graphic arts. I LOVE doing blog layouts and I get pretty good biz doing that and making invitations, birth & grad announcements, biz cards etc. I also teach pvt music lessons, I teach woodwinds, brass & percussion.. and wouldn't you know dd9 would go and pick violin which I can not teach at all :lol: I only have 1 potential (they have canceled on me twice I am bout to put them on contract) student right now (on saxophone) I don't like it to be a "job" once a week with one child is fine by me. I also make hairbows sold locally I don't do much online sales with them anymore. I knit and sew some too but I just cant seem to generate much $$ for the amount of time it take me to do it. graphic arts has been the best fit. I am a night owl I have been doing it for 15 years so I can do things relatively quickly its nice to work after the kids are in bed and I have no cost/low cost to do things which is also a big plus.
  21. We are in a pvt school for the 2nd year. dh was killing himself to afford tuition for 3 by working 2 fulltime jobs. I really hated it I never saw him, the kids where gone and it is me and dd2 at home alone with no car. I like the school in many ways and loathe it in ways too. After we paid for the 2nd semester we agreed he would cut down to 1 job and we would bring the kids home for the 2011-2012 School year and just take it a year at a time. the PS is awful here so its homeschool, move, or afford pvt school. I love having him home more and we do some "afterschooling" at least with educational videos, Reading/phonics with dd5, library trips, weekend educational field trips etc. I am happy they are in school some days, because its easy to grab the baby and run errands rather than dragging the crew around town. My days are less drama (they fight soooooo much) :lol: But I know HS will be rewarding for everyone and I can spend more time working on biblical character which I feel would reduce fighting (I hope)
  22. I always start my search online. I wanted a church that had an AWANA program so I started with my seeing what local churches had AWANA through their site. I then visited the churches websites and looked at their programs for all ages of kids, young adults, what ministries they have, missions they support. I also made sure that their statement of faith lined up with what we believe and I wanted to make sure it was a church that used the KJV bible. I grew up on KJV and other versions just don't speak to me in the same way. I have tired churches that used other versions and it was such a distraction to me. I also look at the congregation size I am not a fan of huge churches. I ended up visiting 5 churches and ended up back at the first one which is also closest to where we live now. I LOVE it they have great children's programs, they have a homeschool group, they have a awesome bible study...I could go on and on. the worship portion was not as important to me. I do that daily on my own through music. I was used to contemporary but I found a new love for traditional hymns.
  23. I feel she is lacking in this area. She doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on the rules of grammar and the structure of writing. I am wanting a boxed curriculum here I don't want to buy many different components. I have no problems using free online resources or library books to beef up which ever curriculum I buy. I am looking at lifepac I like unit type curriculum's. I also don't mind looking at something I can use writing wise for both my 4th & 8th grader.
  24. I have much to plan/think/go insane over yet.. keeping in mind her that my dd will be coming out of a pvt school and I feel she is below average in some areas Bible- lifepacs & hoping to buy Polished Corner stones from doorposts math- Saxon 8/7 (because I have it but I feel she could move past this quickly with a summer to review) Thinking about going into something Alg 1 just not sure. Science- she is way into biology and her "science 7" she has had seems to have covered a bit so I am thinking about Apologia Gen Science just to touch back to some basics but may go ahead with physical science Reading/Lit/writing- clueless here, she is a good reader but doesn't like to read and her writing skills are not very strong :confused: She takes Spanish now but this is her 2nd year and I feel like she hasn't learned much at all so clueless here. in all honesty I want us all to learn ASL and my go that route History- AAH with some beefing up through library books Music- she will continue with Clarinet and maybe move into sax or oboe we also plan to study a bit on the composers that we play. ( I teach pvt lessons locally so that if nothing else is a good benefit to her lol) Art- this might not be conventional but I plan to teach her to knit, spin wool, dye wool etc. as well as study the history of knitting and I will add some not knitting related art.
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