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Everything posted by Koerarmoca

  1. we don't have desks. We planned to use our dinning room table but it actually fell apart tonight as we moved it to mop under it. I was on its last leg (pun intended) I am thinking bean bag chairs and clip boards might be the new solution. I don't want them to feel tied to a desk :D
  2. In our family my older 2 daughters will help elderly folks through the line while my 5 year old and I get her plate and the 2 year olds plate. my older 2 then get in line and I wait until the are back to the table and then I go for me and for everything they forgot. If dh is with me he will help the littles and I will also help an elderly person. We don't do any formal "elderly & children first" type announcements its generally a free for all. Though I do feel we should be serving those who can't serve them selves first. A large portion of our church are elderly or special needs and I am happy to serve them. ETA for family pot lucks dh and I fix the kids plates its just easier that way then we go after them. Or sometimes I will get his too. I am happy to serve. Also, way and less of the "ewwww what is that" I can just pick what I know they like and not be embarrassed by their "ewww's"
  3. I didn't read all the responses. I would say it was only rude of your son if a. some sort of "just take one or two until everyone is served" type of announcement was made b. you have previously made your son aware of the "unwritten rules" of buffet style eating. She was rude on all levels, and obviously poorly planned the event. RSVPs or not she should of planned enough for all who where invited and then some. I also find it very tacky to single a child out like that and we would be having some words in the near future. on the mom level you may want to go along with him at the next event just to keep an eye on the portions so you can use the teaching moment. As in, "this is what you would take first time through and then when everyone has eaten you can go back and get the same amount again and maybe even a 3rd time" My kids are piglets. Last time we had a family dinner my oldest ate so much she puked in the middle of the living room. Now that's a party :lol: I do all the plate fixing 1st round. Then I eat when everyone is pretty much done and served. I got used to cold food a long time ago. I am generally the only one with a load of kids with me my sister is the only other one to have small children and she isn't very social with the rest of the family.
  4. My dh works overnights so I don't mind keeping an odd schedule. I have a feeling that my 1 on 1 time with my 2 oldest will be 7:30-9:30pm when the toddler and 5 year old will be in bed. At one time I was preg had a preschooler, 1st & 5th grader. My preschooler was very well behaved it was refreshing. After that baby was born and we where doing prek I was blessed that my youngest took 2 long naps a day 10:30-12:30 & 3:00-5:00 that made for 4 hours of prek. (my older 2 where in their prvt school then) now that sweet little baby who took 2 naps a day is a VERY busy and destructive toddler who on a good day naps for 30-45mins. I plan on a rotation of sorts so that we can hopefully accomplish everything we need to do in a given day.
  5. you can have it bound on the other side :) I did this with a few of my lefties workbooks when she was younger
  6. Does Apologia General = BJU Life + BJU Earth & Space? No, but 2 + 2 still equals 4, you must being doing new math.
  7. I don't know anything about ipods, I have windows media player can you just listen to them on your computer? We love adventures in Odyssey
  8. My children are driving me crazy.. You let your children drive?
  9. Anyone live in <insert state>? Nope they have all left, you are the only one in the entire state. I sure hope they didn't all fall victim to a zombie apocalypse. (from another board) How do I teach my toddler the ABC's? I don't know about you but I Start with A then I move on to B.. Are phonics and spelling important at this age? noop nat att al fonix an spelin can stap at cindurgartin Would you eat this? Yes, I hear laptops stay crunchy in milk. What do you think of.... Of can't think he is just a word. :lol::lol:
  10. I am all over the map schooling wise. However, I was a preschool/prek teacher for 3 years. So I chose to do that at home. I do send them to Kindy (pvt school) and then we HS. I just love kids to have the kindy experience it was my favorite school year I was so close to my teacher for 20 years after I left kindy. All my girls did 1st grade at home.. I have had some flip flopping in between and getting back on track with HS for my 1st, 4th & 8th graders next year. My 2 year old will do preschool/prek at home and attend Kindy and then school at home 1st & up. That is what works for us, if the opposite works for your family I say go for it. :D
  11. She can show her work well, but she doesn't always arrive at the correct answer because of simple errors in basic multiplication/division/fractions. It like she gets it but fumbles up the basics.
  12. if so how did you do it? what do you use? did you make a worksheet booklet of sorts with lined paper?
  13. we have had good luck with the cheap chinese pocket diapers on ebay. they are really affordable and they acutally held up longer than my BG's. I miss cloth diapering I just don't have the laundry time anymore.
  14. I have never been to one. I would LOVE to go to one. They never have them in the area I live. everything is at least 4+ hour drive. The drive/hotel + the cost of the conference and everything I would likely want to buy is just not a possibility right now. If they had one in my city (which is a big city) I would go knowing I could save $$ on hotel and travel.
  15. are their any science videos on netflix that are from a young earth view? or maybe a certain dvd I might be able to locate in my local library?
  16. :iagree: yup our pvt school you had to be 5 by Sep 30th. The school year started Aug 3rd iirc. dd was 4 for the first days of school (she was not alone) They do test before they are allowed to start. I now wish I just kept her at home since we are HS next year anyway :lol: The good news though is I dont have to file for her until Aug 1st her 3rd grade year :D
  17. while I am not schooling as many as you (and not even school at all this year) My dd actually came to me with a plan. In school they exchange papers and grade each other as the teacher gives answers. I figured well my 4th grader could check my 8th graders work with the answer solution, and the 8th grader could check the 4th graders. Any questions could be brought to me. And I would do the math. My 8th grader is also a TA in school for Kindy class so grading and helping little ones with work is not foreign to her. I plan to allow her to do some work with dd5 (she already TA's her class in school so she is used to taking limited instruction from her already) Can I ask too what role your dh plays here? I know mine works FT and all but if I handed him some papers to grade I know he would help out. (he also has no issue helping teach in my weak areas) our biggest obstacle is out zany into everything toddler I plan to do a schedule where she rotates with me or "buddies" So while I am doing math with dd12, she might be reading with dd9 while dd5 plays an online educational game. I am hoping this will work. The last time I schooled I had a preschooler, 1st & 5th grader and was preg. It wasn't easy I know 5+ kids is a challenge no matter how you do it. I have much respect for you. :D
  18. the grade they would be in school. Though my 3rd grader loves to tell people she is in 5th grade math & reading :glare: dd12 is a bit trickier. She is a grade level ahead and she is 12. a lot of activities at church are for the "teen" group which is 13 year old 7th graders and up. They have no issue with her in this group because she is mature and is in the 7th grade in pvt school. some other activities out side of church I have put her in a lower grade/age group for sports and such. I base that on skill though.
  19. could be yeast. My sister gets that in those areas too (she is also a runner..hmmmm) I would put some coconut oil on it, or even yogurt.
  20. What does CC mean? I see it used in many different ways here that I can't seem to figure out if CC has more than one meaning or what it even means. TY
  21. lots of info to disect TY everyone. You excel mama's should make up some homeschool google docs.:D :lol:that just totally cracked me up.
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