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Everything posted by Koerarmoca

  1. I ask this because we are VERY limited here. My dh thinks I can school 3 kids with $100 (not including basic supplies like paper, pencils, notebooks etc.) I am trying to tell him that $100 can be 1 subject for 1 kid. would you care to share a good idea of what you think is reasonable for 1 child. I have 1st, 4th & 8th graders. I don't care about buying used, older editions, poor condition (but usable) books.
  2. I don't know what to do here for my 4th grader. I really just want a simple text book like I had in 5th grade. I am having a hard time finding something like that. I know I could use library books but I want something that is set up like a text book with just passages to read and review type questions. Do I need to spend an entire year on this? I was thinking of doing the first semester "American" history with her 8th grade sister. Then doing the 2nd 1/2 PA history. then doing the 2nd 1/2 of American History with her in 5th grade. I don't think they do PA History until 5th grade but I would rather cover it this year while we are doing other American history type things and then later do geography, world history etc.
  3. I don't know about any studies done, but I am not concerned if we keep a late schedule. I have 2 early risers and 2 that would sleep till noon if I let them. I have to find a balance somewhere. I am not a morning person at all. if I have to be I can, I am confident that my kids can be if they have to as well, they get up early for school as it is now. I plan to relax that A LOT :lol:
  4. After our baby kitty got out the other day since she has been home the Big cat is acting a lot like she did when we first got her. She is hissing at her, growling, etc. They have a love hate relationship, regularly they play fight more than anything. But the big cat is being so mean to her. I thought maybe she picked up a new scent while she was out I have bathed her twice since the adventure but that hasn't changed anything. I am so worried that the baby kitty got knocked up too! We where planning on getting her fixed at tax time but we just had so many pressing bills that we didn't do it. Could the big cat be acting this way because she senses she is preg? I know she is/was in heat when she left an I know we have had a male cat spraying outside I seen him pee all over my trash cans one day (that was the most bizarre thing I had ever seen a cat do:lol:) When baby kitty got out do you think she went looking for him because of his scent? She was gone at least 12-18 hours. I so don't want baby kitties. I know nothing about cats do I need to take her to the vet if I think she is preg? She is about a year old is this even safe for her if she is?
  5. I have a VERY clingy 5 year old, I can get her to run off and play for 5 mins tops but then she is in my lap, hugging, kissing, cuddling :glare: love her she is sweet but I don't engage in very 'adult' conversations unless she is not here or she is sleeping. She is the type of kid who has no filter and she is smart she could repeat everything verbatim to another child/adult. if something comes up that is not for her ears I will tell the other person. "why don't we talk about that later" or email me that type thing. When its unavoidable I say "PG-13" and she knows to go across the room and cover her ears :lol: it's difficult but I need to shelter her from certain topics as well as protect the privacy of the person who is talking to me. If possible try to get a moms day out, or a nap/bedtime phone call to discuss those more personal matters :grouphug:
  6. oh I failed too, but with us not even schooling right now too many other pressing projects. We finally got our "too small to do anything with it" room converted into a family closet I had moved the dressers into it before but never got everything organized the way I wanted it. I about about 95% one with it. Dh volunteered to go have a big laundry mat day to get ahead on my piles of laundry from the 3 weeks our dryer was broken. amazing how much piled up I couldn't get on top of it to save my life. we got about 60% of it done today. it was well worth it. I hope to tackle the school room next weekend.
  7. We get loads of flack as a family. People always ask if we are in a cult because I head cover and my dd's have long hair and wear skirts. Lot's of times I want to be like are you in a cult with the 1,000 people in walmart wearing jeans? :lol: I am not at all saying Christians have to wear skirts but personal conviction is personal conviction kwim? honestly if we want to go totally biblical men wore robes/skirts back then and I cant imagine men dress that part these days. I don't have much association outside of my church so I face more public obscurities than anything else. I am way to Christian/Church-y/Republican for my extended family. I am not really in any big homeschool circles and have no idea what blogs you are speaking of though I would love to read them if you can pm me some links that would be super :D
  8. Lot still undecided. We are transitioning out of pvt school so I can better asses where she is at this summer. so far we have planned on What I already have purchased/Free stuff Reading/phonics- FIAR & ETC Grammar- FLL 1&2 S.S- CLE 1 Math-MEP Penmanship- A reason for writing (if I can find it I bought it years ago and never used it) Bible-AWANA Music- mama taught percussion and handbells + she is in the children's choir at church. What I hope to buy Singapore math A Spanish program A American sign lang. program Something to teach about "space" She totally cracked me up with this she said to me "Mom will you teach me space" I thought she meant "personal space" because no less than 100 times a day I say "3 ft of personal space please" and she said "no mom, you know like Saturn and stuff" :lol: I think I will just use a lot of library books here and bring her into to any conversations I might have 4th my 4th & 8th graders if anything about space comes up.
  9. That is so wrong....:grouphug: Equally wrong but I have (and did do this) I moved out of state because my mom said we could only rent her house (which I was paying a decent amount for but less than the going rate) if we put my oldest dd in school. So I bit back with. Well, we can't afford suitable housing around here and PS is not an option so we are moving to PA. and I did. that wasn't the only reason for the move but was a big factor.
  10. no one really has their own rooms now. We have 4 girls and 2 bedrooms for them to "share" each room has 2 beds however they all always end up in one room by morning. I don't think it would matter to any them at all if we change things after the leave the nest given how they sleep now. It would just be "woot sissy is home slumber party" :D our last house was much larger than this one and we had the space for everyone to have their own room and they never went for it so we ended up with bunks in one room, a craft room, a playroom & a school room. My kids are not the type to hang out in their rooms they are just for sleeping they are just rooms with beds, and a few books. No toys or clothes are kept in them. Things may change as they get older. When I went to college my mom took over my room before I even left she started putting more stuff in my closet and bought a new guest bed I was little miffed that she waited to get a new bed I would of liked a new bed mine was awful lol... she also bought a dishwasher that was funny though she said her dishwasher moved out :lol:
  11. It depends. My eldest is 12.5 she is not the type to cuddle much anymore but with having a family of 6 and only enough couch space for 4 its cuddle or sit on the floor :lol:
  12. Bible, with Music as a close second. Dh is more into the academics while I am an elective gal.
  13. I am trying to figure this out too. Math wise mostly. dd9 attends pvt school she is in 3rd but she takes math & reading with the 5th graders. They have a school policy not to skip more than 2 grade levels in a subject. She is with her 3rd grade class for all other subjects. She could go higher in reading (if it was allowed) but my concern would be that yes sure she can read several years ahead but could she handle the work load? Math wise I tested her with saxon placement tests she was 1 away from 7/6 I am going with 6/5 but may just briefly review the concepts she has already mastered and move quickly. I have 7/6 and 8/7 so if I need to move quicker in this area I have more material to cover. She loves math she is the type who would want to sit and do several lessons a day if I let her. Because her reading level is so high I feel I could use higher grade level material in subjects such as history and science. I am doing AAH with her and may do Apologia gen science. I have not figured out reading or LA with her yet.
  14. We are brining dd's home from pvt next year. They have an "extended school year" They start the year the first week of Aug, they get out mid June (longer this year with so many snow days) They have longer smaller breaks through the year. The take a week off between semesters, and other breaks around holidays and such. It's a good fit for them. I am entertaining the idea of 6 weeks on 1 week off. I plan to lightly school over the summer and to officially start early Aug and go from their.
  15. I do think I would call. Are you very close? do you think its depression? I agree the baby shouldn't suffer because of untreated depression. I would also caution that hitting milestones and lack of growth is not always an indicator of neglect (thought in this case it very well sounds like it could be). That just strikes a cord with me having 2 children with growth issues.
  16. She came home :) I didn't go to bed until after 4am and I heard her not to long after that. She ran in the house, right to her food dish :lol:
  17. I forgot about this. I took dd9 to subway a few months back. Get got a kids meal. the bread was so stale and falling apart. I took it back up and the girl had to call her boss to see if she could make a new sandwich or refund me. She was on the phone for at least 10 mins explaining every last possible detail about the sandwich. They figured it was bread that was over cooked and that it was "crispy" and was fine to eat. I was like IT IS A PILE OF CRUMBS. She called he boss back again and he said to make a new sandwich but to use flat bread so it wasn't "too crumby" for me. I could hear him on the phone. I was so mad.. I was like REALLY? all this for a 3 inch sandwich with 2 pieces of salami and 8 black olives. I came home and complained on the subway FB page :lol: This was over 20 years ago. My parents apparently had not been to a restaurant that didn't have free refills. I know at least 1 place that does have free juice refills Eat n' park (at least on kids drinks I never ordered an adult juice)
  18. oh goodness I didn't even think of that. we have 100'sof trees on our street.. our property is surrounded by very tall pine trees. yikes I wish it was daylight. I will bo out when the sun comes up. Thanks for the tip.
  19. Our baby kitty Izzy is missing. We haven't seen her since this morning. She does try to run out from time to time and we try to be very careful (we have a door and screened door so we try to close one mostly behind us before opening the next etc) She is not responding to us shaking the food or treat bags like she usually would. She is not responding to the big kitty meowing, the big kitty rarely meows so its like she is looking for her too. I have looked all through the house their are a few hiding places she could be but her not responding when I am near those spots I can't get to makes me think she is not in the house. I keep hoping that she will just pop up out of no where. I have been outside calling her every few mins and shaking the bag outside too and nothing :( :( I know this is small beans to other prayer requests but my heart hurts so much not knowing where she is at. The girls all went to bed crying she goes back and forth between their beds all night long. if you have a prayer to spare please pray she either comes home or comes out of hiding. I live in a pretty woodsy area and we have all types of animals around. She is a little tiny cat though nearly a year old she was quite the runt of the litter. She does have her claws so that puts me at ease some but she has never been outside before. :( I have the window open in the living room incase I hear her on the porch and am sleeping in the living room if I can sleep.
  20. While I am baptist and not catholic. I grew up dragged to a lot of different Churches some really over the top (I wont go into detail what I mean by over the top because I don't want to offend anyone) When I found my church that is very traditional steeped heavy in old old old hymns, deeply bible based, using KJV (which I love the flow of the words and it feels old, traditional and comforting to me)It was a prefect fit. We do have quite a few homeschoolers. We also have a wonderful pvt school, thought its too much $$$ to send 3 kids my kids attend a different pvt school. It just fits. I love it their. I can't imagine being anywhere else. Our "classical" schooling thought process had nothing to do with any of it. If classical schooling draws anyone into traditions surrounding the Church that is AWESOME :D
  21. I would love to do RV Schooling. I would travel tons. Curriculum wise I think I would go a little BJU nuts. I love their curriculum but its so much for the big box deals. I would also do a bunch of Laptops, Ipods, Ipads.. Lang instructors. I wouldn't do all BJU but I want it. I would have lots of options and a home big enough to store it all. I would also but tons of fun school supplies not just the cheapy basics I use now. including an industrial sized laminator I love to laminate :lol:
  22. I am still thinking lol.. I see you are in Largo. I grew up in Largo/Seminole area. live in PA now. My parents still live in Seminole. Maybe I could convince them to let you barrow their boat :lol:
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