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Everything posted by LAS in LA

  1. This is good advice. It reminds me of Charlotte Mason's idea that a student can take the time they need to complete work, but if they finish "early", they have free time to use as they like. [big paraphrase of CM; she also advocated short lessons, at least for younger children.] Does your daughter have things to look forward to when her work is finished? Just thinking out loud here.
  2. :grouphug: No idea, but prayers for you from someone who frequently worries about faulty wiring.
  3. I didn't read all the replies, but did anyone mention the Mennonite-Your-Way directory? It's a very cheap way to travel and you can meet "locals", on farms and in cities and suburbs. Most are some variety of Christian. Not all old people either (as the photos on the website show). :001_smile: http://www.mennoniteyourway.com/Myw/
  4. How expensive is "expensive"? Thanks everyone for the parking recommendations!
  5. I've just started the Father Brown stories by G.K. Chesterton. Wonderful descriptions and clever plots (they're mysteries). Also they are short enough to read one or two in an evening (no need to commit anything to your long-term memory!).
  6. Real-Life Homeschooling by Rhonda Barfield Profiles of 21 homeschool families, often in their own words. Various styles/philosophies. Gives a good overview of how different styles can be worked out in real life. Copyright 2002.
  7. At the organic farm where I worked one year they always told people "Just saute it in a little olive oil with garlic". A simple preparation that let's you get to know the flavor of the vegetable.
  8. Sounds like it should work out! Their website says they don't allow strollers, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Thanks for commenting!
  9. Well, they are fun to stand on your desk and contort into odd positions. :D Maybe passing a football or swinging a bat? Along with the verse you chose, I think it could be a winner.
  10. We are planning to visit DC this summer (thanks to everyone who contributed to another poster's recent DC thread! I gleaned a basketful.). Could anyone who's been to the Spy Museum comment on the wisdom or folly of taking a 3yo there for the afternoon? The rest of the family would like to go (including myself!). Would you do this?
  11. I hadn't heard of this series before and went over to netflix to check it out. Looks like the streaming version will disappear as op noted, but that the disc version will still be available.
  12. I'm looking forward to the transit of Venus, (love the sound of those words "transit of Venus"), but didn't know about the eclipse. Thanks!
  13. I use Fels-Naptha soap to get stains out. It comes in bar form (often misplaced with the bath soap in the store). Not a detergent but you could probably grate some into the washer if you wanted.
  14. Love the name Tesla, but in this case I think Hudson sounds better. JMHO.
  15. I remember that The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace was very practical and helpful. I think she focuses more on our attitudes than a lot of "wife" books. Actually, maybe I should read that again.
  16. Not to sound too much like a homeschooler ;) , but our historical atlas shows that almost all the late 19th-century immigrants from England went to Utah. Could these fried "scones" be a regional variation from whichever part of England the immigrants came? I'm with the others, a scone is a flaky, biscuit-like, non-yeast bread.
  17. In bed at 8 or 8:30, usually not asleep before 10. So I answered "other". OP, I understand your problem! I wonder if I'm not "running" him enough during the day.
  18. Avery Island is neat. Their Jungle Garden also a good place to see alligators and the history of the Buddha statue in the garden is interesting.
  19. A very close friend of mine lives in that area and attended Wake Christian as a teenager. Her whole family lives in the area. I'm betting that if you called the Sovereign Grace church in Apex (where my friend attends), the secretary could put you in touch with someone in the church who could answer your questions. They're really friendly folks. :001_smile:
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