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Everything posted by solascriptura

  1. A lot of previous posters said that they liked Burts Bees, but it dries my lips out. The only balm I use in the winter is the Paula's Choice lip and body balm. My whole family is hooked on it. The only thing that I don't like about it is that you need to use your fingers to apply it. I wish that it came in a stick. I also use the Paula's Choice SPF balm and that comes in a stick, but I don't like to use that unless I'm outside.
  2. Can I ask why he's so resistant about treatment? Snoring is not just an annoyance to others. If it's sleep apnea, it can have devastating consequences.
  3. I think that this is the way to go. It's a modern look and low maintenance. I hate cleaning. period.
  4. The prescription is yours once you paid for the exam. If they give you problems, insist on getting the prescription and look for a new eye doctor. I would tell them exactly why I was leaving the practice too. Ah... I see that the prescription is older than 2 years. It is invalid so I don't think that the online retailer will honor it.
  5. That was rather cranky of her. I bet she felt badly about it afterwards.
  6. Sparking joy? I have a lot of things that I have used for years that I use faithfully that do not spark joy. Should I get rid of it? Like my 16 year old salad spinner. Spark joy? Not so much. Should I replace it with a fancier joy sparking model? Why would I do that?
  7. Pretty much lol. It's amazing how famous she has become. People have been doing the purging thing (minus the "sparking joy" thing) forever. Kondo was just able to write it down and market it. Genius.
  8. Leg and thigh squeezes are reserved for my dh only. I would jet.
  9. Korean rice cake (more like flat, small rice pasta) and mandu soup. Very traditional.
  10. As an avid coffee drinker to a non-drinker, if you don't like coffee don't bother trying to like it. I would just work with tea. If cold turkey Coke to unsweetened tea sounds unappealing, try very lightly sweetened and gradually move to non-sweetened.
  11. Yeah, there are some amazing deals right now. Isn't it crazy how you can travel so far for so little money? Tickets to Singapore are cheaper than when I started going there 15 years ago.
  12. solascriptura


    Who is handling the estate? I would ask them about it. I didn't think that documents, like you mentioned, had any significance until notarized.
  13. We are planning/brainstorming/daydreaming a trip to Asia that includes Singapore, Korea, and Hong Kong. I'm pretty sure that we can hit at least two of those places.
  14. Please consider his feelings in this. I suspect that he knew you wanted a simple watch, but would never spend the extra money on yourself for the upgrade (Apple watch). Just that feeling that my dh wanted me to have something a bit more lavish or special would be enough for me. If he's acting especially giddy, its because he's anticipating your happy reaction.
  15. I always thought of low self esteem meant that a person just feels inadequate, less of a person, or unimportant. They believe that they aren't worth it, in a sense. You may be able to change behaviors or responses, but I'm not sure that you can just change low self esteem. Low self-esteem is a kind of (false) belief about yourself and your worth. Honestly, I struggled it for much of my life until I truly began to see myself as God saw me. I have absolutely no idea where you find your value, but I began to see that if I always depended on a person to find my self worth, it's a losing game.
  16. What about a nice trifle? You can use a nice store bought pound cake, use some berries and canned whipped cream.
  17. I have an old Bosch too and I kept finding food all over the dishes even though my husband cleaned the filter trap. I was ready to buy a new one, but then my husband checked and it turned out that I didn't secure it enough so food was getting through the filter.
  18. Seriously. Have they even read the book?
  19. Thank you for this! I am a purging addict, but I do have a hard time purging my wedding gown. My gown is pretty special because my mother made it for me and it is double faced gorgeous silk. I will consider some special ways to repurpose it.
  20. Even the thrift shops around here will refuse all baby gear. We can't do much with that stuff besides give it to a friend or throw it away. While it is pretty easy for me to get rid of stuff, I do keep a few things and will probably save it for a while. I have two baby outfits that all of my kids wore and a small stack of baby books that I have such fond memories of reading to my babies (over and over and over again).
  21. Maybe? I've always lived here so I don't have that much to compare it to. Believe me. While I was getting 100 dollar strollers, many of my friends were getting Bob strollers and Egro carriers. I'm pretty low maintenance and oblivious to brands.
  22. I'm a ruthless purger. I confess. lol. So far, I've not once regretted anything that I've tossed. Baby and kid stuff is the worst. Just a few years after you bought a new exersaucer or stroller a brand new snazzy model comes out. You may have held onto yours thinking that someone might want it. Nope. No one wanted my baby stroller or baby clothes.
  23. This is what I pretty much do. However, when I think about it a little, I just can't help feeling disappointed. It's not just anger or frustration; disappointment is worse I think.
  24. A hot bubbly spinach artichoke dip. Served with a crusty baguette.
  25. It runs constantly unless you turn it off. It does not use a lot of data at all.
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