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Everything posted by solascriptura

  1. I do this for 90% of our bills. My electric company would charge an extra fee if I used a cc so it’s debited from the checking account. We get well over $1000 back every year from the credit cards.
  2. I have a few types of 9 by 13 pans, but I consistently use my old Pyrex glass pan. I love it!
  3. I'm sorry and I think that considering your situation that it's understandable. I bet you weren't the only one that struggled to keep it together in the service considering the sermon content. I know plenty of people that would cry sad tears over such a topic too.
  4. Aww... the memories are sweet, but the car doesn’t seem reliable. Time to replace.
  5. I don't have one of those, but a lot of my friends make whole chickens and braised dishes like short ribs. I imagine that it would be great for all sorts of stews, soups, and roasts.
  6. I won’t give up eating a lot of produce. Fresh fruit and vegetables are expensive so a lot of our food budget goes there. I don’t worry about organically at all, but I need fruit and veggies.
  7. I’m glad that I’m not the only one! I’m Asian and I know that a lot of people in other races say that they can’t tell us apart. Even though I’ve lived the in US my entire life I get confused with Caucasian people. I’ve often put their pictures side by side and I just cannot tell some of them apart. Surprisingly, it’s easier for me to tell African Americans apart than Caucasians. I have no idea why.
  8. Nope. We’re ok here in PA. Mounds of them in the grocery stores as usual.
  9. I hope it works out. I can understand how your dd feels, but the way I see it is your ds should milk it for what it’s worth.
  10. Is there a way that you could ask all parties involved to wait a few years for the trip? There is a chance that your son might grow to like travel more and might bond with his dad more. Being in tears over this is a pretty strong emotion. Is his dad abusive in some way? I've been around some pretty unpleasant people, but I can't say that their presence brought me to tears.
  11. I hear ya. I remember in undergrad, the only way to know about an instructor (how do these people get a job anyway) was by word of mouth. I started classes almost a year ago for another degree and I befriended a young woman. She told me about the website www.ratemyprofessor.com. It was eye opening and definitely influenced my choice of professors for my current semester.
  12. Do you know if she is practicing good hygiene? Washing her hands well after toileting and before meals?
  13. Those ads just target our insecurities. There is no way to spot reduce. I have a belly even though I’m now on the low end of the BMI chart. When I lose weight, guess where it comes off first. Exactly where I don’t want it to. My chest. Now my chest is flatter and I still have a belly. It is less, but most definitely there.
  14. If you don’t want to go the salon product route, consider using an anti-frizz serum. They’re mostly silicone and do the trick for me.
  15. I loved Vincent Zhou’s reaction when he was done. I’ve watched some interviews with him and he seemed somewhat reserved. After his skate, I could really feel how intensely emotional it was for him.
  16. I guess I’m cynical. I assume that most people that regularly post on blogs, podcasts, and the like are trying to sell something. Whether a product, viewpoint, or their own version of something. If you think about it, even authors that seek to publish are hoping to sell something.
  17. Can you go to some second hand stores and find some nice tops there to tie you over?
  18. When in a decluttering frenzy, I always zone in on toys and clothing. Without fail I usually get a a trunk full of stuff to give away. The kids don’t usually miss the stuff either.
  19. I usually make a kale and apple salad with a maple mustard dressing. As an option you could add toasted walnuts. It’s so good and it gets compliments every time.
  20. In order to have the graceful exit, I think that I would emphasize the growing family demands due to the recent diagnosis of your children. Most people will understand that and it's true. You will need to focus more of your time on your kids.
  21. It’s pretty weird. I just can’t imagine being the daughter and having an old boyfriend as a step dad. Weird! As the older woman, I’d become very insecure. Aging is hard enough for women with husbands of similar ages. Have a much younger husband? Demi Moore with Ashton Kutcher. Remember them?
  22. I hear ya. I’m small but my legs are muscular and short. I can’t do yoga pants at all. I stick with joggers and they’re perfect. My usual outfit is a pair of joggers with a top and a Northface puffer vest. Joggers look a bit more stylish than a pair of sweats and a puffer vest looks more intentional than a sweatshirt.
  23. Did you notice the smell after running the dryer?
  24. I would call the doctor’s office. Mine refilled my Restasis for me by calling the pharmacy. They don’t even write prescriptions anymore! They just send it to the pharmacy computer anyway.
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