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Everything posted by solascriptura

  1. Lived here my whole life. I really doubt they’ll behave themselves. That’s anti-Philly.
  2. I’ve pretty much lost interest in clothing all together as I’ve gotten older. I fight it because I don’t like to feel frumpy but I wish I could have a constant outfit like a cartoon character.
  3. Isn't the Aeropress with a metal filter basically a french press? What would be the difference? Even though I'm happy with the ease of my current routine, I like to keep abreast of the coffee snob methods. hehehe
  4. I wanted four, had four within six years, and then I was all done. No more baby fever. I don’t even have any desire to hold the babies at church.
  5. Well, doing regular deep squats I can manage 10 in 10 seconds. I squat A LOT.
  6. I could never do that. I have to admit, sometimes I felt really guilty that I couldn’t bring myself to co-sleep with them. But after spending every single waking minute (theirs) with them I was absolutely spent.
  7. What about Hugh Jackman? I don’t know about movie stars, but he seems like such a nice guy.
  8. Just a thought. Sometimes when I make coffee for church, the preground Costco one in the big metal can, I put a little extra then what the can calls for. I do this routinely with cheaper coffee. It seems to help the taste and I’ve even been complemented on it!
  9. Well, she could easily find ways to cut her spending, but her habits aren’t unusual for a single person in their 20s. My spending was pretty much the same and I am from a previous generation. Most of her seemingly unnecessary spending comes from social activities and she probably needs them since she’s single. The people I know that weren’t like this in their 20s usually married young so their goals were different and they had someone at home to cut down on their social spending.
  10. Yeah. I bought a machine with a timer so that I could set it up at night and have it ready for me in the morning. The coffee tasted so stale that I only did that once. Ideally you would ground it fresh in the AM. I found a reasonable compromise by grinding just enough to last me a few days. I seal my container tightly too. That’s important.
  11. Oh! I had a dream that my bf was telling me that she was pregnant. Guess what she said when she called me the next day? It freaked her out.
  12. The most immediate thing that comes to mind.... my sisters and I will sometimes get together and be wearing the same colors or items. It happens so often that we barely even bother to laugh about it when it happens. Interestingly, we've asked some of our friends and they say it also happens to them and their sisters! What's that all about.
  13. Yeah. Honestly, I usually leave my pots of soup on the stove overnight. I have never ever food poisoned anyone. I regularly leave stuff on the stove and feed it to my young children. I just heat it thoroughly and serve. Again, I have never food poisoned anyone. All of the instances I have been food poisoned, it was from other's cooking and they were usually the food police type people.
  14. I suspect that if they're at a certain level they begin to feel untouchable. People will do whatever is told is best for your child to get them to that level you want. The #METOO movement reflects this entirely. All of these powerful men felt absolutely untouchable. Can you imagine what would compel some of these men to do what they did? Did they actually think that all of those women liked all of those sexual overtures or worse? Some of those men seem genuinely perplexed when they found out that hey, those women didn't actually want to see them naked or forced to perform unmentionable things.
  15. In any case, I wanted to thank all of you for giving me a lot of food for thought. Deeply ingrained societal ills are not something that I discuss with most of the people I know. I try to bring it up and most just want to bury their heads in the sand. Who wants to talk about the physical and sexual abuse of little girls? It's such a painful subject and I can't even begin to imagine how excruciating it must be to talk about if it did happen to you or a loved one in the past.
  16. I really do! My mornings are crazy now. When I had 4 kids under 6? I have no idea why I was hand pouring coffee, rather pouring boiling hot water in a little stream with 4 babies running under my feet. I regret not using a machine earlier. Go get that machine and use it with no guilt. Even better... teach your kids how to do mom a favor and put the pot of coffee on for you. Maybe they would be doing themselves a favor if you're as grumpy as I am in the mornings. My kids know not to ask me any difficult questions until I have the aroma of coffee around me. haha
  17. I've tried so many different methods, seriously. I've been drinking coffee since I was 16. The style that I did for the longest stretch(10 years?) is the hand poured coffee. I did this method before it was trendy and it's still wonderful, absolutely. However, if you're stretched financially and with little time (plus a baby on your hip), the best way to go is still a coffee machine. Once our mornings drastically changed and I couldn't hover over a coffee cone for 5 minutes, I bought the Mr. Coffee machine at Costco for about $30 dollars. If you use good quality coffee and you use the right proportions according to the package, you will get about 85-90% of the taste and quality of a cup of freshly ground, hand poured coffee. The machine has also become increasing invaluable since I have larger gatherings at my home and I can't sit there babysitting and hand pouring 4-6 cups of coffee. ykwim? I like many of the varieties of coffee at Costco and the price is very good too.
  18. I know! Even if she did say something to the effect of what Bill is insisting, they are words. Nassar did repeated evil horrific acts to CHILDREN. His patients. The children of his friends that trusted him. How can this even compare to words?
  19. Thank you! I’ve reread the transcript elsewhere, combing it to try and find where I might be misinterpreting it. And I most definitely can’t see anything similar to what Bill said. I’m willing to admit my error if I see it, but I just do not see it here.
  20. I've been struggling to get my normal workouts in. Today my dh, ds, and I challenged ourselves to do 100 full body push ups. My dh and I did 100 and my pre-teen son did 50. With breaks of course.
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