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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2333039 Here it is from Toys RUs with free shipping...
  2. Try Coldwater Creek in their outlet section - http://www.coldwatercreek.com/Outlet/prodList.aspx?provider=productsearch&cmd=czcategory&cat=All+Products////Apparel////Dresses////UserSearch=Dept.Channel+ID=2&ProductsPerPage=0 Free shipping code WXH5235 - no minimum purchase. Code ends Tuesday. :)
  3. My first car didn't have a/c and that was when I was a college student over 30 years ago. I hated it then (I was in AL) and I wouldn't do it today - unless I lived in New England or Canada:)
  4. We've *never* sold a house while living in it. With our last move, the realtor walked in the house and said "yep, a homeschooling family." We sold our house 5 days after vacating it, including the long 4th of July weekend. :rolleyes: Just think, once you get the house ready for that first showing, it will stay the same way for every subsequent showing :) As for your utilities, I would think you would leave them on but maybe have the realtor set the heat fairly low - you don't need to be heating an empty house. Have you thought of what you'll do with your stuff if you do sell before May? Would you put it in storage in TN? I know you're frustrated with being in transition. FWIW I admire your sense of humor (if you don't laugh, you'll cry, right?) :)
  5. Just be glad you have electricity :) The refinery that serves the southeast pipeline is still without power (as are many homes in the Houston and surrounding areas). Once the refinery gets power, the tanks can be filled and driven to your area.
  6. Just saw this thread - we even did diagramming orally - we made up body signals for each part of speech - my dd was so cute to do her head to one side for a direct object :)
  7. GOD is like BAYER ASPIRIN ... He works miracles. GOD is like a FORD ... He's got a better idea. GOD is like COKE ... He's the real thing. GOD is like HALLMARK CARDS ... He cares enough to send His very best. GOD is like TIDE ... He gets the stains out that others leave behind. GOD is like GENERAL ELECTRIC ... He brings good things to life. GOD is like SEARS ... He has everything. GOD is like ALKA-SELTZER ... Try Him, you'll like him. GOD is like SCOTCH TAPE ... You can't see him, but you know He's there. GOD is like ALLSTATE ... You're in good hands with Him. GOD is like VO-5 HAIR SPRAY ... He holds through all kinds of weather. GOD is like DIAL SOAP ... Aren't you glad you have Him. Don't you wish everybody did?
  8. Many schools don't use the writing part, it's so new they don't know what to do with it.:001_huh:
  9. What has she done in between the tests? Has she looked at prep books, etc.? If so and her scores are the same, I wouldn't worry about it. If she hasn't done any review, you might look at having her do that. I'm not as familiar with the ACT as the SAT so I don't know what kind of review books are out there. OTOH if she is getting test burnout, yep I would call it good and do the next thing. How does SHE feel about her scores?
  10. I would be curious how the commenter found you, after all you're on HOMESCHOOL Blogger.
  11. My dd and I also liked Kandukondain Kandukondain - I have Found it. It's an Indian take-off of Sense and Sensibility.
  12. I'm in the same boat as you (dd is a junior and we've never been down this road) so I don't have much to add but one thing we've done is tour the colleges near our home, even though dd knows she wants to go in another state. We've learned something from every college we've visited, even though we knew it wouldn't make it on the short list. It helped to define what she wanted in terms of size, etc. All it cost us was our time and a bit of gas :) I would think you have lots of options for day trips living in Delaware. The problem here is how to expand my dd's list - but then again she doesn't want to be an engineer :)
  13. thanks Jane, I know she's considered doing some AP's with that thought in mind - and those would be for the courses she's doing this year (US History, chem, etc.). At this point AP's are a little lower on her priority list than SAT subjects, but she wants to get through the PSAT in the next few weeks and then get a study plan for the rest of the year. Junior year is the most intense (so far anyway!) but she's motivated and loves just about everything she's studying.
  14. Thanks Gwen. Maybe we can borrow your books :):) Going to B&N is a good idea - we did that for SAT books (to prepare for the PSAT) so I don't know why I didn't think of it. As I recall, the B&N had some "holes" in what was available so I have been looking at Amazon. And thanks for the heads up on the chem exam. She looked at the college board site and was pleasantly surprised - I think she thought each subject test would be the length (and depth) of the SAT I exam. This is really going to be her year for testing. She will likely take the SAT I in March, since the subject tests aren't given for that date. Then in June she will probably do SAT IIs in the morning and dance in the afternoon :) Nothing like trying to do it all. Edit to say I was kidding about borrowing your books - we should have thought of that last week! :)
  15. What resources have your students used to prepare for SAT subject tests? I see the College Board has an all encompassing book, with practice tests for all subjects. Is that too broad? We'll likely do chemistry, math, French, lit and US history over 2 test dates next spring.
  16. I'm so sorry you are still without power. I've felt so sorry for the people who bought our house (near Rice) - they moved from NJ right before Gustav, then I heard from my former neighbor they lost power for 4 1/2 days with Ike. I think our buyers are ready to go back to NJ!
  17. The Houston Chronicle online has a video of people at a laundry mat, one woman said it's the new gas line! Who would have thought.
  18. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122170459104151023.html?mod=special_page_campaign2008_mostpop I guess I see Facebook as a useful tool, I've heard of so many college freshmen finding roommates this way. Then again the web is a wide open world.
  19. Would it have to be regular ammonia? I've got some lemon scented ammonia and it doesn't smell like ammonia at all.
  20. Everybody is replaceable. Nobody is so good they can't be replaced. Your letter is very well worded and gets the point across in a professional way.
  21. You're probably about 2 hours from DC so I would go to the battlefield at Mannassas.
  22. http://simplycharlottemason.com/home/blog/ http://heartkeepercommonroom.blogspot.com/ http://handbookofnaturestudy.blogspot.com/
  23. Great analogy and I totally agree. I'm always amazed at the knowledge of our local music store (Penders) employees.
  24. Kathleen said she has her computer set to do this, but they come up anyway. My local paper's webpage usually has an ad for a sale for a department store. Argh. Very annoying!
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