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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. yep, I tried to find something I "needed" to buy from her booth to thank them for being there, but I own everything she's written already, sigh... (except for her novels....) Martin Cothran (Memorial Press) said they were there because of SWB - they were on the waiting list for having a booth and PHP went to bat for them. How in the world were there booths about insurance when MP was on the waiting list?:001_huh:
  2. :iagree: It was so fun to see her facial expressions :) Yep. I loved her asking the mom to take the baby out of the room - we were a few rows in front of her and were having a hard time hearing. She was polite, respectful, but to the point.:001_smile:
  3. We love games here! Some of our favorites are - Five Crowns (sort of like gin rummy but with 5 suits instead of four) Set (by the same company) Ticket to Ride Settlers of Catan Rummikub Clue Phase 10
  4. I don’t make it here very often since I retired from homeschooling a few years ago. But I thought I’d share about our weekend at THSC in Houston. My 20 yo dd really wanted to hear SWB and we have lots of friends in Houston; she and I road trip well together, so off we went. Even though I had heard SWB many times previously, it was really good to hear her updated talks and catch up with what’s happening with her kids. My friends (all of whom are younger and newer to hs’ing) LOVED hearing her, many for the first time. After her last talk (on self-education) the woman behind me commented to her friend, "She is such a great speaker!" ;) And meeting Martin Cothran was the icing on my dd’s cake. :) And for those who remember Robin in TX, we ran into her, which was lovely. She doesn't make it here that often, but she is her same bubbly, cheerful, smiley, energetic self! After the conference we went to visit a friend who heard SWB speak for the first time. She had bought WEM and they threw in the first two books (Don Quixote and Pilgrim’s Progress) for free! What a nice touch. THANK YOU so much SWB, for including Texas in your conference schedule this year!! We had a fabulous weekend.
  5. I grew up in Birmingham and still pass through Tuscaloosa frequently. It's really a beautiful campus! Lots of my high school friends have kids there, and they all LOVE it. Hope your girls enjoy their time there.
  6. :iagree: Also keep in mind the math score is the easiest to increase with practice. Have her do lots of practice tests, timed and untimed, and see what is giving her trouble - work on those problems till she can do them well and quickly.
  7. What a lovely tribute, Joanne! I remember the lovely photos of your wedding.:grouphug: as you walk this new path.
  8. 20 dd and I were at a conference in Orlando over the weekend, and we flew back through the tropical storm - it was an amazing thing to watch!! I'm glad we didn't know what it was till we landed - I would have been petrified. :scared:
  9. My dd found the containers at Container Store more to her liking. We went to "College Night" and got 20% off so that really helped. Her college doesn't have storage so we've schlepped everything back and forth in the back of my station wagon.
  10. I got an email from HSBC about this and thought I would pass it along - you can sign up to get a reminder about it here. Thinkwell Math Videos - Save up to 50% - Coming June 18th - One Week Only! Mark your Calendars - June 18 to June 25! This is one of our most popular math curriculum offerings, and not merely because our GroupBuys deliver the BEST DEAL ON THE PLANET! Look at the demo courses and we think you'll understand why -- some of the world's best teachers teaching YOUR student in the privacy and security of your own home. Members save up to 50%, depending upon participation for the week!
  11. I have no advice, just wanted to say I think you're doing a fine job of getting all your sons into the state of Texas :lol:
  12. My dh's boss's dd took a gap year between undergrad and law school and tutored with Wyzant. The tutor has to take a test to "qualify" for whatever subjects he wants to tutor. The company takes a sliding percentage of your wages; it decreases the further you go (I'm not sure whether that's based on calendar time or work hours).
  13. This is what I was going to suggest. Staples can make it really professional and official looking. Leslie, can you contact the school directly where he'll take the test, and ask them what they want? That way if there is any question on Saturday morning, he can say "Mrs. X in the guidance office said this would suffice" or whatever.
  14. We had this happen simultaneously :) Our neighbor came over to help trim our trees (he loves power tools); and we cleaned out our freezer in anticipation of losing power and fed the neighborhood. It was a blast. And we ended up only losing power for about 15 seconds:001_huh:
  15. It really IS hard to believe they're halfway through their college careers.:001_huh: My dd is designing her own major, it's something like language acquisition and linguistics. This summer she'll do SAT prep again at the inner city school where I tutor. She's heading to England for study abroad next year.
  16. This thread is over 15 months old so I hope the OP has already got a game plan:tongue_smilie:but I would second taking a look at College Confidential - there's a wealth of information there for premeds and their parents. There's even a subforum (or a thread - I can't remember which) just for premed parents. :)
  17. Well, homeschoolers don't fall under this rule because they don't (can't?) "rank" their students. SO they would fall under the "holistic" review process - and are considered along with OOS and international students. BTW the competition is currently top 8% for automatic admits.
  18. :iagree: We called junior year the year of testing - starting with the PSAT in the fall, the student is likely to take SATs, SAT subject tests, APs and ACT in junior year. Homeschooling is a huge plus if for no other reason than the flexibility it provides - the student can rearrange more flexible aspects of his schedule during those busy test times.
  19. :iagree: I wish the term "passing score" weren't even used in conjunction with the APs as clearly each school has its own policy of what makes a score credit worthy.:glare:
  20. What a great list, Lori! Just one more website we found helpful - http://www.scholarships.com/main.aspx
  21. Just agreeing that you need to check with each specific college on its policy. My dd's college changed its AP policy during her last year of high school, and now only gives credit for a score of a 5. So it kind of irks me when people refer to a "3" or higher as "passing" - for my dd's college, a 3 is the same as a 1.:glare:
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