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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. In July he may want to visit his wife - anyplace will be an improvement on Houston :tongue_smilie: But the people there are among the friendliest most down to earth people I've ever met. I can't help with the apartment application process but let me know if he wants ideas on churches, etc. We've been gone from there four years now but still return frequently (to see those friendly down to earth people ;))
  2. :party:Congratulations to him!! Is he headed to Houston after graduation? :001_smile:
  3. All of this would be huge if I were in your shoes. She has a strong local network, and you could get there within a day's drive if needed. My dd is also in VA - it's beautiful there! And sadly I'm about 5 times as far away as you are! But Skype is our best friend ;)
  4. :iagree: This is so true!! It's so wonderful to see that smiling face even though the kid is thousands of miles away :)
  5. It seems the boards are getting more spam than usual, I don't know - I'm not here much anymore. And it's been awhile since I joined :001_smile: so maybe the procedures have changed. But one suggestion would be to have one of those nonsensical words for the new member to type in before joining. Hope this makes sense. Another option would be to make the boards private and confirm everybody's email before joining.
  6. Honestly I think you're overthinking this. If you want to stay on track with everything, look ahead in your IG for when that book stops, and divide the pages by total number of days. I guess that wouldn't work if the book is used sporadically but then again I wouldn't worry about it too much. Maybe you can tell how far you should go if the page number is referenced in the notes. But for the most part, I wouldn't worry about it. I would periodically check where you are in the school year (i.e. if you are halfway through your school year, you would want to be about halfway through all your books, individually for a textbook or other book used all year, and numerically for those smaller readers and read alouds).
  7. :iagree:I think all of this is true. The forums have no place for discussion or disagreement with their current product line or philosophy.
  8. I love this whole paragraph, Jane, but the bolded part in particular. College girl was home last week and we spent a good chunk of the time reading to ourselves, in the same room, different books but popping into each other's train of thought to share a nugget every now and then....
  9. I'm sorry Chris:grouphug: Would you consider taking her to Bham for treatment? I know Huntsville has good healthcare as well. Just thinking you may get better answers at UAB.
  10. my dh graduated from Furman many moons ago, and his best college friend went on to med school at Honiman in Philadelphia. His best friend loved having small classes for his pre-med courses.
  11. My dd has been extremely healthy in her (nearly) two years of college. She's gotten the occasional cold but hasn't missed a class for illness. She tries to stay on top of sleep, exercise, eating right, etc. and I think that helps.
  12. I can only help with Potters AP class, the teacher was okay - my dd's biggest beef was she felt by then everybody's pronunciation should be nearly fluent. She started with Potters with the AP class after 3-4 years of at-home instruction (Rosetta Stone, French in Action) and did extremely well on the AP exam. She just wished the teacher would have done more pronunciation correction during the class time. If you know you are going to end up there, why not start there?
  13. Thank you so much for these resources!! I'm retired from homeschooling, but the inner school classical school where I tutor is taking the NLE for the very first time next week - it's very exciting to see so many of the students doing very well on their practice exams. I've passed along your resources to their Latin teacher. :thumbup1:
  14. Carole, it's so nice to see you here! :grouphug: I don't make it here much since I'm retired from hs'ing. Hope you and yours are well.
  15. I totally get this. Skype has been WONDERFUL with my college age daughter. She always sounds like she's crying on the phone !! But being able to see her facial expressions is fabulous.
  16. This thread is nearly four years old. I'm pretty sure the OP has found a dress by now.:lol:
  17. Do you mean the Teaching Company? My library also has them listed under "The Great Courses."
  18. And Jane :lol: about the crotch illumination! T's Mom we had a similar experience at Les Mis - what is up with people? If they're so addicted to their electronics why on earth do they go to public performances?:glare:
  19. Yep. Early February of last year Dallas schools had a week's worth of snow days - I don't think that will happen this year!
  20. I got a response from HSLDA yesterday. She thanked me for writing, and said the GHEC Board is still discussing conference details, and they hope to launch the website (http://www.ghec2012.org) very shortly.
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