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Everything posted by readwithem

  1. or at least on its graduates. The school is PK - 8th, and the graduates go on to the best high schools in our city. Last night we had a going away picnic for the asst. principal who is retiring after 10 years. So many people were there - students, former students, parents, teachers, and other tutors and volunteers like me. I chatted with two rising seniors, the girls are at different but very highly regarded girls' schools. One is going to Wash U in St. Louis for 5 weeks this summer. The other is going to Costa Rica for a leadership workshop. Both girls are articulate, smart, and driven. I can't wait to see how next year unfolds for them. Another girl just graduated from the #1 public school in this country and is about to head off to the journalism school at the University of Missouri (as she told me last night, "I know it's the top journalism school in this country, I did my homework!") ;) Then Thursday night was graduation at another local school, which included four "graduates" of the school where I tutor (remember it goes through 8th grade). One girl is going to one of our state schools, on full scholarship; another girl is heading to West Point and plans to be a nurse. All of the graduates are going on to well-regarded four year colleges. Not bad for being raised in the 11th poorest zip code in the US. My buttons are about to burst, I'm so proud of all of them.
  2. Thank you, Nicole, for letting us know. I'll join those raising a glass in Kay's memory. Love her ds's comments!!
  3. We currently have three credit cards we got for this purpose. It kind of makes my head spin but each of them had a good deal that was appropriate for us (one has no foreign exchange fees, dh is traveling a lot on business and dd is doing study abroad) and no annual fee. I would definitely read the fine print to see whether there are any hidden fees.
  4. oh dear. Your entire post made my head hurt but THIS made me laugh out loud. Literally. I'm so sorry. Good for you for sticking to your guns!! People are rude, self-centered and pathetic.
  5. I totally agree!! Thank you for sharing, Beth. Let us know when she records her first CD. :)
  6. Jane, I loved your entire post but wanted to comment on this last bit. My dh is in Singapore on business this week, and had dinner Monday night with a friend there. The friend asked whether he wanted to go to a "traditional" Singaporean restaurant or a western restaurant. While dh appreciated the friend's sensitivity to his wishes, there was no doubt that he wanted something local. They went to a local "hawker" market, where you can buy any variety of foods and eat on picnic tables. They split Indonesian chicken and an Indian dish and then had shaved ice for dessert. :) My dd has loved her junior year abroad, though she's in an English speaking country. She has made oodles of friends and tried new foods and now drinks a lot of tea :laugh:
  7. Hugs to you and your dd :grouphug: It might just take some time and space for H to come around. You might let H's mom know that you are interested in reviving the friendship, and see how she responds. Your dd is at such a tough age especially for girls. Hormones and all that. I think the best thing you can do is let your dd know you are on her team, and let her talk when/if she wants to talk. A lot of the students that I tutor have divorced parents. Their lives are complicated and unpredictable.
  8. It seems to hold its value. I've sold many sets at 90% of full price. Also Adoremus Books has a sale - normally around Easter and maybe Christmas or late summer - and put EVERYTHING they sell (including IEW) at 20% off. So if you bought from them, and sold it at 90%, you could (potentially) actually make money on the deal ;)
  9. We moved between my dd's sophomore and junior years, so she took it once each at the local ps. The difference was striking. Soph year I wasn't sure she would actually get in a room till the start of the exam. The counselor said they had never had a hs'er take it there previously. The new school was very welcoming, told me when to have her there, what to bring (snack, sweater, pencils, etc.). Her experience was so good, she decided to take some APs there - previously she hadn't planned on doing APs. The French teacher spent several hours with her, showing her how to use the equipment, etc. prior to the French AP exam. I can't say enough good things about our local ps.
  10. Yes - they get inspected by outside (unbiased) inspectors and must meet very high standards both within HH and local code. The Habitat houses I've worked on have been very well built.
  11. Sorry to hear this. :( Can he call the headhunter and tell him his situation has changed and he's now interested in listening? Who knows, the original opportunity might still be available, and if it's not, at least the headhunter knows he is in the market for a new position.
  12. Great topic, Jane! I'm handling a long distance family crisis at the moment but I'll try to come back to this. As many have already mentioned, I would recommend start kicking the tires with what is local to your family, to determine what your student wants or doesn't want in a college. And look at college websites - not only for the section about potential new students, but also for current students. The student newspaper, which had some pretty racy (even by college standards) articles, was a turnoff to my dd.
  13. It's included in that blog I posted - but here it is as well.
  14. Congratulations to your self-motivated ds!! Eagle is one of the few things that stays on a resume for a lifetime.
  15. It's been a long time since I used the children's programs so I can't comment on that - I'm just sad that you missed SWB last year! My 21 yo dd wanted to go just to hear her talks.
  16. I've retired from homeschooling, but we left SL when my dd was in 5th grade (I did get pieces of Core 5 because so many people loved it). We left because I had read WTM and it really resonated with me. It made sense to study history chronologically. By high school, there was no way we would return to SL. Their book lists were nothing compared to the ones included in WTM. I've bought books here and there from SL when they had big sales, but otherwise I haven't made any big purchases in over 10 years.
  17. Wonderful news, Jen!! Stop by sometime next week to give us an update. Many, many hugs to you and yours!!
  18. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news :( I agree with you, I think Peter Cooper would be sad about the situation. I'm sure there are many starving artist graduates of the school - but it does seem a low percentage are supporting the school after receiving a free ride.
  19. Article here. I was curious about their alumni giving, and a quick search found this: Seriously? Less than 25% of students who got a free college education aren't supporting their alma mater? I would be interested in seeing a breakdown of which students are giving (i.e. how far down the career track they are). Regardless I'm sure it's a sign of the times.
  20. Every grade at the school where I tutor has a PE period as well as a "play time" (free play). Yet they also have time to learn Latin as well as their other academics ;) Their curriculum is as close to WTM as it gets. Yet the students have such a cultural capital void - the middle school math teacher had a hard time teaching cardinal directions to his students. College Girl learned those by holding the map in her lap during road trips.
  21. Aw, Jane. The school where I tutor really is an amazing place. I'm just one of many volunteers (tutors, mentors, shepherds, etc.) who help - really my "job" is easier than what Faith and Nan are doing. The program is already in place, I just go and implement it. :) And you deserves kudos for your work with 4H!! It's neat to be able to continue what started as an interest with our own children, even though they've flown the nest. I love being able to buy books for the school that we used in our homeschool. And I'm not limited by age or grade since the school is PK - 8th :) A few weeks ago the librarian put out books on the table and let the 8th graders select and take one home. You would have thought it was Christmas. They were so excited to be able to take a new book home. :)
  22. Yes!! I wish I could homeschool every one of the kids I tutor. They have so many obstacles yet they are determined to succeed.
  23. Okay -if that yahoo group doesn't float your boat (maybe you're turned off by the fact that it's Christian?) , maybe try emailing the founders - even without joining I can see their emails :) Maybe they can help you find something that will be a good fit for you.
  24. I'm not there but wanted to give you a Texas welcome. :) Homeschooling in TX is so easy. I found this blog that might be helpful.
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