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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Bump for the Friday morning crowd who, by scanning thread titles, could use the funny. :001_smile:
  2. cleaning my house because my grandparents are visiting! Tonight. And the house looks almost no better than it did this morning. :glare:
  3. I only scanned the signatures to see if the lady who does this blog, Teaching My Baby To Read, posted and I don't think she did. I got the LeapFrog Word Builder because of this blog for my 2 yo who learned his letter names and phonetic sounds (at age 27 months,) mostly just by watching big brother play Starfall.com. Ds5 likes it, too. Thanks to just playing with that and Starfall, and nothing on my part to actively teach, ds-turns-3-in-March is reading over 25 words, and sounding out c-v-c words. We'll be getting the LeapFrog Talking Words Factory dvd for his birthday. Your kid can learn without thinking it's anything more than play. I hope that helps.
  4. I think you mentioned in a previous post/thread that you would be moving quite a distance. Does that mean you'll be further away from...certain negative personalities? :001_smile:
  5. Sometimes you can't help them. I was at Walmart a while back with ds5 & ds2 in a cart. Nature called rather suddenly and painfully. I rushed to the bathroom, kids still in the shopping cart, and ran into a stall. As much as I wanted not to, moans of pain and other noises bust forth from me. Ds2 then said "Ewwww, it smells poopie!" And when people came into the bathroom, and wondered why there were kids in a cart in there, the kids told them that I was pooping on the potty. (A little off topic, but I thought ya'll could use the funny.)
  6. Dh's reply when we were reading WTM was "Why didn't anyone teach me this?!" Our gaps in our education is one of our reasons why we're homeschooling. I know I'm going to be much better educated by the time the dc are "done." (Done being in quotes because I hope they are never truly done with learning.)
  7. Ds2.9 "Woe is me! I am troubled! Forsooth the country is rapidly running out of milk. The people are starving, and I am helpless to help them! What will become of my people?" *sniffs the air* "Ah ha! Something's cooking in the state of Denmark!" Okay, so it's really Veggie Tales, not true Shakespeare, but I wanted to share anyway. He says this every time he has to wait for a food or drink, substituting the requested food/drink. Last night he continued saying the rest of the "Omlet" play all by him self. :001_rolleyes::D
  8. Ds5 just prayed for your hamster. :001_smile: I hope you find him!
  9. Around here ds5 & ds2 call it "the Fix game." Ds5 tells EVERYONE about it, and they have no clue what he's talking about.
  10. If he does ask and is turned down, I would tell him about the girl rule "you don't say yes to your best friend's crush."
  11. Take ds5 who NEVER puts his shoes away where they belong. And can never find them when we're trying to leave the house. I swear, if it weren't so cold, I'd make him go out in back-up flip flops. :glare:
  12. Our pastor and his wife hosted a...luncheon/dinner thing (I think?) when I was pregnant with ds5. A year or so later I also attended a woman's book study (Captivating, same authors as Wild at Heart) that the pastor's wife was leading. I haven't been back since, although they have hosted a tea and maybe some other things (that timing wise I wasn't able to attend.) We have never been invited as just a family, but we've never invited them, either (no room!)
  13. (Written without reading any previous replies.) The developmental nurses (ds2 was born premature and had to be assessed a few times) told me that those seats that are suppose to encourage kids to stand don't actually developed the muscles but rather teach the kid to lock their joints to make them stay up. They strongly discouraged everyone not to use them. My point in this is the chair probably isn't helping her. I hope that helps.
  14. I'm glad you guys like it. :001_smile: I was so distracted looking out the door and window for the UPS guy that ds5 drew me a clock so I would know what time my box was going to get here. Which didn't happen until 4pm. :glare: Oh well, off to read SOTW for the first time!
  15. I looked up my order online and I am expecting a HUGE order today. :party: And then this song popped into my head. To the tune of "Here We Come A-Caroling." Finally the day has come for your delivery. And here comes the mail man So fair to be seen! Books and toys come to you and a happy Box Day too. And God bless you and send you your package real soon! Oh, God bless you and send your package soon. :D
  16. Oops! I didn't see the last one. Please mentally take my vote for 68-70 (which is our wintertime temp) and replace it with the last option. In winter we keep it 68-70 in the daytime & nighttime. In summer we keep it at around 76, but I have to turn it to 74 at night or I can't sleep.
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