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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Oh my! I clicked on the link and the first things I saw was a bare-chested carpenter in a kilt and a daddy with a sleeping baby in his arms wearing a kilt. :001_wub: If only I could get dh to wear one!
  2. That is fantastic! :D It was AMAZING to see him jumping all over the place, but still avoided flashing until the end intentional one. Bravo!
  3. That is so great! Makes me think I should start giving my 5yo an allowance....
  4. I realized that some pillows are of a similar consistency to bOOks. So, if your dh has a "firm" pillow then he is sleeping with his head on something that is very similar to your bosom. Coincidence? I think not. :D
  5. Ds5 (on my lap) saw the picture and said he wants it for his bed. If it is too small for a blanket/lovey for her, could you use it as a doll blanket? Or maybe as part of a canopy bed for an 18'' doll?
  6. I thought there was a verse that said life began when blood first pumped in the heart. That is a point between conception and first breath. Hense the need for an "other" option. Also, Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the wombI knew you, before you were born I set you apart." I equate that with having a soul before first breath (I did not read any posts after the first page.) ETA: after trying to search for that verse on dh's tiny andorid screen cannot find a specific verse. I think it's a combination of verses that people draw that conclusion from. I think it was my file who told me about it.
  7. ...then you're a Super Mom! That's according to dh, who by his own admission is not a Super Mom, and therefore required migraine me to stay downstairs while he made macaroni and cheese from the box. :rolleyes: So congratulations to all the Super Moms out there who didn't know just how awesomely talented you are. :D (This is not a complaint about dh.) ETA: Okay...failed attempt at humor and encouragement. Never mind....
  8. :lol: Okay, it could be because I'm still just 25 or because I'm having a bad day, but I think Stan Peed as a cowboy name is hilarious. My Papa was a cowboy. His father's name (no joke) was Will (iam) Drown.
  9. Oh, come on, there have been what, at least 5 movies in the past few years based on mythology? Here is a Wikki list. That sounds totally fun! It sounds like your classmates aren't...enthusiastic. Write something that will stir their souls and relate these awesome stories that they already know. They just don't know they know them yet. Do you like Stargate-SG1?
  10. I borrowed the Zumba Wii program, but I'm scared to try it. Does anyone have any experience with the Wii version? Is there vocal instruction?
  11. You could maybe make your own homemade almond-peanut butter.
  12. I don't know what your computer situation/philosophy is, but both of my kids, ages 3 & 5 love Starfall.com and can play without direct supervision/intervention.
  13. Thank you for this! I'm having to type this on borrowed time. Ds3 is begging for more penguins :D
  14. Ds5 is on the couch sick with a fever. I told him he could pick what's on the tv since he's sick, but he still let ds3 watch his favorite dvd (Signing Time.) :001_smile:
  15. I am reminded of a post someone made on here a while ago. Her father (I think) was in Italy. He needed directions but all he could find to help him was a monk. They didn't speak each other's language, but they were able to converse in Latin. Dead language my butt.
  16. OMGoodness, I am crying over here! Did you see the Uranium Ore? "I purchased this product 4.47 Billion Years ago and when I opened it today, it was half empty" :lol::lol:
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