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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Ohhhh. Okay. It was a Marti Gras poster. I thought they had just already started the drinking. :D
  2. I just saw a new one today in the Applebee's(' ?) bathroom. They spelled crew "krewe." :confused::glare:
  3. I'm calling ours Sceleratus Classical Academy. "Sceleratus" is Latin for "ruffians." :D I even have a facebook page with that name, for family and friends interested in our curriculum. But we're only in Kindergarten. When we have to file for real next year (we're in CA,) I'll have to come up with a more...mature meaning.
  4. :party: My box day isn't scheduled until next Tuesday at the earliest :sad: Love free super saving shipping on Amazon, HATE the wait.
  5. :iagree: with just about everyone. NOT worth the risk. Bare minimum all the above mentioned precautions, and LIMITED (5 min maybe) time. It stinks that she's paying to fly out, but (not to insult your mom)...she should know better.
  6. :iagree: That stinks. I've read a lot of your post and I really feel for you. :grouphug:
  7. Here is the link for the first one: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/431615_10150545412201537_627916536_9175342_1607420364_n.jpg Here is the link for the second one: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/432369_10150612179439643_300588559642_9025678_1552413540_n.jpg
  8. Off topic: The Buffy/Angel fan in me saw this and thought of the evil law firm, Wolfram and Hart. :tongue_smilie:
  9. :grouphug: Thank you for some perspective. I'm going to give him a hug and a kiss and have him do some quiet time lying down on the couch. We ALL need it.
  10. You know how sometimes frustrated parents say that to difficult/acting out kids? Well, before you wish that on them, please remember their poor future spouse who'll have to deal with that kid as well. :smash::willy_nilly::boxing_smiley: A future spouse who might not deserve it like your kid does. Thank you, Mrs. Warde (the mother of a son who is just like his daddy was at that age.) _________________________________________________________ This is a public service announcement brought to you by ds5 and the Association to Prevent --> :banghead:
  11. I hope you saw and liked the other one on post #8. I saw the Hitler picture as a metaphor for rigid, intolerant indoctrination. ETA: :D You must have posted this while I was typing mine.
  12. Leechblock. I learned about it on here. It's free, but I think it only works if you are using firefox. But for it to really work, you need to click the option that says you can't change the times during the black-out times. :tongue_smilie:
  13. :lol: I like the new one, and I LOVE that last picture with the bookshelves! :001_wub:
  14. :grouphug: When we were with the Catholic Mercy hospital they had financial assistance available, and a patron/donations paid for the part we were responsible, but would have taken us years to pay off. But when ds2 had surgery at US Davis, they only had financial assistance for people without insurance. We still have (I think) 2 years to go, to pay for a surgery that happened when he was 9 months old (and that was with our very good insurance.) Are you with the kind of hospital that has the good kind of financial assistance? I have a lot of respect for you for not wanting to have tax payers cover the money; we are the same way. And I commend you for being responsible and saving ahead of time for the twins.
  15. Just saw a new one about surfers that was NOT made by the above mentioned guy.
  16. We filed on Feb 1. It didn't process right away. First they said it would be a week, then they said it could be up to 2 weeks, then they said it could be 6 weeks. We got it Monday, Feb 13.
  17. When you have grandchildren, and you get all the fun and cute without the diapers and sleepless nights. :001_smile:
  18. This reminded me of a friend of mine in high school and his camp t-shirt. It had two Vs as the initals, but had upside down Vs under them that was suppose to be the Vs reflected in the water of the lake. It was impossible to tell that, so I asked him why he had the symbol for female chromosomes on his shirt. :lol:
  19. The Libertarian, Democrat, Republican, and Homeschooling one all seem to be coming from one guy. I don't know if there are others from other people, but it wouldn't surprise me if people start copying the style (which is pretty funny) and make their own.
  20. I thought it would be appreciated here, if you haven't already seen it. :D ETA: The links for this image and the one in post #8 are on post #21. If anyone can find and share the SAHM one, I would LOVE to see it!
  21. I haven't read any of the other replies, but could you be sleep walking and banging it on something? You did say you were tired a lot...
  22. I went garage sale shopping with my friend once and WOW did I find a TON of great stuff. Including the ENTIRE Deluxe set of HOP with only some of the flash cards missing, for $25!!! I went out with $20 and I ended up spending...more. :tongue_smilie:Dh won't let me go again. :lol: Enjoy your treasure hunting!
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