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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. :lol::lol: I one visited a house where 2 whole walls were COVERED in big picture frames, up to the 17 foot ceiling. Not a SINGLE one was straight!
  2. Well, if it's against the wall or cupboard, you're more likely to bang your fingers into the wall, or have to scrape against it to get the edge. My Granny taught me this. She was very insistence about it, and changed other people's tp, too. (Now you know where I got it :D)
  3. Ummm..yes, I do that. :leaving: (The correct way to hang is is with the loose part towards you, so it's easier to grab.) I also straighten crooked picture frames and cancel out the last 4 seconds on the microwave that some one just couldn't wait for but left on the timer anyway. :glare: I'll also let someone know it their clock is more than 5 minutes off. I'm just a little bit OCD. The frame straitening thing annoys my husband when I do it in public (doctor's office, etc.) but I can't stand it if it's off.
  4. Our plan for 1st grade starting in August with an almost six year old is: OPGTR-5/wk FLL1-2, depending on how much FLL1 we get done in K 3-4/wk ZB Handwriting,-copywork 5/w WWE 1-?/wk Spelling Workout-?/wk History of the World: Ancients 2/wk I Love America (taught by grandpa once a week) The science program laid out in WTM 2nd edition, supplementing with Evan-Moor workbooks -3/wk The Nature Connection (taught by Daddy on Saturdays) Right Start A-B, depending on how much RS A gets done in K 5/wk Various logic workbooks Something to teach both of us how to draw The goal will be not to exceed 3 hours/day :svengo: Phew, that looks like a lot when it's all typed out!
  5. I put $100-150, but it's more like $350/month for a family of 4.
  6. I do the EXACT same thing. And I'm not addicted to the adrenaline rush. It's miserable for me. And it drives my husband :willy_nilly:
  7. Mine is ds2's "Smi-nu!" face. He used to do this every time he saw the camera :001_smile:
  8. Oops, I clicked on the wrong one! I put $2-2.99, but it should have been $3-3.99.
  9. I know some people use crib tents. We went through a period of that, and when ds would come into the room we'd let him sleep with us. But I wouldn't recommend that. It took even longer to get him to stay. :grouphug:s for the lack of sleep.
  10. The consistency reminded me of a sponge cake, though I'm not sure that's quite right. It is not liquidy.
  11. Another vote for crochet! Easier, faster, and better patterns (although I'm sure knitters would disagree.) I learned from a friend to do granny squares and went on from there. I've taught myself to knit from a book. I'm not half bad at the basic stitches, but it's not as fun, and it's a LOT of time for much less volume.
  12. Ingredients: 4 Tablespoons cake flour (I use regular four just fine.) 4 Tablespoons sugar 2 Tablespoons cocoa 1 Egg 3 Tablespoons milk 3 Tablespoons oil 1 Mug Instructions: Mix flour, sugar and cocoa: Spoon in 1 egg Pour in milk and oil, and mix well Put in microwave for 3 minutes on maximum power (1000watt) Wait until it stops rising and sets in the mug Tip contents out of mug onto saucer and enjoy! You can substitute 2 T of peanut butter for 2 of the 3 tablespoons of oil to make it different :001_smile: You can also substitute 3 T applesauce for the 3 T of oil to make it healthier/less calories.
  13. Oops, I thought I had it, but I only have the Splenda versions.
  14. Are you looking for the recipe, or a discussion on it?
  15. I bet I'm the only one here who does ribbon embroidery. Or is trying to make a hat from scratch on a buckram base. (Trying being the main word. I also decorate already made hats, but it's not the same thing.)
  16. I tried giving up on refined sugar for 6 weeks and used Splenda instead. But I did so much more baking, trying out Splenda recipes, than I usually do, so I ended up eating more baked goods, and I lost 0 lbs. :glare:
  17. I've been wanting to switch from a night owl to an early bird for years. But after reading the first 10 comments, I'm giving up on that thought :tongue_smilie: I should probably buy stock in coffee....
  18. Oil, but I did it to replace one egg in my banana bread once because I only had two eggs and I was suppose to use three. It turned out really good, but it fell apart more than when I did it right.
  19. I have been wanting a girl for FOREVER!!! :001_wub: Know you know at least one more person who would be ECSTATIC to find out she was having a baby girl. I didn't get to do all the typical, fun girlie things when I was little, and I want to share that with a daughter. I was convinced ds#2 was a girl, and was just a tinsey bit disappointed that he wasn't. My best friend's husband was disappointed that his two kids turned out to be girls. And my father wanted boys not girls (9 out of his 12 children are boys.) But he doesn't count because he's clinically crazy (and in jail for child abuse.) But I have never run into that attitude anywhere else.
  20. They can't force OTHER children to learn ID, just their own children. I think this legislation is a great success for parent's rights :thumbup: And now I'm leaving before this gets out of hand and banned. :auto:
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