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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. 3 times through, grammar stage sections probably 8 times.
  2. Starfall.com I heard about it on here, and it really helped blending click for my oldest. Now ds#2 is playing it (with some help.)
  3. Ohhh, got ya. For me it was Mrs. Zirhut in 4th grade. :glare: Evil, nasty, vindictive, picked on only me because I'm a Christian and I argued with her when she taught evolution as fact instead of theory. Strangely enough, my 2nd grade teacher was the one with the reputation for yelling and being mean and I liked her :001_smile:
  4. I don't think I understand exactly what it is that she said to upset you?
  5. Thank you for all the help! I'm going to check those websites out :auto:
  6. My mother divorced my father after they were both arrested and convicted of child abuse. They'll be in jail for quite some time. So imagine my surprise when she told me she has a boyfriend :blink: Who is 11 years younger than her. Who is also in prison. Who's name is Rocky. Oh, and at the time my younger sister had a boyfriend who was only a few months younger than Rocky. I'm not calling him "Dad." They're in Oregon, and he doesn't get out until sometime next year, so I'm not going to have to deal with this until next Thanksgiving. Sorry your step mom is awkward. :grouphug: I hope my story cheered you up, some.
  7. Okay, the answer is probably "you can't." But I need to try. Ds#1 who just turned 5 is...inexperienced socially? We're the unsocialized homeschoolers everyone worries about because we have no kids at our church (small, older church) and I only up until a little bit ago had one friend who had a kid his age. Also, his speech is not always understandable to those who don't know him (and sometimes even those who know him.) He talks very fast sometimes, and doesn't take the time to enunciate. I don't think there's a hearing problem, but I'm sure he'd benefit from some speech therapy (not a option right now.) I have been hoping it's something he'll grow out of, and something that learning to read and working with FFL1 would help. Ds#2 (2.6 years old,) however, started talking early, and is (possibly) gifted. Lately I've been getting comments about how sometimes ds#2 is easier to understand than ds#1 :sad: We are going to see my rather large family for thanksgiving. We all get together every other year, which means they haven't seen the kids since they were 3 and 8 months. Ds#1 has three cousins who are only a few months apart age-wise from him. Comparisons are going to happen, I know. But how do I keep them from verbalizing those comparisons (to his brother, not the cousins)? Ds#1 is having a hard enough time dealing with ds#2 starting to do Starfall.com and other things that he thinks are only for big kids. I don't want him hearing these remarks and feeling bad about himself :sad: Thank you in advance for answering and for reading all of this.
  8. I haven't gotten around to making for my husband a shirt that says "I'm sleeping with my kids' teacher," but I think that would make a cool bumper sticker :001_smile: (He swears he won't wear it :glare:)
  9. :lol: Reminds me of Toy Story and Mrs. Potato Head :D I agree that there is nothing wrong with displaying strong emotion, or calling to get attention.
  10. :iagree:I remember on an early episode (I've only seen the ones on Nextflix streaming) the kids saying that she never yells. I would like to be like that! Only, when I tried it, instead of yelling more time-outs and spankings happened :glare: But I really want to be like that!
  11. Line 1: The joke name of our school. When it comes to actually filing I'll pick something that means something more serious, but for now it's fun. ("sceleratus" is Latin for "ruffians" :D) Line 2&3: Kids' ages and current curricula. Line 4: Something I stole from someone's post on Smart-alack reasons why you homeschool that I thought was hilarious.
  12. I am so happy your NICU experience was not a long one! I know how hard it is to not have your baby home with you, and not having control over his care :grouphug:
  13. :blink::svengo: What?! I didn't know this. Any birds or just a few special birds? Boy, I had no idea I was a child law-breaker in the past....
  14. We use The Nature Connection that was recommended to us on here. More info here. It's good for all ages, and has specific things for each month of the year. :001_smile:
  15. Would this bother you ...? Absolutely. I hate it when someone starts asking a question and then doesn't finish it :glare:
  16. bio feedback...what do you know about this?? Is that what they call that loud, high pitch sound in my head? Oh wait, that might be my kids....
  17. Constructive discussion...YE and OE YE: "You know, OE, I start with "y" which is a much more versatile and rare letter than "o." :001_tt2: OE: "Hey, that's not constructive!" :glare: YE: "Are you sure? It has to do with our name constructions." :tongue_smilie:
  18. I heard ds2.5 hum for the first time today :001_wub: Last night I was humming a song with him in my lap. When I'd stop he would say "Oh, do you hear that sound? Let's listen to it again!" and I'd hum a little bit more and then stop again. This morning he started doing it himself :D
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