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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Okay, I gotta ask, did you do this on purpose? :D
  2. :lurk5: My kids get a kick watching dh play Angry Birds and Cut the Rope, but not exactly "educational." I'd really like an ABC game for ds#2, but all the ones I looked at for ipad (which we don't have) did not look good. I'm surprised HOP hasn't made an app yet...
  3. :grouphug: :grouphug: I love the t-shirt idea. But then you've got people staring at your chest :D But those "I'm the Big Sister," "I'm the Little Sister," ARE cute. If it helps, I've had people ask if ds#1 was in the wedding :glare: (We are also Christians, and we waited for marriage.) Sadly, this is a sign of the times. Thanks to that MTV show, probably EVERYONE is going to think your little sister is yours, and yes, the shouldn't say anything about it. :grouphug:
  4. :lol: I was thinking the same thing. I post disagreeing comments when I think they might be useful, but I don't on most. I just read and move on. I've never felt ridiculed, though.
  5. Are they not expected to say the verse reference on their own, before they say the verse part? Because ds got signed off on verses that he wasn't saying the reference for without help :confused: And ours are NKJ.
  6. My MIL asks us after church if we want to go over to their house for lunch, and, oh, could you bring this, this, and this (that we could have gotten cheaper at Sam's if she asked the day before but now we have to buy for more money at a closer store :glare:) I set my foot down and said if she wants us over on Sundays she has to ask by Wednesday or don't expect us to bring anything. She's stopped asking us, for the most part, and complains about how she never gets to see the kids (having them over to our place is not an option because of fil's chronic pain needs.)
  7. Actually, Cathrine, Duchess of Cambridge is bringing them back :001_smile:
  8. No, but if she has closed shoes instead of strappy/sandal-like shoes she might want them.
  9. I...had a very....difficult relationship with my grandfather/legal guardian. I was also quite the feminist at the time, and there was NO way I was going to be "asked for" or "given away" like property :001_rolleyes: (though I secretly loved the "romantic tradition" of it all.) I wasn't going to have Papa walk me down, but in the end I decided to honor him in that way. I still have mixed feelings about it, but I am glad I did it.
  10. Ds#1's birthday is on a Monday, but we're planning a surprise birthday party on the Saturday or Sunday before. We will be giving him our gift on his actually birthday. Growing up in a "church" that didn't celebrate birthdays until I was 10 or so, I feel it is very important to have a present on the actual birth date.
  11. I never did. I went to school dances from 2002-2004 in California. I never noticed any other girls wearing them either, but I wasn't paying attention. I wore long dresses. If it was a short dress, I may have worn stockings.
  12. Are they going to charge you, and then not send it to you, and then have to credit your account?
  13. I definitely can't spell anything right :D And I had NO idea about curriculums/curricula until I read this thread. I will correct myself. (Although "curricula" does sound kinda snobby...)
  14. My husband answers "I love you" instead of "you're welcome" or "that's okay" or *insert what he's really thinking but doesn't want to say it because he thinks I won't like it.* Using it as a catch-all dilutes real "I love you"s and and makes me think he wasn't really paying attention to what I was saying :glare:
  15. I knew a woman who's daughter couldn't wear a watch because every time one touched her skin it stopped :blink:
  16. I think people got wise and started titling their posts with something that couldn't be funny if you looked at it a little differently :sad:
  17. I just started with my kindergartner (who just started HOP level 2) FLL1 and there is no reading on the child's part so far, and they don't start copywork until the half-way mark, and the into to the parents say you don't have to do it if the kids aren't ready. It is mostly verbal, from what I have heard, and is more about proper sentence structure, understanding what is being read to them, and learning parts of speech than the child reading on their own or writing their own thing.
  18. I wasn't going to have him read it, I was going to read it to him, so that he associated verses with the Bible.
  19. I want to get ds 4.5 a bible for AWANAS. I LOVE the VeggieTales Bible, but it's NIV. I don't have a problem with NIV, I use it as my own personal Bible version, and I think it is more likely to be understood by a kid. But the point of having a Bible for AWANAS is to be able to look up and read it in the Bible, and they memorize the verses in NKJ. Would two different versions confuse ds or will it add to his comprehension? Keep in mind that this kid knew his letters perfectly, but heard his friend call "f" "v" ONCE and now says it wrong :glare: My very first poll attempt to follow...
  20. Please see other new post with poll. My first attempt at adding a poll was a no-go.
  21. Q size hook! I used a Q size hook, the fluffiest yarn I could find (which was the baby soft/cloud like yarn) and a double crochet stitch and have made several blankets. Recently I also made a blanket with the same stitch but with Lionheart (?) Homespun and a N size hook.
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