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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. We started AWANAS two weeks ago (Sparks K) and then he got sick! Which stinks because I had made him a purple octopus hat for outrageous hat night and he didn't get to go :sad: Tonight is parents' night and we'll be missing that, too (still coughing.) I'm worried since he hasn't gotten to say his verse that we'll get really behind because we haven't been given the Hanglider workbook yet :willy_nilly:I REALLY hope he is well enough for next week. I bet all the other kids will already have their vests :(
  2. I got the impression that she capitalized the words because she wanted to emphasis that people thought that any old degree would make them qualified, when indeed only a education major would do that. (Not that I agree, just why I thought she did that.)
  3. Well, it kinda makes sense in that after dinner is when parents are most likely to let their kids have dessert, right? ETA It is also more likely that people, and especially the parents with the money will be home by then, as well.
  4. :iagree:Ds4.75 just started AWANAs and all the other kids knew about raising your hand to answer or ask a question. He also had a hard time focusing on his leader (and it was a 1-3 leader to kid ratio!) I know most kids in the class have been in preschool and kindergarten and were taught that, but it never came up at home. At least he stayed seated, though.
  5. I would still talk to the parents, even if I thought that it would accomplish nothing (but I would also be willing to "go to the mat" as someone said.) I think it is widely believed (in America, or maybe it's just CA) that parents aren't instilling values in their kids. Who are they to force morality on their children? Its a personal choice! Or they could be the kind of parents who have let the tv and public school raise their child for them. Or the parents who think something like that is just harmless pranks, its-a-joke-lighten-up-already. I would guess that parents that fall in those three categories encompass over 50% of parents, and probably a greater percentage found at a public school, so I think the expectation is reasonable, but communication should still be attempted. She might get lucky.
  6. I think "keeping secrets" is more about keeping something hidden that effects that person directly, rather than sharing every. single. thought. Surprises are exempt from this rule :)
  7. :bigear: I could also use some advice in this area. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when ds2.5 stops napping (yes, I know that may be quite a while from now, but I'm a long term planner :001_smile:)
  8. If we were looking for a new church a BIG consideration for me would be the kids' behaviors. These are the kids that your kids will (hopefully) become friends with, and at the very least will be (hopefully) setting an example of the behavioral results of your faith. If these aren't the kind of kids you want your young, impressionable, spiritually vulnerable children to be exposed to, look elsewhere.
  9. Beauty by Robin McKinley Silk, Under Eastern Stars, Kingscote by Linda Chaikin (Almost) everything by Anne McCaffery and Tamora Pierce
  10. :lol::lol: I love long skirts, too, and for most of these reasons. Reason #4 was why I got a beautiful, long, light blue skirt that made me feel like Jane in Tarzan (the Walt Disney movie version) when I was 13 :)
  11. Ds4.5 told me a few days ago that he was going to grow bigger than me :tongue_smilie:
  12. I was in public school (mostly in CA) for K-6 and I didn't learn about nouns and verbs until 7th grade when I went to a private school in AK that used PACE and I was placed in 4th grade English and Spelling :glare: I did a lot to catch up, and when I went back to high school in CA I was ahead of most of my classmates. So, yeah, it's possible.
  13. My husband and I have discussed this. We both want to be cremated and mixed together after we die. But if he re-marries I have given specific instructions on where I want to be scattered. I'm not going to make his second wife (if there was one) to have to deal with me hanging around on the mantel or somewhere.
  14. I always liked the idea of making them cut the grass...with scissors :D
  15. As soon as I started to type '"ds2 is sleeping" he wakes up :tongue_smilie: So, ds4.5 is pretending his wood blocks are piano keys that are broken and he has to put them in the right order by note and ds2.5 is wimpering at the top of the stairs with a blanky wanting to be held for half an hour at the same time I should be starting dinner.
  16. Wait, I never did that! Am I still a newbie until I do that, or is it to late for me to earn that badge?
  17. On one day I got two different comments when I mentioned we homeschool. One response was "Oh, that's a lot of hard work" in a way that sounded like she thought I didn't know what I was getting into :glare: (from someone who had not homeschooled.) And one was "Good for you!" from a lady who had homeschooled. It was nice to get the second to balance out the first :001_smile:
  18. My dear friend (using as a euphemism for close relative) as well as the majority of our family belongs to a very legalistic, they-are-the-only-true-church. I got out of there at 18 an moved to a more mainstream church, which they see as me turning my back on God. NOTHING I have to say regarding religious/spiritual/morality issues is received well from me, even if on that specif topic we agree 90% on :banghead: Any attempt on my part to "rebuke in love" is NOT going to be seen that way. And...I grew up with this person and we did NOT get along. It took 6 years of living apart and barley talking before we got past it. So now our conversations are all about safe topics. I have a hunch that since she got baptized last year she has stopped having teA with her boyfriends, but I do not know for certain. It has been hard, in that area we went in opposite directions; I kept to what I felt was what the Bible says to do, she didn't, and yet I was the one being judged as turning my back on God :confused: I asked this question originally to better understand her.
  19. I agree completely. I believe this also applies to people who are separated, but not officially divorced. Which is also a subject I can not bring up with...people I know.
  20. This is what I am afraid of as well. I've already had to many riffs with this person, I don't want more :sad:
  21. Nope, not asking about extra-marital sex. Those people I feel free in judging :glare:
  22. Thank you all for answering. I have a person in my life who is very dear to me who has lived this kind of lifestyle and I can't risk asking her these questions.
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