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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. :lol: That's too cute. Ds5 does that with multiple choice workbooks. He circles all the right answers, then X's out all the "extra pictures." :D
  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/28scotus.html "The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm, even a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation." This is an old article, but there have been several more rulings that say the same thing.
  3. :iagree: The courts have also ruled that the police are under no obligation to help you (a rape victim tried to sue them and lost.)
  4. :iagree::iagree: :iagree: Despite what we all want, people are going to react to how you look, dress, and how you present yourself. To deny this is true is ridiculous.
  5. I was in the exact same position as you earlier this fall. I chose level A and I am really glad I did. There is a LOT in there, and it's a good way to start training yourself to do mental math. That takes time to get in the habit, so even though you could probably do the first 30 lessons really quickly, it's still a good idea, and in my opinion, NOT a waste of money and time.
  6. :lol::lol::iagree: "Food is not an acceptable substitute for a drink of water." (I tend to eat when I'm thirsty instead of drinking :blushing:) "Sit up straight!" "Sunlight is not just good, it's mandatory."
  7. Ds #2 learns best by songs and LOVES them. We're trying to potty train him, and I thought a song would help. Does anyone know one they're willing to share? TIA!
  8. A similar thing happened at church last week. The boys were given wooden airplanes and an old man tired to get them to look at the airplane on his belt buckle (yes, he did have one.) They were too interested in the toys to look, and we know this guy, but even so it was a little weird. Maybe it's just an old guy thing? Back from when something like that was totally innocent?
  9. You can't say Santa can't make her fly or only angels can fly because he has FLYING reindeer! It might be time for the truth.
  10. I LOVE the tattooed initials/names/wedding date/romantic or Celtic knot pattern idea :001_wub:
  11. I usually have the presents for friends wrapped and under the tree. Right now I have one present for each kid under the tree, and a box for everyone that came in the mail from family with individually wrapped presents inside. I put all the other presents for the boys under the tree after they fall asleep Christmas Eve. We don't "do Santa," but I don't want the focus to be the presents.
  12. Nut-free :001_smile: I've done the same thing and my ds's friend's mom/my friend has done the same thing to us. I completely understand.
  13. $300 in 2004, plus another $100 for alterations and having it cleaned and heirloom preserved in a hermetically sealed box. It cost more than the rest of our wedding.
  14. :iagree:My grandmother/legal guardian was the same. The church/cult we belonged to believed Christmas was pagan/evil and wasn't allowed. The only song I could sing was "Jingle Bells." I'm outta that church/cult now and I LOVE Christmas carols and listen to them all through the year.
  15. I would tell the husband everything you have told us here. He deserves to know.
  16. Heat while sleeping. We lived in an OLD house with NO air conditioning. In California. We slept on the top floor with a low roof, and my grandmother/legal guradian wouldn't open the windows because she was afraid someone would break in. It was miserable in the summertime, and I can't sleep in the summertime if the thermostat is higher than 76%. Dh can echo the canned peas :ack2: He'd never had fresh/frozen until me, and I'd never heard of canned peas until we lived with his parents for a while. But he still likes his meat cooked burnt/dry/nasty and they all tease me because I have them take mine piece of the barbeque 10 minutes before they take theirs off. :001_rolleyes:
  17. Yes, she is my first cousin. I only see her every-other Thanksgiving, but I am "friends" with her on facebook. But you guys talking about honoring her decision to finally marry the guy are right. Thank you.
  18. Thank you everyone for the perspective. Now I'm thinking an embroidered bible verse bookmark and a card. I still think it's weird to send a "save the date" to someone who they don't want coming to the actual wedding. I thought that was what wedding announcement cards were for. :confused: I didn't send my out of state family invitations, that I can remember...but some still came anyway :lol: Maybe I did and I've just forgotten.
  19. At our family Thanksgiving reunion (over 70 people) my cousin who is my age announced her engagement to her boyfriend who has been living with her for a while. They are having a "destination wedding" to keep it from getting to big (aka the don't want the family to come.) She told us all this, she doesn't want/isn't expecting us to come, yet she sent a "save the date" card to us. Do I have to mail her a wedding present? I don't approve of her lifestyle choice (living with the guy before getting married) and... I don't like her personally :blushing: She's not going to notice, right? And why bother sending out "save the date" cards when she knows we're not going to come? Thoughts? Poll to follow so people can give an opinion without having to type out an answer.
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