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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. This made me remember that when I told some (safe to tell) people that ds3 was reading, I was embarassed. I wasn't ashamed of him; I was afraid of looking like I was bragging. But I couldn't look them in the eye when I said it! I was afraid of being accued (or them thinking but not saying) of hothousing or exagerating. I am SOOO jealous! I would LOVE to do something like that!
  2. DEFINATLY the bolded :D And my dh and I have a running joke where I have to cover my eyes whenever T'ealc is shirtless :lol:
  3. Umm, I LOVE hearing about everyone's kids and all the awesome things they do/are interested in on here. The They said what? thread is one of my favorites! I thought this was the safe place to get to talk about our kids that we couldn't do IRL. Maybe we should have a thread just for I'm-so-proud-I'm-going-to-bust moments. That way people who want to share and hear it can and those who would be offended can avoid it.
  4. When ds#1 was 3 he liked to talk about "big sticks." But that's not what it sounded like.
  5. *I* would have freaked out! I probably won't let ds5 take a bath by himself until he's 6 1/2-7 unless he asks to for privacy's sake. And even then he would have to have the door open and an adult in hearing range.
  6. I won a designer purse in a charity raffle once! My only ever purse like that, and I NEVER win in raffles! (Granted it was a small group, but still :party:.) That's it. My best friend however, seems to win every.single.time. :confused:
  7. Dh did the exact. same. thing. the other night. :banghead: I know I'm suppose to be grateful that he's even doing dishes, but seriously, when half the the dishes have to be re-washed (because he does turn it on and make it go) does that even count?
  8. Without too many details I know a (former) homeschooling mom who told me that one of her children's every-day speaking vocabulary was 1/3 American-English, 1/3 British-English, and 1/3 Hebrew. (Using words from each language in the same sentence.) His parents and brothers and sister understood him, but most other people did not, and thought he had a speech/learning delay/problem. This caused a big problem when he had to be sent to public school (I think he was 8 (?) or 10 when he first went to public school.) My kids are very interested in learning some Spanish. They love Go, Diego, Go, and ds3 says the Spanish words for "help me," "fruit," "climb," and others that he picked up watching instead of the English word. What happens if they learn more Spanish vocabulary, and use it instead of the English words? I know in a bi-lingual family this would not be a problem. But we are not even close to that here. Is this a serious concern? Has this happened and been a problem for other people? Or was this just because of a bad homeschooling situation (which it was) and not a normal occurrence?
  9. I could have write this post! I feel exactly the same way. Ds5 is "offical" this fall, and our K schedule has been NOTHING like I've planned! I'm going to be summer-schooling my friend's daughter 2x/week in reading and science. I'm hopping that will give me good practice and get us in the "grove." :tongue_smilie:
  10. I thought HSAs were just savings accounts for medical expense that comes directly out of the paycheck. Dh's company puts in $50 a month, then matches 25 cents/dollar up to $50 extra from the company (if you put in $200!) This doesn't help the price go down very much, and if her husband's company won't put anything toward insurance, I doubt they would do this. OP, we are in almost the exact place you are. Two years ago we went from GREAT coverage with reasonable amount for premiums to double premiums and NO coverage until we've paid $3000 out of pocket. :glare: And with my very expensive medication and preexisting condition, no one will take me alone either. I think what we end up paying is about 35%+ of Dh's gross. It's been really hard, but mostly it's been really hard for dh. We were in a better financial position two years ago and that was before his last raise! It makes him feel like he's "not getting ahead" and it's depressing him. We tithe and trust in God, and thankfully for the most part we've only needed to go to the doctor/emergency room after the $3000 deductible was met (1 month before the whole thing reset.) I don't have anything encouraging to say, just :grouphug:s.
  11. :iagree:We are trying to get OUT of here! But on the other hand it is one of the easiest states to homeschool in.
  12. You could drive people krazy (;)) and give him a "c" name with the "c'' swapped out with a "k." I like Klark. :D
  13. I have embraced the fact that I am not going to be able to stop the boys from learning some sight words. I am using OPG and am (lightly) supplementing with HOP, which has "sight words" but many of them follow the "rules," just rules that haven't been taught yet ("like," "see," etc.) But I can't find a list of just the words that break the rules. Like "you." The "when-two-vowels-go-walking-the-first-one-does-the-talking" rule doesn't work. What are the other exceptions? I don't have a problem with them memorizing those words, as long as I know that they are rule breakers. But I can't find a list. Is there an online-list somewhere? A book I should get? Did I miss it somewhere in OPG? I was planning on purchasing Spelling Workout in July. Should I get it now? Will it have the list? :confused: I tried searching, but I'm terrible at finding what I need, so if you've already seen a thread on this, please let me know? TIA!
  14. He he! "I hope you won't think I'm being untoward if I ask for help finding a book filed under 306.7" :lol: As a former Librarian's Assistant in high school, and as someone who spent 90% of my non-classroom time in the library, this cracked me up. (Institutions pertaining to relations of the sexes)
  15. What you're thinking about when you fall asleep is supposed to influence what you dream about, which works for me. Falling asleep expecting/anticipating the dream will increase your chances of dreaming it again. Also, if you can sleep with the TV on, you're likely to dream about that. I've had a great P&P dreams with Mr. Darcy that way ;) (okay, that looks more dirty typed out than it actually was ...)
  16. My maternal grandmother is Grammy or Grammy Last Name. My paternal grandmother is Granny. My great-grandmas were Grandma Honey (because she called everyone "honey") and Mombo (she said she was too young to be "Grandma" and she picked that herself. Her name was Mary.) Dh's mother is Nana. Her mother is still alive, and she was Nana to her kids, so that's what she insisted on. But then the first Nana moved to live in the area, so there were two "Nana"s. We tried to call the first Nana "Great Nana" which confused ds#1, who was 3 at the time. Poor "first" Nana changed her name to "GG" for "Great Grandma" (Pronounced GeeGee.) Personally, I think it was really selfish and rude for mil to take that away from her mother. :glare: My mother (who has a very distant/over-the-phone relationship with my kids) is Grandma First Name. She wanted to be Grammy like her mother, but after what happened with MIL, I said "no way!"
  17. Is :party: the wrong response? Because of all I've read about your MIL, it sounds like you're much better off not having to have her visit for a whole year! And not having to see the aunt, too. :grouphug: to your husband for not feeling loved. That stinks. But better her not caring at a distance, than not caring right in your face in your home, right?
  18. OP, I saw in your signature that your ds is one month older than my ds3. If it helps, my friend's daughter is over visiting right now. She is exactly one year younger than your ds, and she is only 1/2 in shorter than my ds3 and she weighs 2 lbs more than him. Kids are different. It happens. You're keeping him healthy, that's what matters. Unless he has a food intolerance/processing issue that you don't know about, you are doing everything right. Ignore people.
  19. I voted "other." We have a television set, but we don't have cable or satellite or anything like that. We do have Netflix Streaming on the Wii. I have two tv shows I watch online. (It used to be a lot more, but I'm down to just one 1 hr show and one 1/2 hr show.) Dh usually doesn't watch anything on the computer, but he likes some reruns on Netflix. I try to limit time on the tv, but sometimes it is background noise. Ds3 like having Signing Time (whichever one is newest) on a lot.
  20. Idaho. Small, conservative government, lower cost of living than where we are now, no major natural deserters, not SEARING heat in the summer like where we are now, and the possibility of a white Christmas :001_smile:
  21. Is there a sink or tub you could sponge bathe her in?
  22. One super awesome spiritual experience, one cute/funny thing by ds3, one encounter online with a person who..... ugh. And I just noticed all the notes I wrote on the back of my hand to remember and somehow I forgot that I put them there! :eek: And I can't read 2/3 of it! :banghead::leaving:
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