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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. :iagree: I hate top sheets because I used to get tangled in them and I am afraid I'll get strangled in one. We don't use them and my kids have never heard of them.
  2. I want to be called Mrs. Warde IRL. :tongue_smilie: I'm young, but it's something I wanted to be called (Mrs.) for a long time before I met dh. But we haven't found a homeschooling group, and I only have one friend who has kids and they call me "Auntie First Name." So I made it my user name so you all have to call me that.:D
  3. :iagree: Ds5 begs for it every.single.day. He plays with the monsters off, and he builds incredible, crazy things, but he doesn't want to do anything else any more! He has trouble with people understanding what he's saying because he gets excited and talks really fast and doesn't take the time to enunciate. And all the wants to talk about is the "fix game" as he calls it. So because they don't understand the context they understand even less of what he's talking about. :banghead: But then the other day as he was talking to his Nana about it he told her that he said "you, Mommy, Dad, and I will play together. We will need 4 beds for everyone. You need 3 wool to make a bed so we will need 12 wool." That was cool. :tongue_smilie:
  4. Some people designate a different language for each room. What is the room you wish you had the most quiet in/do the least amount of talking? Communicate only in sign language in that room. :D Maybe the bathroom could be the Latin only room. Perhaps the kitchen or dinning room (if you don't do school there) could be the Spanish-only room. I know some bi-lingual families do this. Right now I wish the hall & stairs were sign language only. :glare:
  5. The library made me clean Is that a new way of paying off late fees?
  6. Hello and thank you for looking me up! I have no idea what you're looking for here, so pm me and let me know! :D

  7. :lol: I always snicker when someone uses the word "quack" to describe a doctor.
  8. Ds3 brought me a stuffed animal to play with his stuffed animal and it brought forth an interesting conversation with ds5 who wanted to play, too. One thing after another, including something ds5 learned playing Minecraft, and it turned into a lesson on cotton farms, modern farm equipment, and making cotton yarn in factories. :blink: I learned that I need to say "yes" more to my kids and less "not now I'm doing ____." I blogged about it if you're interested.
  9. That is the book I got, you do NOT need the Teacher's book. I also got the Kindergarten paper for extra practice. I know at the beginning there is a part about writing positions for lefties as well as righties. Other than that I believe they are suppose to write the letters the same way. This is a consumable book. It is full color on all pages and I don't think it would look very good in grayscale. It would probably be cheaper just to buy a new one when your next kid is ready.
  10. :lol: Well, I can definitely write about panicking! It would have to be a compilation of all the advice I got here. Hmm...maybe I could do that....
  11. The first lessons start out easy and depending on how much fun your kids is having can take anywhere from 15 minutes to over 30. After around lesson 20 (?) they take more and more time. I know some people stop at the 30 minute mark and whatever they don't finish pick up the next day. That however does not work with my math-loving ds5. And on days with the games it can take even longer. With the lessons with geoboards I do everything first, then do the geoboards. After we've done the lesson part I let ds5 play with the geoboards while I do other things (ideally cleaning, but more like being on here :D.) He can play with them for an hour, especially making music with the rubber bands. We've experimented with different rubber bands and the higher or lower tones. I almost got the right notes to play "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" once. :D Some lessons can be done once and other need more repeating. I LOVE to schedule out, but I can't do that very well with RS math. You have to be really flexible. But it is a lot of fun, so it makes you lose track of time. :001_smile:
  12. I would certainly be interested in reading something like that! :001_smile: But I don't think I have enough experience to contribute.
  13. Am I the only one who hates the CA weather? Okay, the mild winters are nice, if you only want to see snow for one morning/year. (We live in the foothills down Highway 50 from Tahoe.) But summers suck the life out of you (or at least me.) We went to the county fair on Saturday and it was over 102* by 2pm and we went at 6pm and it was still ridiculous. The only time I can let my kids go out to play is in the morning time in the small walled off patio when the sun is on the other side of the house. Ditto what everyone said about it being crazy expensive and the mismanagement of our government. The schools are in the bottom 10 in all the states (if that ever had to become an option for you.) Dh's company is planning on opening an office in Idaho. As soon as they do and accept his transfer request we are OUT OF HERE!! :auto:
  14. You could try gingerbread (the bread, not just the cookies.) From what I understand molassas is a good source of iron and the ginger can help with nausea. I didn't figure out it could help until after my last pregnancy (I can't stand ginger in most forms) but if I get pregnant again I'm definitely going to try it. I get anemic,too.
  15. The Playtex Coolster Tumblers are a LOT like the rim of a cup. And the lids fit on their other sippy cups if you have some.
  16. :lol: That's pretty funny. It took me a minute to realize why you thought that.:001_smile:
  17. Florida Keys I'm pretty sure locks and keys are the same in all 50 states. :001_smile:
  18. A.k.a a shameless promotion of my new blog. :D As our summer school my boys and my friend's daughter are working through the Evan-Moor Learning to Be a Scientist. To make them feel even more like scientists I turned men's long-sleeve button-down shirts that I got for $3 each at the thrift store into lab coats. I started a blog last Saturday talking about each activity in the book. Now I have a post about the lab coat making process. Check it out if you're interested!
  19. :grouphug: Sorry for the "sticky, brown, icky" stuff (as ds3 put it today) happening all at the same time. But yeah for it going to be over in only 9 months!
  20. Congratulations! :party: We start officially in August but we're summer schooing science and reading. :D
  21. Test was negative, but I still can't shake the feeling. I'll try again on Sunday if I haven't started my cycle by then. Thank you for the responses. :001_smile:
  22. My shoes say "I don't leave the house on the weekdays enough to justify replacing my scuffed up shoes." :tongue_smilie: My dress shoes say "I want to occasionally look fashionable, but understated." But no one ever seems to notice them! Hmm, maybe too understated....
  23. :iagree: A big group of kids at a (possibly) advertised event? My paranoid mommy genes starts thinking about pedophiles and kiddnapers. If the group is big they/your sister can't keep track of all of them. Can't you go afterwards?
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