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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. I took an expired test last night that was negative, so I want to be extra sure. Ds#1 was an evening test, but I was further along because I didn't realize how late I was. Ds#2 we kept testing every other morning or so because we just knew we were preggers, and we were testing kind of early. Scary thing: Ds5 a couple of minutes ago started talking about a baby inside of me and I was pretty sure dh and I had been discrete about talking about it, only using the "p" word instead of the "b" word. :confused:
  2. I'm pretty sure I'm late (I'm horrible about keeping track) even though dh and I were careful. I've been smelling things I don't usually smell/aren't expecting to smell and the 3-4 lbs of bloating that happens before my period isn't there. My friend is bringing over a test for me. But she's not going to be here for a while, and I kinda gotta go. My question is if I pee in a cup and save it will it still "work" an hour or so later? You know how they say if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans? I think I've been doing a bit too much of that lately. :tongue_smilie: TIA! ETA: I got my period today, four very stressful days later.
  3. For a mathy active boy I'd recommend Right Start math.That's when my wiggling DS started and he loves it.
  4. Aww :001_wub: I love it when little siblings try to be like big brother/sister.
  5. Keep in mind that homeschooling is more efficient than public schools. The younger grades do not require all day or even half day teaching.
  6. I suppose that's better than spending the money on it and then only using a tiny part of it before he skips ahead (making it un-returnable.) Think of all the money you're not wasting! :001_smile:
  7. I've only ever lived in bedroom-upstairs-only houses and I don't like the idea of sleeping on a different floor-level than my children.
  8. $9,350 quote...why couldn't my kids inherit my teeth Not a clever reply, but when I read this I thought she had a ton of gold fillings in her teeth and she wanted the kids to be able to take it out and keep it when she died.
  9. Builder Boy turns 6 in November, so we legally have to file for 1st grade (we're in CA.) He's all over the place skill-wise, but his age means he's a 1st grader.
  10. SIL insisted during a party game that bees and butterflies were not animals. :001_huh: In collage I was taking an early American history class (including the Revolutionary War period,) being taught by an English professor, who couldn't answer a question about when Americans started spelling like Americans instead of English people. :blink: So I raised my hand and told the student what I remembered of a biography about Noah Webster I had read in 8th grade. :glare: Short answer: yes. :lol:
  11. Awww, that's neat. :D I'm summer schooling my best friend's daughter 2x/week doing reading one-on-one and science all together. It's been fun, and a learning-about-teaching experience for me. :tongue_smilie:
  12. By "that culture" I meant the culture/groups of people that insists on women covering up completely. That is not restricted to nationality or geographic area. It is not everyone of other specific groups. It is a "culture" of complete covering. Like how you can be part of the "deaf culture" without having to be physically deaf. I wasn't talking about a face veil. I think the idea that in France the want to (already did?) make it illegal to cover the face is ridiculous (do they never have snow and cold winds?) I was talking about full body covering. And you're right, not all men control themselves. :glare:
  13. I think the BBC did a series of Shakespeare's plays. I really liked Merry Wives of Winsor. :lol:
  14. :lol: This reminded me of something I read (it was in a book. :tongue_smilie:) According to the book table skirts were invented/came into fashion (in the Victorian period?) because they were worried that the legs of a table would make men think of women's legs and become...um..you know....
  15. I always thought it ridiculous that in that culture women had to take all responsibility for what happened in mens' thoughts and pants. :glare: Seriously, are they so incapable of self control? How do they "keep pure" when they live in areas with non-covered up women? Do they just go around...um...with a tent in their pants? Or are they able to do what every other male in the world learns: control of self. (FTR:I believe the women should dress modestly. I understand that there are different ideas of "modesty." But I think making a woman completely cover up is ridiculous and demeaning.)
  16. I've put paint on the kids' hands and make hand prints on a shirt. I wrote "We Love Daddy" or "Ds5 and Ds3's Daddy." He wears them a lot. :001_smile:
  17. It's funny; I disappointed a lot of my family in several ways. I left the church/cult I grew up in and went "mainstream, " I married my high school sweetheart instead of the guy my Granny (grandmother who raised me) wanted me to. I got married right out of high school instead of going to collage. I have kids when my cousins who are the same age as.I am are.getting engaged. But my aunt, who at my 18th birthday party told my fiance 's parents that they should just give us a box of....raincoats....instead of getting married, recently told us that we were right to have kids so young because her own son was having kids in his early 40's and he and his fiance are just exhausted running after their kids. So, yes, my life didn't turn out anything like my family thought /hoped. And I'm okay with that.:001_smile:
  18. I want to be called Grandma!! But that won't be for a (hopefully) long time.
  19. I have been thinking about twin girl names lately! We're not ready right now, and we have no history of twins in the family, but it's still fun to think about! My twin girl names are Lilly Catherine (Lilly & Pure, Catherine after a very dear friend of the family who had no children of her own.) Evelyn Grace (Life & Grace.) My boy's names have such awesome name meanings (and we didn't even plan the first one's meanings) that I can't give any other kids names that have bad/not great meanings. Even thought I LOVE Emily (rival,) Julia (bearded!) and Caleb (dog.) Ds5's name means "the champion of God is the victorious one." Ds3's name mean "firm/enduring/steadfast gift of God." Which is what he needed to be in the NICU, born at 32 weeks with some problems. I don't want to even THINK about having twin boys! The idea of having 4 boys is terrifying! :lol:
  20. I haven't read all the posts. Has anyone mentioned if the sex was legal? Is the girl below the consent age in your state? How old is the "boy?" If she can't legally consent you most definitely must tell someone!
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