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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?t=407127 PVC Pipe :D
  2. I use sterilite stackable clear plastic drawers. I use them for the toys as well as school supplies. I don't do unit studies, but I keep all the flashcards in one drawer, all the HOP in another drawer, all the math manipulatives in another drawer, etc.
  3. Mine is about our school. I post 4-6 times a week, and I rarely mention God or my faith (typing and realizing that makes me feel bad :(.) The other blog in my signature is by another member on here and her blog is completely secular and she posts at least 3 times a week. She's an afterschooler, I'm teaching 1st grade and an early-reader pre-school.
  4. I'm trying, but I'm only on page 14 :svengo:It feels like it's getting bigger faster than I can read!
  5. We started our first official year on Monday! :party: Despite not having our spelling program yet and ds5.5 not being ready for WWE yet. We're planning on a year-round schedule, so I'm not freaking out about not doing half our language arts. Yet.
  6. Don't talk all the time about how you miss your grand kids and how you rarely see them and then don't make any effort to see them. When you live 5 minutes away. :glare:
  7. We really like the Crossover Pencil Grip. It keeps the fingers in place and they work for lefties as well as righties.
  8. School started in our county on Thursday (we started on Monday) but we aren't suppose to file until October. This is our first year to report. How do I prove we're not truant? Congrats on getting yours! I think I'll frame my letter when I finally get it. :001_smile:
  9. The threads about this show got me to finally watch the first Toddlers & Tiaras episode out of morbid curiosity. Wow. :blink: I'll probably watch the first Boo Boo episode, just to satisfy that morbid curiosity. But I'll try to fold laundry or something so I don't feel like it's a complete waste of my time.
  10. Dh is doing Evan-Moor's Beginning Geography with ds5 in the evenings. It is completely open-and-go, all I have to do is scan and print out the pages. It takes them about 5 minutes or less to do a worksheet. I tired to have him do The Nature Connection with ds on the weekends, but it didn't go well.
  11. Hmm. I've noticed that I tend to put a lot of commas in the middle of sentences when I'm writing. I've been taking them out because I thought it looked too informal. But I strive for a more professional/gramaticly correct look when I write here or on my blog. I guess I am old-fashioned. :tongue_smilie:
  12. Isn't that a rule? Are you not always suppose to put a comma at the end of the word before the "too" as in also? (Example: I want to go, too.) Or is it optional like the Oxford comma? I ask because my children are reading kid books with that comma missing and I am thinking about putting a comma in. How can I expect them to remember the rule if books aren't using it? Or am I wrong about that being a rule? What do you do? The poll is multiple choice!
  13. I am planning on starting this with ds3 soon. Before you start with the book, work on teaching your child quantities up to 10, showing numbers on their fingers the "right" way, and use (if you have them) blue and yellow blocks when teaching quantities to get them used to looking at numbers/items that way.
  14. My pastor's wife called ds5 by a shortened version of his name for a while. :glare: He has a beautiful name and I hate the truncated version. It always confused him when she called him that because he didn't identify himself as that. I finally got her to stop. I would never do that to someone. I call them what they introduce themselves/their kids as.
  15. I got a a recorded message call about lowering the rate on my credit card once. I pressed the number to talk to a representative and told the person I didn't have a credit card and I was concerned that someone had stolen my identity, and what do you know, she hung up on me! :tongue_smilie:
  16. Would pageant parents have to homeschool, considering how much time (I'm assuming) the contests and training takes? Or is there a "pageant season" that happens only when school is out?
  17. I love Hyacinth. :D My Granny loved that show but I didn't appreciate it when I lived with her. I think she really wanted to be like her, but my Papa definitely channeled Onslow at times.
  18. Wait, did I watch the right clip? Did I hear/understand it right? They spend a lot of money on toddler pageants, but buy their snack food at cheap auctions? :confused: And that deserves a tv show?!
  19. I know a lot of people on here had today as their first day of school so show me the pictures!! :D Pictures, links to blogs, tell us what you did, whatever! I was so excited to "officially" start today! And we actually got done before 11:00am, which probably won't happen very often since we are easing in to this. What did you guys do? Any First Day of School pictures? Special activities? Here's the link for my blog post about the day.
  20. 5 months. We had been talking and planning a while before that, though. He proposed on my 18th birthday a few weeks before my graduation. He was signed up to join the Army in January and we wanted to have some time together first.
  21. Isn't this heavily dependent on how large your social circle is? I think a percentage of divorces/how many couples you know would give you a better idea. I do not have a lot of friends/know a lot of people. Of my large family (which is not all in the same area) there have been 3 divorces (4 if you count my cousin's husband's divorces from the mother of his first 3 kids.) One was my Aunt and Uncle, one was my cousin and her cheating husband, and the other was my parents (dad was abusive and they're both in jail now.) On my husband's tiny family, his sister was emotionally unfaithful and they divorced 2 years ago. At the same time my dear friend found out her husband was sleeping around and they separated (I don't know if they're officially divorced, but he's been engaged to at least two other women since she found out.) That is actually a large percentage of my circle, even though it's a relatively small number.
  22. Ds3 was an early talker, but I don't remember anything about grammar. I just rmemeber talking to him was very easy. In fact, I'm having trouble telling a difference from then and now. Ds5, however, was not talking as well until after he was 3 1/2. I babysit my friend's 2.5 year old and I cannot understand a single thing she says, and when she does speak it's one or two word sentences. So there is a large range. My Understanding Children book says for 25-30 months, intellectual development: often calls self by own name; speaks 50 or more words, has a vocabulary of 300 words. Uses phrases and 3- to 4- word sentences; understands and asks for "another;" can point to and name own body parts when asked. 31-36 months, intellectual development: talks so that 75-80% of his speech is understandable. Uses 3- to 5- word sentences; may stumble over words sometimes-this is not usually a sign of stuttering; verbalizes toilet needs; uses plural and increases use of verbs. Begins use of adjectives and propositions; vocabulary of 900-1,000 words by 3 years. Uses verbal commands; gives full name when asked. Asks "What's that?"
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