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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. I agree with everything the OP said, but don't expect to get away with saying it on here. :tongue_smilie:
  2. It's real alright. Even at the kindergarten level. I asked my friend who has a daughter in pubic school what they did in school that day but she had no idea.
  3. Does he do all sight reading then? Would learning phonographs (it that the right word? Is it phonograms? I never get it right...) teach him the "variables?"
  4. :iagree: We're in CA, too. ETA: I read the post and while the title is very dramatic the post is only about why the author himself isn't homeschooling his own child. There is no case as to why homeschooling as a whole should be abolished, as the title suggests. I really don't think this needs refuting. It's his personal decision and I did not see in there (besides the stupid and misleading title) him saying that other people are bad Christians for not sending their children to public school. Also, it says he originally wrote the article in 2005. So his kid has been in ps for 7 years then. Why not ask the author how well his child has done winning souls in that environment?
  5. I know exactly what you're looking for, just give me a few minutes to search through my bookmarks. ETA: Here's the one I liked the most.
  6. That does help a lot, thank you for letting me know we need to review the S.P.A.R.K.S verses. They let my husband PAY for the books but they told him the kids had to come to a meting to get the books.
  7. I don't know about the books, but if you don't know there is a BBC show based on HH that is awesome! A few people have most of the 4 series available in 9:00 chunks. Here is the first one. You can also search by bits/sketches if you know what to look for. But there is much more British history than American history. I think the American sketches were only about the pilgrims, cowboys, and a little bit of the civil war.
  8. :lol: I just asked ds5.75 to do it and he could only do it with his arm a bit behind his head. I guess he wouldn't be ready. :tongue_smilie:
  9. My cousin's kindergarten class had the kids bring in plastic spoons to represent sperm. :blink: In my 6th grade class our teacher had our groups each learn a part of the information and then present it to the rest of the class. (The school was trying something different with that class, groups and rotating stations, so I don't know if that was true for the rest of the school.) I don't think we got all the right details that way.
  10. My birthday is mid-May and they let me into kindergarten at age 4 (I turned 5 a week before school was over.) Dh was held back in kindergarten and did an extra year of it. I'm glad because we met in high school and if we had gone to school now I would have been a freshman and he would have been a senor and we likely wouldn't have met. The cut off for kindergarten here just became November 1, and I think they are moving it to October 1 next year, and September 1 after that. Not sure why, though.
  11. 123 I Can Build looks like it could give a good hands-on intro to architecture. You can look at the projects in the book on Amazon.
  12. Ds5.75, 11-14-2006 1st Grade, 17.5 when graduating high school They have been moving up the cut off date so if he had been born a year later he wouldn't be allowed in kindergarten. His leader last year told me he was the youngest kid in the K level of AWANAs.
  13. Yea, I get to be the first to welcome you! There is a lot of good stuff on here, if you can search it out. I'm just now teaching a 1st grader so I'm not much help. Those things you were told are all things that homeschooling parents, both new and experienced, deal with and the expression I've heard on here is "pass the bean dip." Pretty much meaning don't bother trying to convince other people because you're most likely not going to change their minds. Do some searches because I've heard all of these issues being addressed and discussed before, I just can't remember the individual threads. Good luck!
  14. Reading more, I see that they all have to work on the same sections at the same time? How is that possible? Do they have to wait for everyone to finish? How many kids get left behind? And the kids who know it can't move on? That doesn't seem great.
  15. Perfect! Thank you! Last night was the first day for kids to show up, not just registration. But they wouldn't give anything for my kids until they actually showed up (hopefully next week.) Thank you again! :001_smile:
  16. AWANAs started over here last night but the kids were too sick to go. I had dh go over anyway and register, hoping we could get the books and start working on them so the kids wouldn't be behind, but they wouldn't give them to dh. Last year ds5.5 did Sparks and he had to learn John 3:16 and the pamphlet questions to get his vest and book. Ds3 is starting Cubbies this year and they wouldn't tell dh what he had to do to get his vest. Can someone on here tell me, please? Is there a verse we could be working on? And is there another one to earn the next Sparks book? Ds5.5 missed several classes due to sickness last year and he just barely finished his book. I hate the idea of starting the year a week behind already. :(
  17. That is exactly the first thing I thought of! :D and I was trying to figure out how to spell it.
  18. Everything my ds5.5 knows about baby making he got from Minecraft. :001_rolleyes:There all you have to do is feed two animals wheat and POOF a baby animal. The other week he told me you needed two girl camels to make a baby girl camel. :lol: It is possible your older child knows more than you think and just isn't talking about it. Congrats on the new baby!
  19. My grandmother told me the true story of when her daughter (my aunt) had loose laces on boots while going on an escalator and they got stuck on the very end and it trapped her feet. Ever since then I checked my laces before I got on one and I hop over the last part.
  20. We are doing numbers the Right Start way, with 5 as one motion (which makes more sense to me) and 8 that starts as an S and then gets finished. I don't remember how I was taught, but I thought the 5 where you go back to finish the top takes longer.
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