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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. My mother told me the other day that she only signed (ASL finger-spelling) or wrote sentences with an even number of letters. If it was odd she would add an old numbered "and, the" etc. so it would be even. I can't imagine counting every single letter! I have my weird things, and so does dh. We kid each other about it. Among other things I arrive extra early to the movie theater and count the seats in a row so I can have the exact center seat in the third row back. Our usual theater has an aisle/entry ramp only on one side so I have to compensate. We went to a different theater last Sunday and it had a ramp on each side and an odd number of seats. I was in heaven. :001_wub:
  2. Ds3 would have protested, too. He only likes his spinach raw. :D I like what you did with making them make their own dinner. :001_smile:
  3. I got my first part-time job at 14 because my grandmother/guardian said to the lady "I don't know what I'm going to do with her for all that time" because it was the Christmas break of 1999 and we got an extra week because of Y2K fears. Right in front of me. It was only going to be 3 weeks off. :glare: I went to a private school that used the ACE workbooks; school got out at 12:30/1:00. My grandmother signed me up for every extra thing they had so I wasn't home until later in the afternoon; whether I wanted to do them or not. I really hope these mothers aren't saying this in front of their kids. :(
  4. My oldest woke up puking and did it a few more times. :( Luckily when I became a mom a switch went off in my head and puke and poo and nose bleeds no longer bother me. Probably no school/very light school today.
  5. k-mart has a t-ball set for $15. I got it as a present for a 3 year old and he loved it. My boys love it as well.
  6. Neighbors who picked up their dog's poop. We are in a rented townhouse/apartment and the next door neighbors let their dog poop all.over. the common area grass in front of our place. And they leave it there. :glare: It's disgusting, and my kids can't play there. For a week I would go out every other day, collect all the poop from the grass, and put it in a pile on the edge of the walkway. They got the hint...for a while. But it's back to being nasty and unhealthy.
  7. As someone who grew up in a church that believed celebrating birthdays is wrong my grandmother/guardian would have been upset if someone had tried to include me/sing to me at another person's party. But then, we never did go to other people's birthday parties. I wouldn't do anything for the other child. That is their parent's choice and you should respect that. This is about your daughter, keep it that. ETA: after reading the other posts it would have been very awkward for me to have received a gift in that situation. I get that you're trying to think of the other child's feelings, but if the parents have made this choice you could be putting them in an uncomfortable spot with their kid. I wouldn't do that if I were you.
  8. The only blog I read regularly is one that posts multiple times a week. I don't think people are going to keep checking your blog if you only post once or twice a month.
  9. You would probably get more experienced help on the Afterschooling board. That's all the help I can be, as my kids are not at that age yet.
  10. I ended up not using most of it, but I do think it's worth $5 at least. Mostly if you are looking for a kid 2-4. Year 5 is mostly learning a letter a week, which didn't fit my kids for that age. I do wish I had done more with it.
  11. Actually, with one of the new patches/updates you can in fact write in the books.
  12. I keep old ones for the kids to cut the pictures out for collages or school projects. I used old adds and had the kids made a food group collage out of them. But you might not want to ask me. I keep waaaaay to much stuff that could potentially be used as a project that doesn't actually get used. ETA: I take out the pages of old magazines that I want to save, articles, project ideas, recipes, and I put them in a binder with the pages in cheap page protectors.
  13. :lol: For those reading who already have Minecraft obsessed children, here is a really cool Minecraft themed party Nest of 3 here made for her son.
  14. Ahhh, yes, but you can't step on Minecraft! You can't strew it all over the place and make a horrible mess! I think that makes it at least slightly more valuable than Legos. ;)
  15. Sounds like the sort of thing I would want to hear/read in their situation.
  16. I actually wrote a blog post about what it taught my 5 year old and how he related it to our first lessons of SOTW, but he is 5.
  17. Thank you. The pound is closed so there is nothing they can do tonight, I think, except hope she finds her way back. They got her only last week so she's probably not going to. :( Her last owner died. My friends are being really nice about it, but I feel awful and responsible. I was leaving then then went back for something and that's wen the dog got out. I will post an update when I get one, but my friend's not expecting to find her tonight. Thank you for the prayers.
  18. Speaking of cupcakes my friend's (public school 1st grade) daughter told me today that she got to eat a cupcake in class because a classmate brought it in for their birthday and she was thrilled about it. :leaving:
  19. Update: They found her!! And she is now home! Thank you everyone for your prayers!!! :party: ....would you please pray for Babes? It's my friend's new pound rescue dog and she got out when I went to their house and ran away this afternoon. She's chipped so if she's found she can get returned, but she's a small, older dog and I could see her getting hit. My friend has two girls ages 6 and 2 1/2 who are worried and sad. Thank you.
  20. Horrible Histories. :D I recently discovered them and they crack me up. Here they are doing an Also, I post a (clean) funny picture/video every weekend on my blog. You can find them under Funny.
  21. Did I miss something? That didn't seem like much of an article to me. :confused: And "But if the number of kids who are homeschooled continues to rise, it may signal a noteworthy trend." I am pretty sure it's already a noteworthy trend, and has been for some time. :glare:
  22. Sorry, dh couldn't think of anything. Bumping for you in the hopes someone with an idea will see this.
  23. I put yes becuase I wish I could have been homeschooled by someone like myself now. It would not have been such a good idea to be homeschooled by my grandmother/legal guardian.
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