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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Wipe-Out? (Like snowboards in the snow) I am assuming these are vegetable sticks like carrots, celery, bell peppers? Or is it a veggie flavored dip for chips?
  2. Skinny Dipping :D (for the skinny strips of veggies that I assume is part of the veggie dip) I know that's probably not appropriate for kids. Sorry, that's all I could think of.
  3. Three thoughts: It doesn't seem fair to ask the kids that did get money to split it up evenly with the other kids. You said it was too much money to give the other kids the same amount, so drop that idea and don't look back. The other three kids are probably going to notice the extra things the two kids are going to spend the money on if it's hundred's of dollars. They will want to know where the money is coming from, and possibly wonder if it's from you. I would have the kids put it in a CD or some other interest/savings option and make them save it for collage/18 years old. ETA: In the future I would ask the BIL in advance not to give any more gifts to the children.
  4. I haven't read most of the other posts, but you said your sister has bad judgement when it comes to men and you're going to let a man you've never met before, with her choosing track record, stay overnight in the same house as your young daughter? That's a "no" for me. No offense to your sister, but you used the word "abuse" when you described her other boyfriends. Now she may have finally found a nice guy, but I wouldn't take the chance. Maybe nothing would happen, maybe something horrible could happen. I personally wouldn't take the risk. He can stay at a hotel or sleep in his car. Period.
  5. Here is my 1st Grade curriculum list on my blog complete with links to where to buy them/find more information.
  6. :lol: I watched that one last night. I stayed up waaaaaay to late watching. My only complaint with the show is I HAVEN'T SEEN ANY KILTS YET!!! :glare: But I do so love the British accents and the period costumes. :svengo:
  7. If you find them please let me know! I was going to look the DVDs up; I had completely forgotten about the different DVD compatibility zones! :(
  8. HOW have I not known about these before now?! They're HILARIOUS! I admit, I've done almost nothing in my free time besides watching clips on youtube. Did everyone know about these but me? It's Mrs. Mungo's fault. She posted the link and I got hooked. I've had the song stuck in my head since yesterday. For those of you who were like me only a few days ago it is a kids show based on the Horrible Histories books about all the gross, weird, gory, and poop of different historical periods. Check it out, but you have been warned, it's addictive. :D (I also love the song. I didn't know some of those came from him.)
  9. We drove by two schools and the school bus parking area to get to the library today. I pointed the schools out because I don't want my kids to be ignorant of such things. Ds5.5 asked about the big field and what they did on it. Then he told me he was glad that he does school at home with me. :001_wub: I got a little sad seeing the pictures of my best friend's daughter first day of school. But when I ask her (the daughter) if she did anything fun or exciting in school that day (NOT quizzing her, I swear) she rarely has anything to share that's she excited about. OP, remember why you're doing this. Remember that you don't have to get up early, get all your kids ready, and drive your kid to the bus stop an hour before school starts for a school that is five miles away. And take LOTS of pictures of all the fun stuff you're doing. Other parents only get that picture for the first day of school. You get to take pictures of all the projects and special times all the other days of school, too.
  10. I think this could easily be seen by the parent as an attack on the child /adult bullying the child. Especially by a parent who has dismissed the issue and believes her child to be faultless. As a parent I would have a problem with an adult bring it up again with my child instead of with me. Just my 2¢
  11. That sounds to me exactly what WTM suggests for the grammar stage. I have links to the encyclopedias recommended for first grade here on my blog. They history encylcodieas are recommended by WTM for all of the grammar stage. For more info check out chapters 7 & 8 of WTM for grammar stage advice on how to implement them. Chapter 16 has the information on using a history spine for the Logic stage and how to use it using outlining.
  12. :lol: Dh and I were walking past some horses last week and I got to say "well, that's a boy horse." The three horses my Papa had when I was a kid were all girl horses.
  13. Dh works in scrubs as a dental assistant and he changes out of his work clothes as soon as he gets home because he doesn't want to spread germs to us. The kids hug him as soon as he walks through the door, but he won't let them touch him more than that before he changes. So, yes, it would bother me.
  14. Hey, I have those! :D My high-school library was giving it away and I always loved classics so I took it. $60 does seem better than having to buy all of those books individually. And it's not like the works are going to change so if it's in good condition I say go for it.
  15. My best friend's public schooled daughter has been having crushes and dressing specifically for a special boy, wanting his attention, etc. since kindergarten. Lately it seems like she's hoping to have any boy like her. She asked ds5.5 to be her boyfriend and he said "yes" because he doesn't know that means anything other than friend-who-is-a-boy. But since then she's had a crush (according to her mother) on a boy in her class (1st grade.) I don't know what I'd do if she tried to kiss ds, though. I was kissing boys in kindergarten, but I came from an abusive situation and I got zero positive and physical attention at home and I was looking for love. I talked to my friend about that and she says that her daughter gets plenty of positive male attention from her father. I think part of it is from encouraging her daughter to watch Hannah Montana and having her dress us as her etc. when/since she was 3. :glare:
  16. We just started 1st grade with ds5.5. He turns 6 in November.
  17. Me: "You're a good reader, [builder Boy.] You know a lot of words." Builder Boy: "Yeah, I learned them from my Mama." :001_wub: (From the other day.)
  18. Would you please post a picture of this or tell me what it is? My public school education did not cover that and I'm curious.
  19. Maybe he was checking to see if it was a leap year?
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