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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. :lol: We're planning on getting that for Christmas over here. I got to play a bit with circuits for 1 week in 6th grade so I'm looking forward to playing with it, too. :D
  2. :iagree: What exactly is her experience/knowledge base of "where he should be?"
  3. Deviled eggs all the way! (Eaten with fingers.) Soft boiled eggs look gross to me and my granny's cold hard boiled eggs always had that gray edge around the yoke :ack2:, so I don't like those, either.
  4. "Finger OUT of your mouth!" "You can still be happy without being so loud!" "Say 'excuse me' when you make the stink, not after I smell it!" "There are enough ______ toys for both of you!"
  5. Oh, in case you haven't heard, Starfall.com is AWESOME.
  6. You can teach OPG without showing them the book. Whiteboards were a breakthrough for my ds. Also letter tiles helped a LOT, because he's a kinetic learner. The Teaching My Baby to Read blog link in my signature has a lot of home-made projects for kids learning to blend that you can make cheap.
  7. I tried and failed to get dh to teach out of the Nature Connection, which required doing and some coming up with stuff yourself. But he does do our geography which is open-and-go, do the worksheet in less than 10 minutes type stuff. So if you're going to get him do something it probably should be very simple and easy, requiring very little of him coming up with stuff himself. I'm sorry you're having to deal with a double standard attitude. :grouphug:
  8. Most people on this thread recommended either 1/2 in or 1 inch.
  9. I just checked WTM and it only says "once he's writing well." WWE: Strong Fundamentals just says first Grade. I've never noticed anyone saying what lesson in OPG. For me, I didn't want ds to be copying a lot of words that he couldn't read/didn't know many of the rules. I also want him to be comfortable writing letters fluently so that he isn't focusing so hard on making the letters that he can't pay attention to the sentence structure. Ds is a bit behind in handwriting, so we haven't started it yet. I am hoping to in a month. We went back to review, but ds can do up to Section 10 (lesson 94.) We have started FLL1, and he's doing fine.
  10. I like the way they put numbers. It really helps ds5.5 understand the difference between 15 and 50 when he hears it (1-ten-5 vs. 5 tens.) And the emphasis on 5 is going to help a lot, especially since they look at 6 as 5 &1, and 7 as 5 & 2, etc. But I suppose if you're not going to go through the curriculum, there isn't any point in learning to think that way.
  11. I post a funny on my blog every Saturday. Here's them all together (but I've only been posting for 3 1/2 months.) The possessed eggs is definitely my favorite. I LOVE *Clean* Funny Pics on facebook. Dh and I spent 2 hours once just looking at the pictures and cracking up. They're even funnier if you view many in a row and are laughing frequently. They have 200 pics for Dr. Who fans.
  12. Regular day here. We only have one car in our family so we drive dh to work on Wednesdays and that's our library/out of the house day. I'm trying to turn that into our art/music/review day but that's still being figured out.
  13. :lol: I went from this thread to facebook and I saw this picture:
  14. I started with the "Once I Saw a Little Bird" poem in the What Your Preschooler Needs to Know book, and then we did The Caterpillar poem from FFL 1. Both my 5.5 year old and my 3 year old have them memorized. I used a stuffed bird to animate the bird poem, and I used hand motions to help with the Caterpillar poem. I just read them three times in a row, once a day, and they picked them up. It also helped them when I wrote the words out, bigger than the book, with colored crayons on paper, so they could read it with ease.
  15. I saw a picture of some of the moms standing behind their pagent kids DRESSED THE SAME AS THE GIRLS and June in a glitz dress matching her daughter was :eek::blink::svengo:
  16. Maybe try this link? It's the home page rather than the specific post, but it's the most recent post so it's right there.
  17. I don't have a VSL learner, but this blog post by a member on here about it was really interesting.
  18. This would be a good reply for the "Death to Homeschooling" blog post mentioned on this thread. You should post the link over on the guy's blog.
  19. :iagree: If we are both sick than he HAS to be sicker than me. Which means I do the work and taking care of.
  20. We're using the Evan-Moore Workbook, so no help there. :tongue_smilie:
  21. Oh, duh! I just remembered that I made a page on my blog just for SOTW and it's in Chapter order. It has links for the activities and the books that we used (most of which wern't on the book's list) and where to find them in the library. I am updating it as we go along.
  22. Thank you. :001_smile: The clay tablet or paper scroll is chapter 3 and the Egyptian wig is for chapter 2. I'll fix those blogs so the posts say which chapter. I'm glad you noticed they were missing, thanks!
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