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Everything posted by theYoungerMrsWarde

  1. Absolutely. Our church doesn't do it, but two local churches host it for anyone who wants to join. This week is bring-a-friend week at ours. You can join at any time. Kids are welcome to visit any week to see if it would be a good fit, though they do ask you to join after two visits. With Sparkies (K-2) you start with a pamphlet about Jesus and John 3:16. Once you have that memorized and signed off you start with the Hanglider book and the kids do it at their own pace.
  2. It sounds like your child would enjoy AWANAs. Do you have a local group you could visit and see if you like?
  3. Okay. You said you were using a spelling program so I thought that was what you were talking about.
  4. Okay, not intending this to be mean or judgmental, but why are you having her write words she can't even read? :confused:
  5. You can do Story of the World and skip the gods parts. Just pre-read and skip what you don't like. Although they are mentioned I don't feel like they are the main focus. I've talked to my almost-6-year old and he knows about pretend gods vs. the one true God. It's really not an issue for us. Here's a link to the SOTW 1 things we've done this year on my blog.
  6. Definitely drop a K-1 science that expects kids to write! Or you could be her secretary and write her answers for her. Math at that age should also be very hands on, IMO. I don't know how Singapore works, does it use *fun* manipulatives? And for reading I would suggest moving to a white board for a while, use letter tiles, and don't let her see the book for a while. You can still teach from it without having her read it. This worked very well for ds5.5.
  7. We are buying ds a bunch of PVC pipe for his 6th birthday in November. Here's a thread about it.
  8. I was at a courthouse for a school project and I slipped in to a courtroom as a man was being sentenced for 225 years-life. :huh: After it was over the lawyers shook hands and one asked the other if that was the biggest sentence they had ever dealt with.
  9. My sister bought my boys little suits for her wedding in 3T and 4/6 boys on Amazon.com.
  10. Again, are you sure you're not talking about my kids? ;) My oldest doesn't seem to get "if he's screaming that means you STOP!" either. And of course, as soon as I separate them or put ds5.5 in time-out, ds3.5 wants to be with him and he cries when I keep them apart for a few minutes. :001_rolleyes: ETA: Sorry, I'm really not any help. Just thought you'd like to know you're not alone.
  11. Wow, are you sure you're not talking about my kids? Because they had a fight today about ds3.5's IMAGINARY pigs. Ds5.5 couldn't play with his own IMAGINARY pigs, nooooo, he had to mess with ds3.5's imaginary pigs. :glare: I'm getting sick of the screaming from the 3 year old, too. :glare:
  12. I got $6,582 once I noticed the smaller packages were oz. not lb.
  13. I apologize for not being more clear. I meant I didn't see any flaming post on this thread. Which is why I was surprised you seemed to think teachers were being attacked in posts on here.
  14. Jr. of high school I tried to read War & Peace because only really smart people read it. I didn't make it very far. All those Russian names that looked alike, I couldn't tell who was who! I hope you have better luck than I did finding a good, "smart" book. :001_smile:
  15. :grouphug: Speaking as a former child, kids can silently retain hurtful things said for a long time, especially if it comes from a family member who is suppose to love you. I think it would be best to protect your children from your grandmother-in-law by cutting off contact. It's sad, and it will probably cause some feelings of guilt, especially when they die, but it needs to be done.
  16. You know, Bill, I really didn't see any posts on here flaming teachers. I saw some genuine questions, and some appropriate, helpful answers.
  17. My best friend and her husband have an on going battle over her not wanting to do (and still refuses to do) something she told him before they were married that she would never do. He brings it up all the time, sulks, pressures, and gives her the silent treatment over it. :glare: That is not a healthy relationship IMO, and certainly not the spirit in which that thing should be done. (I don't know if this is the same situation the OP is in, but it kind of sounded like it.) I am sorry, I don't have any helpful advice to give you. If its about YOU doing something, YOU should choose, and he should respect you enough to let you make that decision.
  18. Definitely crochet. I like the fluffy baby soft/could yarn. If you use a giant hook, you can make a blanket in MUCH less time than it would take to knit.
  19. :smilielol5::smilielol5: Yes, laughing with you, not at you. :D
  20. I think a lot of people in the community see kids when they are tired/stressed coming out of school. Isn't that when the (public schooled) kids would be out and about? And at that same time there are a lot of other tired/stressed parents with them (I am assuming a weekday afternoon/evening.) I think that could lead to less than stellar behavior, and that could be what store clerks, after school instructors, etc. could be basing their comparisons on.
  21. I, too, thought that was very strange (the sentencing differences.) I peronally know about a case where a couple was convicted of child abuse of 9 children (all their own) and multiple assault counts. The mother got 20 years and the father got 29 years. So why did this other mother get 99 years?
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