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Jennifer in NH

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Everything posted by Jennifer in NH

  1. :iagree: This was my thought too...The more wrods children know, the better they will be later on..now I wouldn't be testing my kids on the vocabulary (although they are 6 and 8), I would be using it around them! My kids amaze other people with their lexicon...I love it!
  2. I had never thought of this either, now I'll be looking for ideas for premade lunches! This board is great in so many ways!
  3. I feel angry for here! I think that making your rules clear before hand is the key! All the advice you have received has been great! Jenny
  4. I love both non homoginized milk and raw milk...I have only found a source for either of them when I am on vacation in another state and it is a bit cost prohibited...oh well, I have really fond memories of my grandmother taking some of the cream off the top for her coffee! So, now we buy the stuff in the summer when we can, but I find myself all year long, shaking the jug of milk....:lol: like it makes any difference with the store bought stuff!;)
  5. I like and DH doesn't: tomatoes, green peppers (even the smell), corned beef and cabbage...that's all I can think of right now.... as for the other way around: he likes really spicy sausage and pepperoni and I do not. Oh yes, he loves Mt. Dew and I cannot stand the stuff!:)
  6. This summer I started to make most of the kids clothes. DD loves to wear dresses and we mostly wear longer ones that aren't so common in the stores...so I bought, and then modified, a few patterns and it is a lot cheaper. My son wanted the same treatment so now I am making his shirts for him. I cannot make jeans though, nor winter coats....nor boots.etc... I shop yard sales in the summer and pre buy whatever I can find that is in good condition and quality for many upcoming years....we also shop occasionally at the Salvation Army store and a church consignment shop. We also hand down anything reusable....I used to dress my DD more like a boy than I do now.....plus my oldest boy used to love pink...that was pretty useful! I buy socks and some shoes for my toddler...but most of his clothes are from his older siblings. My oldest son (6), I spend about $100 per year for new jeans and socks and underwear, sweaters etc.. So far I have been able to hand down winter coats all but one year. DD 8, I probably also spend about $100 a year on...including in material to make those dresses. I tend to buy or make most items on the large side so that she will wear them for more than 1 year...hopefully! Last years winter coat still fits..hopefully it will still fit in January, but if it doesn't. it is blue, so it will be handed down! Sorry about the rambling!
  7. I've done a bit of this, this year as well....I like open and go in theory, I just need to let go of the feeling that if I am not doing everything, I am not doing enough!
  8. just wondering, Today DD turns 8 and we are not doing any school work, so my answer is yes....any one else or do you keep right on working?
  9. every Friday the sheets get washed. We use Down Duvets on top and the duvet covers only get washed once a month.....mostly because it is a pain in the neck to get them all back on!;)
  10. We do schoolwork in the evenings when the mood strikes me...so far the kids seem to like it and do well. by then the toddler is asleep so there aren't as many distractions. Evening work is wonderful on days like today when I just cannot seem to get going in the morning....The kids aren't as fidgity in the evenings as they are in the mornings or afternoons....I just have to make sure that we have a light dinner or an easy dinner so there isn't so much clean up! If cleaning up after dinner takes up too much of my time and energy then I don't want to any schoolwork in the evenings!
  11. MP Christian Studies? Any catholics around here who have used this? I was wondering if you liked it, if there is anything else out there, if there are major or minor concerns? I have been to All Catholic books to see that they have a download for the memory verses from a Catholic Bible...so If I use this program I will use the memory verses from the free download... but is the Christian Studies program a good one? Thanks in advance..... Jenny
  12. full fat stuff all the time, and as little sugar as possible! And I am still laughing at the low fat cheese tasting like soap!:lol: too funny!
  13. This is just about how I feel...all these cool names and I just cannot come up with one! I keep thinking of latin phraes and adding Academy after it....but so far, nothing rings true! Sorry I cannot be more help, but you are not alone!
  14. Almost...I would be voting for Bob Barr if McCain had chosen Libermann. I hate the lack of quality in our canidates....here in NH our Senator is running reallly wishy washy commercials that make me scream...he is running away from conservatism and I really think because of that he will lose, after all...why would a Democrat vote for a Republican who votes like a Dem...why not vote for the actual democrat...and why would Republicans go vote for him when he votes as if he is a dem...okay, rambling and off topic... as for how to fix it..I'm at a loss...I don't want to vote third party yet....I was thinking about it over the summer but came to the conclusion that it wasn't yet an option for me....for the record I usually vote for who I want on the Supreme Court....I haven't been thrilled wish Bush, but he did exactly what I wanted him to do in getting Alito and Roberts on the Court (albeit, after that fiasco with Harriet Myers).... By the way, I am enjoying this thread...it is interesting how differently we all think....I'm only up to page 4 so far, but the can't be too bad...it hasn't been closed yet!;) Jenny
  15. I am really trying not be be snarky, flaming or anything but respectful...but from where i am coming from politically ...very conservative...it really doesn't matter to me what any article says, in my opinion...and this is just my opinion...I will vote Republican this election because the democrats just do not represent anything I stand for and, for the most part, the Republicans do.
  16. I cannot watch the olympics and that is one reason...it makes me so mad that with all those NBC stations, not only are most events not live, they only show portions of some and some events they don't show at all! I like watching some of the really "bad" (relatively) atheletes so I can gauge just how good the good ones are..does that make sense? Also..can't soap operas and game shows take a 2 week break...geesh..i'd rather watch swimming! That's my rant ! jenny
  17. Wow! That's about all I can say..wow! Jenny
  18. We have laminated maps and they are actually screwed to the wall!:001_smile: I like the magnetic idea though! Jenny
  19. :iagree:. Wow, we went away for 2 months and now some of you really pack a wollop when it comes to repping! Plus, It is hard to imagine all those posts I've missed...I looked and saw some people at over 3000 posts..oh my! I love moving up a level too! I won't for awhile though...we go away again on Saturday for another 5 weeks, but then I'll be back for 8 months straight and get to Queen Bee then! Yes, aim high!:D Now, I need to go and look up how many posts Empress Bee is! Jenny
  20. Me too! Or whenever the toddler is napping! Sometimes a bit later....
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